Published at 10th of January 2022 09:04:38 AM

Chapter 149

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Ma Hongsheng wakes up worried about Cheng Rui, so he leaves his ward to have a look.

Cheng Rui hasn't had a rest yet, but is watching with an economics book.

Ma Hongsheng was not surprised because it was a habit of Cheng Rui.

Cheng Rui is a top student in a famous school with profound knowledge.

Unlike other rich wives, she is not devoted to dressing up and maintaining herself. Instead, she likes reading books and even sees them late at night.

Ma Hongsheng is very happy about this.

"I'm not disturbing you, are I?" Seeing Cheng Rui put the book down and looking this way, Ma Hongsheng asked with a smile.

"I just read a book to pass the time. How can I be disturbed?" Cheng Rui restores the soft appearance of being knowledgeable and reasonable, and responds.

"How do you feel? Does the wound on your neck still hurt?" Ma Hongsheng looks concerned.

"It's all right."

"Don't do such stupid things in the future." Ma Hongsheng looks distressed.

In his opinion, Cheng Rui is too concerned about himself, so he chose to die.

While talking, Ma Hongsheng goes to Cheng Rui and wants to catch her and chat with her.

However, Cheng Rui is suddenly reflexive, not waiting for Ma Hongsheng to touch his hand, he took it back.

"You blame me for not trusting you, so you're still angry, aren't you?" Seeing Cheng Rui's resistance, Ma Hongsheng said quickly.

Cheng Rui's mind is complicated.

She didn't withdraw her hand because of Ma Hongsheng's distrust, but because she resisted Ma Hongsheng's contact with herself.

This kind of feeling is like a man's imprint in his heart, so he can't make Enron contact with another man, so he has a sense of resistance.

"I apologize. It's my fault."

When Ma Hongsheng sees Cheng Rui not talking for a long time, he thinks she is still angry, but he doesn't know that she is thinking of another man.

Cheng Rui didn't pay attention to Ma Hongsheng's words.

But fortunately, without waiting for Ma Hongsheng to detect something, the sound of a mobile phone call rang.

Ma Hongsheng answers the call.

The person on the phone said something. Ma Hongsheng's face was almost visible to the naked eye, and he became angry and manic.

"Rebellious son, rebellious son!"

After listening to the phone call, Ma Hongsheng lost control of his mood and immediately stamped his feet and yelled.

"What happened?" Cheng Rui was awakened by Ma Hongsheng's action and immediately recovered.

"The lawyer called and said that the rebellious son had been drinking with some friends, but somehow he had a conflict with others. He picked up the bottle and smashed people in the head, causing serious injuries. Now he is sent to rescue." Ma Hongsheng hates iron but not steel

"The lawyer said that the rebellious son was suspected of intentional homicide, and now he has been arrested."

Cheng Rui hears speech, slightly surprised.

Although Ma Weicai had been fooling around before, he still had some sense of propriety. Now he has made such a big deal, which is really beyond his expectation.

However, she suddenly thought of some words Wang Haoran had said, and suddenly realized something.

Ma Weicai caused a lot of trouble this time.

If the injured can be rescued, Ma Weicai's guilt can be alleviated.

If he can't be rescued, he will have to sit for ten or twenty years to come out.

In the past ten or twenty years, the outside world must have changed.

This is a good thing for Cheng Rui.

"ARI, take a rest first. I'll go and have a detailed talk with the lawyer to learn more about the situation." Ma Hongsheng is very confused in his heart. After saying hello to Cheng Rui, he leaves immediately.

After Ma Hongsheng left, Cheng Rui picked up a piece of paper from under her pillow, which was put together with a mobile phone number.

After a little hesitation, he applied to add wechat friends associated with this mobile phone number.

On the other side.

Wang Haoran is having dinner at the lovers' restaurant.

When you see an application prompt on wechat, click to open it, and a note message is attached to the application prompt:


Wang Haoran didn't understand the three groups of figures, but he agreed to apply for friends.

"I want to know, what did you do to Ma Weicai?" Cheng Rui can't suppress her inner doubt and sends a message to ask.

Seeing the tone of the news, Wang Haoran immediately recognized that it was Cheng Rui.

"I said it was a secret." Wang Haoran returned a message.

"I've told you the secret you need to know. It's your turn to tell me." Cheng Rui sent a message saying.

Wang Haoran was stunned subconsciously, and then he realized the meaning of the three groups of numbers "91, 58, 89".

This excellent 3D can be a supermodel.

However, he has some doubts.

Is Cheng Rui in such a good shape?

During the day, Cheng Rui wears loose clothes.

Wang Haoran really didn't pay much attention to her figure, and he didn't have that strange idea about Cheng Rui, so he wouldn't use perspective to look at her.

I don't know if what Cheng Rui said is true.

He made up his mind that when he saw Cheng Rui next time, he must pay attention to see if Cheng Rui was lying.

"How can I cooperate with you if I'm so dishonest?" See Wang Haoran did not return the news, Cheng Rui urged.

"I put some neurotoxins on him, which will make him very manic and irritable." Wang Haoran confessed.

He's not afraid of Cheng Rui.

First, Ma Wei is Cheng Rui's thorn.

Second, Cheng Rui can gamble with her life to save herself. How can she sell herself.

"How did you poison Ma Wei?" See Wang Haoran's explanation, Cheng Rui fully understand, but she still some doubts.

Because Wang Haoran was almost always in her field of vision, she did not see any clue that Wang Haoran poisoned Ma Weicai.

"That's another secret." Of course, Wang Haoran will not say it for nothing.

"Ask what you want to know." Cheng Rui is also on the road, immediately understand the meaning of Wang Haoran.

"What are you wearing? Let me see. "

"You've seen a lot of blue and white uniforms in hospitals, but if you want to see them, I'll take them for you."

"You don't think I want to see your uniform, do you?"

Wang Haoran thought it was funny, so he sent out this message.

However, Cheng Rui didn't move.

Wang Haoran didn't urge him either. He left his cell phone aside and devoted himself to dining with Tang Bingyun.

After three rounds of questioning, Cheng Rui could struggle from afternoon to night.

At this moment, I think I'm going to be more entangled.

Of course, the reason why Wang Haoran asked this question was not because he had bad taste or was interested in her.

But I want to defeat Cheng Rui's psychological defense.

Because Cheng Rui can control his emotions too much.

In order to cooperate with her happily in the future, she must be obedient and obedient.

Otherwise, why should she become a puppet?


Late at night.

Tang Bingyun has fallen asleep because he is too tired.

Wang Haoran is full of spirit. At the moment, he is not sleepy, so he looks at his mobile phone for a while.

By monitoring the virus, Wang Haoran found that Yang jingwan was still awake and was operating his mobile phone.

He can see the screen of Yang jingwan's mobile phone remotely.

Curious, he projected the picture of Yang jingwan's mobile phone on his mobile phone to see what she was looking at.

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