Published at 10th of January 2022 08:59:55 AM

Chapter 382

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"Meteorite hit yanyuntian's house?" Wang Haoran pretended to have just heard the news. He was surprised for a moment. Then he showed his deep sympathy and said:

"It's really bad luck for Yan Yuntian."

In the hall, Ning Aoxue and Feng Anna also said one after another:

"Yan Yuntian has done something harmful to nature. If he doesn't smash Qingling in such a big place, he just goes to his residence."

"His behavior is domineering. Maybe it should be reported. Otherwise, why did the meteorite hit his home?"

Their tone, with a sense of inexplicable regret and schadenfreude.

They didn't like Yan Yuntian at all. They even hated Yan Yuntian because of the engagement. Now when they heard that this kind of thing happened to Yan Yuntian, they couldn't help talking about it.

Feng Xuan Su's eyes withdraw from the two women in the hall and look back at Wang Haoran, "I'll go to the hospital to see him. Won't you be angry?"

"How can I be angry when people are so miserable. Well, I'll go and have a look with you. " Wang Haoran wants to see the bustle, and meets Yun churan by the way.

Feng Xuan Su hesitated for a moment, but still nodded toward him.



After calling Wang Haoran secretly, Yu Ning returns to Yan Yuntian's senior nursing ward.

Yan Yuntian is lying on the hospital bed, with many bandages on his body, wrapped like a mummy, and one of his legs is still fixed up high. All over the body, almost only the mouth and eyes can move.

Yan Feipeng stood aside, a look of heartache and concern.

Just now, he had asked the doctor and learned that although Yan Yuntian was seriously injured, his life was not in danger.

However, Yan Yuntian suffered from multiple fractures, and his internal organs were also shocked. If he wanted to get out of bed and walk again, it would take more than three months to recover, even with Yan Yuntian's strong physique.

"The meteorite in the sky, it's no coincidence that it hit the place where you live!" Yan Feipeng is angry and helpless.

Yan Yuntian himself is confused about this problem.

He only remembers that after returning from Qingling normal school, he was in a good mood and fell asleep peacefully.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital.

Yan Yuntian asks Yu Ning about the reason why he lies in the hospital.

At first, Yan Yuntian didn't believe it. He just thought he was being plotted. But when I saw the news on TV, I had to believe it.

"Father, are you alone?" Yan Yuntian didn't want to mention this unfortunate thing. Looking around, there was only Yan Feipeng. As soon as the topic changed, he couldn't help asking.

"Your mother is in Qingling, and she is on her way here. What's more, someone who is very important to you is also very nervous and comes with your mother Yan Feipeng responded.

Smell speech, Yan Yun in the sky heart move, seem to guess what, tentatively ask a way: "is the beginning natural?"

"Not bad." Yan Feipeng nodded.

After Yan Yuntian got the exact answer, he could not help but relax his tight face because of bad luck.

Yun churan is not binning Aoxue and Feng Anna, but his future wife, and he is also recognized by Yan Feipeng and fengrao.

Yan Yuntian is very satisfied with Yun churan.

Because, in addition to his own background, Yun churan attaches great importance to engagement. He is a more traditional person and abides by his parents' orders.

Moreover, in Yan Yuntian's impression, Yun churan is very friendly to himself. When he talks to himself, he always smiles and speaks softly.

When the thought rises, Yan Yuntian can't help thinking about the beautiful face of Yun churan. But thinking about it, he suddenly realizes a problem, and his face slowly stagnates.

"Father, why did churan know so much about the news of my injury and come with my mother?"

It is reasonable to say that Yun churan's clan is far away from Fengxi mountain. It is impossible for him to know the news of his injury so soon, and his mother will never deliberately tell her the news.

But Yun churan and his mother came here, which is a bit unreasonable.

Unless the news of his injury comes back to Fengxi mountain, Yun churan happens to be in Fengxi mountain.

However, what did Yun churan do in Fengxi mountain? It won't be back

After Yan Yuntian was retired twice in a row, he was a bit conditioned.

Yan Feipeng's eyes were keen, aware of his son's thoughts, and immediately showed a smile, "at first, he came to fengxishan with his elders. Originally, he negotiated the wedding date with your mother, so that you could get married as soon as possible."

Yan Yuntian suddenly felt happy, but then realized that he was not in normal health. If he got married, he would show his true feelings.

Thinking of this, Yan Yuntian can't help but annoy himself.

He had long planned to go to the little doctor Xian Bian to ask about the treatment, but he couldn't take action for a long time.

Now I've suffered a lot of injuries. I don't know when it will be delayed.

"Son, you... Why don't you look so happy?" Yan Feipeng saw Yan Yuntian's dignified look, so he began to ask.

"I just think it's a little too early to get married." Yan Yuntian has no face to tell the truth, so he finds a reason to prevaricate.

If he remembers correctly, it seems that Yun churan is only 18 years old.

"You and churan are not worldly people. What's so early? When I married your mother, she was a few years younger than she was. " Of course, Yan Feipeng didn't know what Yan Yuntian really thought, so he was enlightened.

"Let's talk about it later. I can't get married as I am now." Yan Yuntian said perfunctorily.

Yan Feipeng nodded and looked out the door. No one came for a long time, so he got anxious.

He does business in the secular world. Fengrao lives in Fengxi mountain for a long time. They usually have few opportunities to meet. Counting the time, they haven't seen each other for nearly a year. Yan Feipeng misses the disaster and can't wait to see his wife.

He can't wait, so he takes out his cell phone and dials a phone.

It's just that as soon as the phone was dialed out, it hung up.

Yan Feipeng thinks strange, dialed again next.

Hang up on the other side.

Yan Feipeng makes persistent efforts.

This time, the other side answered the phone.

"Are you bored?" On the phone, the voice of fengrao with annoyance came from her indifference.

On hearing this, Yan Feipeng was not angry. Instead, he felt more cordial and said, "wife, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much. I see you haven't been here so long, so I'm calling to ask you. "

"There's a traffic jam on the road. I'll come later. Goodbye. " Phoenix Rao extremely impatient finish saying, directly will call to hang up.

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