Published at 10th of January 2022 09:05:00 AM

Chapter 125

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A BMW X1 stopped outside the villa. It was obviously very poor against the backdrop of millions of luxury cars around.

A middle-aged couple and a beautiful young woman walked down from the car.

"I don't know what I've done in my last life. I've got such a son-in-law to get a good car. He's got a broken BMW X1. It's useless." The middle-aged woman complained bitterly.

"We gave him a few hundred yuan. It's not bad to rent a BMW X1." The middle-aged man interjected.

"Don't mention it. I'm angry when I mention it. Other people's sons-in-law make tens of millions a year. They have villas and luxury cars. What about ours? Even if we don't have a job, we have to pay for it. " The middle-aged spatter of attack, vent the resentment in the heart.

"He does housework and cooking at home every day, and has no time to go out to work." The middle-aged man said.

"You're also a waste. You've got so much profit and loss in your business that you've sold both your villa and your Porsche. I think I was a beautiful woman in those days, and my pursuers lined up a few streets. How could I have taken a fancy to you?" The middle-aged woman was so angry that even her husband scolded her.

The middle-aged man was speechless.

"Mom, you can just say it at home. Now you are outside, can you say less?" The beautiful woman couldn't help saying.

"It's no use for you. Your mother, I made you so beautiful. I'm looking forward to finding a son-in-law for me. You're good. I'm angry to find such a son-in-law for me." The middle-aged woman accused her daughter together.

"Ma, can I be to blame? Am I willing to marry? " The beautiful woman was so aggrieved that her eyes almost misted.

Although the middle-aged woman had a bad temper, she couldn't bear to go on talking when she saw her like this. She immediately shut up.

"Blame me, blame me!" The middle-aged man's face was full of pain, and he hammered his chest with his hand.

A year ago, he made a series of losses in his business and went into debt.

After discussing with his wife, he decided to find a fortune teller in an attempt to change his fortune.

The fortune teller said that he was doomed to lose money. He started his business just now and will be even worse in the future.

Scared, they asked the fortune teller how to crack it.

The fortune teller said that his daughter's fate clashed with them.

If it's cracked, we need to recruit a special husband to marry their daughter.

They listened to the fortune teller and found a tramp according to his instructions.

Then, they forced their daughter to marry the tramp when she didn't want to.

After marriage, the family's troubles are really less. Although they don't make much money, their life is gradually stable.

But gradually, the middle-aged woman was dissatisfied with her son-in-law.

Because the son-in-law is so useless that he is useless except for doing housework and cooking.

She is such a beautiful daughter that she married such a useless waste. She is just a flower on the cow dung.

"Dad, don't do that." When the beautiful woman saw her father's self mutilation, she held him tightly.

"Don't make a fuss. This time, it's not easy to get an invitation to attend this kind of high-end cocktail party. We have to make good use of it. If we can be strong enough to be a noble person, our family may be able to turn over." Middle aged woman zhengse said.

His husband is now a contractor, and he has recruited a lot of people, but he hasn't received the project yet.

If you are lucky enough to have some people from related industries at the banquet, and then contract a project, you will have a chance to turn over.

The three came to the hall of the villa.

The hall is so large that it can almost catch up with the hotel auditorium.

"You see, the woman in the dress, the diamond on her dress is dazzling. She must be a rich man. I'll get to know her quickly."

The middle-aged woman caught a glimpse of a rich woman with a wine glass in front of her and suddenly said something to her husband and daughter.

"Hello, beautiful lady. Your dress is so beautiful." The middle-aged woman boasted before she walked forward, hoping to draw closer.

Zhen Li was very smart. She sniffed the perfume smell of a woman's body and judged it was a small role.

Because the smell of the perfume is inferior. It must be a bargain. It's estimated to be hundreds of dollars.

Those who can use inferior perfume must be very poor.

To deal with such people is to lower one's identity.

"Go away, I don't love the perfume smell on you." Zhen Li waves impatiently and makes a gesture to drive her away.

The middle-aged woman's face stagnated and she felt very embarrassed.

"If we don't want to talk about it, we can say why we want to belittle people."

The beautiful woman follows her and sees that her mother is wronged, so she says something to Zhen Li.

"I need you to teach me how to speak. What's your name?" Zhen Li snorted coldly.

The middle-aged man also came. Without waiting for his daughter to reply, he took the conversation and said tactfully:

"I'm sorry, boss. My name is Yang Tai. This is my daughter Yang jingwan. This is my wife Li Manli. I'm sorry to bother you. Let's go now."

Words fall, Yang Tai immediately with his wife and daughter ready to leave.

At this time, Wang Haoran came back from the bathroom.

"Mom, these are..." Wang Haoran looked at Zhen Li with inquiring eyes.

"A few small characters, ignore them." Zhen Li said.

Wang Haoran did not reply, but subconsciously looked at Yang jingwan.

Nothing else. He just thinks that Yang jingwan is very beautiful.

If the full score is 100, Yang jingwan can score 95 for her temperament, 96 for her beauty and 97 for her figure.

Overall, this is a beauty with an average of 96.

When Zhen Li sees her son looking at Yang jingwan, she stops the family who are about to leave

"Wait a minute."

"Boss, what else can I give you?" Yang Tai looked back and asked.

"Come here, my son wants to meet you." Zhen Li ignored Yang Tai, but pointed to Yang jingwan and said.

Wang Haoran takes back his eyes from Yang jingwan and looks at Zhen Li speechless.

Zhen Li winked at Wang Haoran, as if to say: son, you're welcome, this is what mother should do!

Looking back at Yang jingwan again, she stood in the same place and didn't move. Zhen Li immediately urged her:

"I told you to come here, can't you hear me?"

Yang jingwan couldn't help looking at Wang Haoran. Her handsome face made people feel good at once. However, she was a conscientious woman, so she said directly:

"I'm married."

It's a pity that such a beautiful and young woman is someone else's wife.

Wang Haoran sighed to himself, raising a burst of regret like the inertia of normal men.

Immediately, his interest in Yang jingwan was greatly reduced.

When he saw that Yang jingwan was so beautiful, he suspected that she was the mistress.

But she's already married. Is it possible that she's still a mistress?

Yang jingwan is not a model for a female iceberg CEO.

Get married at the beginning, in addition to the iceberg female CEO type novel, there are such female owners?

No, it seems to be true.

Wang Haoran suddenly thought of a novel genre of dog blood routine.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!