Published at 10th of January 2022 09:05:11 AM

Chapter 111

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Wang Haoran found that in the system mall, a large amount of Qi can be exchanged for a small amount of aura according to a certain proportion.

Aura is a kind of thing, which is unique to those who cultivate immortals.

Pessimistic point of view, there may be Xiuxian protagonists in this world.

Because some of xiuxianliu's novels, the protagonists in the early stage of the plot are in the city. After the city is finished, they rush out of the earth and then go to other planets.

For example, what kind of small farmers get the heritage of cultivation, the immortal return to the city, the Immortal Emperor return to the city, the Immortal King return to the city, the devil emperor return to the city and other types of novels, in which the protagonists are all immortal.

The protagonists of xiuxianliu are very indifferent to life. They regard human life as a piece of grass and depend on themselves to cultivate immortals. Killing villains is like cutting vegetables, and there is no evidence left.

It's lawless.

If you really meet the protagonist of cultivating immortals, even if Wang Haoran's internal skill is high, he will only be killed in seconds.

How can a martial arts practitioner ever beat a Xiuxian?

It's always good to plan ahead.

In order not to be cut as a dish by Xiuxian protagonists, we must make ourselves strong as soon as possible.

Try to squeeze more villains from the weaker protagonists. As long as you exchange for a large amount of Qi, you can turn these Qi into aura.

From martial arts to immortals.

Just as Wang Haoran was thinking about it, Zhen Li came to the bedside and had already expressed her sympathy to Tang.

Then she looked at her son.

Seeing this, Wang Haoran immediately put away his thoughts and was ready to say hello to Tang.

"Grandfather Tang, I am..."

Wang Haoran gently grasped Tang's hand. He was just about to introduce himself and say more words of sympathy. But before he finished, he suddenly looked at Tang strangely.

Although his face was white and he looked like he was going to die, he had a peaceful and healthy pulse.

This guy is obviously pretending to be ill, so as to force Tang Bingyun to get married.

Bad old man is really bad, even his granddaughter pit!!!

Wang Haoran saw through Tang Lao, but on the surface, he remained silent.

If you expose old man Tang face to face, it is tantamount to beating him in the face. If you don't get it right, you will still have a stiff relationship with old man Tang.

This is not worth the loss.

Just know the key information of Mr. Tang pretending to be ill.

The question of whether the engagement is successful or not lies in Tang Bingyun.

As long as Tang Bingyun can stand it, the marriage will never be successful.

After sorting out these ideas.

Wang Haoran expressed his sympathy to Tang Bingyun as a younger generation. Then, he suddenly said to Tang Bingyun:

"Aunt Tang, I asked you to help me choose that jade necklace last time. Should I have chosen it?"

Wen Yan.

Tang Bingyun was stunned, then immediately responded and nodded his head

"Yes, it's in my room. You can take it with me."

They left everyone's view and came to Tang Bingyun's room.

"Now there's no one else. What do you want to tell me?"

Tang Bingyun Bing Xueming, of course, understands that Wang Haoran wants to talk to her in private.

"Your grandfather is pretending to be sick." Wang Haoran said straight to the point.

"Pretend to be sick... How do you see that?" Tang Bingyun was stunned.

"How was your grandfather before? What's your appetite for dinner? "

"Blood pressure is a little high, a little rheumatism, eating appetite is very good." Tang Bingyun recalled, and then responded.

"People with gastric cancer, and they are still in advanced stage of gastric cancer, will not have such a good appetite." Wang Haoran guided Tang Bingyun's thinking:

"And if you think about it for yourself, it's strange that your grandfather didn't get sick sooner or later, but when he proposed the engagement, he suddenly fell ill and was still terminally ill when you didn't agree to it."

Hearing this, Tang Bingyun also doubted.

"Then I'll ask you again, who is the person who examined your grandfather?" Wang Haoran asked while the iron was hot.

"It's my grandfather's personal doctor. I've been seeing him for about 15 years."

"I'm so familiar. Your grandfather asked the doctor to tell some lies. Isn't that a simple thing?" Wang Haoran said.

Tang Bingyun nodded with approval, but he still had some doubts.

"But I saw my grandfather spit blood."

"The actors in the TV series still spit blood."

"It seems that my grandfather had guessed that I would not agree, so he set a good set ahead of time..." Tang Bingyun completely cleared up his mind, and his doubts were gone.

"Grandfather is really, pretending to be ill and cheating me to get married. I'm going to expose him now." The sadness in her heart was gone and replaced by anger.

"Now you go to expose your grandfather. He can turn his head and threaten you by jumping off a building. What will you do then? You can't change your grandfather's determination to let you get married by this way. You'd better give up the idea of exposing your grandfather's western mirror. " Wang Haoran dissuaded.

"Then... What should I do?"

Tang Bingyun because of the engagement, plus grandfather pretended to be ill, make her heart some chaos, for a time also had no idea, can only ask Wang Haoran for advice.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to help you." Wang Haoran has grown up and is relieved.

Tang Bingyun was moved and looked at Wang Haoran in a dazed way.

[Ding, Tang Bingyun, one of the female owners, has increased his liking for the host by 5, and the current total liking is 60

[Ding, the host stirs up the heroine Tang Bingyun's heart and gains 100 villain points!]

"Why are you so nice to me?" Tang Bingyun cold eyes at the moment become particularly soft, staring at Wang Haoran asked.

"Aunt Tang, you are so beautiful. Like a fairy, that man is not worthy of you. I really can't see it. Of course I have to help you." Wang Haoran couldn't tell his true thoughts, so he made up a reason.

That's all

Tang Bingbing was a little lost in his heart, but he covered up his face very well.

"Has that man ever asked you out?" Wang Haoran asked.

"He wanted to ask me out for dinner, but before I thought my grandfather was seriously ill, I was not in the mood, and I didn't like this person, how could I promise him?"

"No, you promise him." Wang Haoran gave a mysterious smile.

"Ah?" Tang Bingyun thought he had heard wrong, but he was stunned.

"I'll go with you then." Wang Haoran winked at Tang Bingyun.

"What do you mean..." Tang Bingyun understood and guessed vaguely.

"Yes, let him retreat."

"But will he believe it?" Tang Bingyun thinks this method is not very good.

"I will have a way to make him believe it, but aunt Tang, you must cooperate with me." Wang Haoran wants to give her a vaccination.

"How to cooperate?"

"You'll see when I look and act." Wang Haoran said vaguely.

"Good." Out of the trust in Wang Haoran, Tang Bingyun did not ask much and nodded his head directly.

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