Published at 10th of January 2022 08:59:25 AM

Chapter 403

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It's time for the afternoon class.

Wang Haoran casually listening to class, suddenly feel, the body of the mobile phone vibration.

Take out a look at the mobile phone and find that it is Gu Yurou's circle of friends.

Last time I chatted with Gu Yurou, Wang Haoran added her friend. In addition, in order to better understand her trend, Wang Haoran opened Gu Yurou's circle of friends news update reminder.

Click to open a circle of friends, Wang Haoran immediately saw, Gu Yurou just sent a circle of friends news.

Gu Yurou's birthday.

Wang Haoran captured such a message, but just a light look, and did not intend to do what echo.

Gu Yurou, the heroine of this frequency, if not necessary, Wang Haoran does not want to deal with it.

What's more, Gu Yurou's intention of sending this news about the circle of friends is also worth pondering.

It's going to be my birthday. I deliberately send messages in my circle of friends with the intention of fishing.

There must be a lot of boys in Gu Yurou's circle of friends.

After the news is sent out, there should be a lot of dog licking boys to bless or give gifts.

Wang Haoran didn't want to join in the fun. It's her birthday. It's none of her business.

Put the phone away. But in a few seconds, the phone vibrated again.

Wang Haoran frowned. He thought Gu Yurou had sent a message from her circle of friends again. However, when he opened it, he found that it was a chat message from shaowan.

"Someone came to normal university to inquire about Gu Yurou and stole some photos."

Shaowanwan pretends to be a graduate student and sneaks into Qingling Normal University. He always stares at Gu Yurou's trend. When he finds something unusual, he immediately reports it to Wang Haoran.

"Do you know what it is?" Wang Haoran glanced at the message and quickly edited the reply.

Shao wanwan: "you told me to stare at Gu Yurou. I didn't dare to act rashly, so I didn't go to find out the person who was following me."

Wang Haoran: "you keep staring. If you have anything special, please report it to me."

After the chat, Wang Haoran thought about it.

Lu beige, a male partner, has a little hatred for Gu Yurou. However, the last time he was able to cheat Gu Yurou into Beige film and television company, it proved that he knew Gu Yurou well and there was no need to ask for Gu Yurou's information.

Gu Yurou is a special heroine. Her main plot to go on smoothly, the beginning is to be forced, pushed.

After pushing Gu Yurou, the male role, identity change, will be promoted to become a male leader.

However, Lu beige, as a male partner, can't push Gu Yurou to become a male leader without man's ability.

This male partner is abandoned, and it is unlikely to have anything to do with Gu Yurou.

If anything, Lu Beige's role can only be a pure revenge villain.

However, no matter what, the person who inquires about Gu Yurou should not be Lu beige, but someone else.

As for who it is, Wang Haoran doesn't know, but he can be sure that this is the male character that triggers the main plot. His identity is either a male partner or a male villain.

Because of the particularity of Gu Yu's soft light ring, both male partners and male villains can be promoted to male masters.

In addition, there is also such a pattern of male villain changing from white to male in women's novels.

As expected, Gu Yurou's main plot should be coming soon.

In other words, if not stopped, Gu Yurou is likely to be pushed.

As a villain, Wang Hao doesn't want to see Gu Yurou, the heroine and the hero.

It has to be stirred up.

Moreover, to stop Gu Yurou's main plot, you can also get reward points.

Kill two birds with one stone.

With this in mind, Wang Haoran began to edit the news.

"Happy birthday. Are you free this evening? I'll treat you to dinner News editor good, to Gu Yurou sent in the past.

Wang Haoran waited for a reply. One minute, two minutes... Thirty minutes passed.

Gu Yurou just replied, "something just happened. If you want to invite me to dinner, I'm afraid I can't. I've made an appointment with my classmates. "

Something just happened? Are you busy answering other boys' news, or do you want to hang me for a while?

Wang Haoran secretly make complaints about it, and then begin editing the news.

"And after dinner? I'll invite you to the cinema

"After dinner, I have to play with my classmates. It will be very late." Gu Yurou replied.

"That's why I'm not free tonight?" Wang Haoran asked.

"You can come to my birthday party." Gu Yurou replied.

Wang Haoran: "it's inconvenient. Your classmates and I don't know each other. It's embarrassing for me to go."

Gu Yurou: "what's inconvenient? Come here, there are so many people."


You just want me to lick your vanity in front of so many people?

Wang Haoran couldn't resist a burst of abdominal Fei.

However, if you want to stop Gu Yurou's main plot, you can only bear to join in the fun.

"All right, you send me an address." Wang Haoran sent a message.

"The place hasn't been decided yet. I'll let you know when it will be. By the way, don't buy gifts. Just people come. " Gu Yurou replied.

Wang Haoran looks strange. Don't bring a gift. Are you sure it's not ironic?


In a mansion.

Mubai is swimming in the swimming pool. His body is up and down on the water, and his muscles look very attractive.

If there is a flower crazy woman here, she will be in full bloom.

One of the men came back from outside and came here to report:

"Mugo, I found it. The boy who is close to Gu Yurou is a rich second generation, Wang Haoran, the son of Wang's group. "

Mubai swam to the pool and went ashore.

A man respectfully handed the towel over.

After wiping the water on his body, mubai said: "it's a rich second generation. Wang Group, right? It's said that it's worth tens of billions, but it's nothing. " The tone is slightly disdainful.

He is the king of the underground forces. There are many people working hard under him. He is not afraid of the rich.

"Mugo, Gu Yurou is having a birthday party with her classmates today." I have another report from my staff.

"Birthday, isn't it? That's just right. I'll give her a present. " Mubai showed an intriguing smile.

"What gifts do you need?" They asked.

"The gift is on me. I don't have to prepare it." Mubai Xie began to laugh.

Seeing this, I couldn't help wondering. Mu Bai has a towel on his body. Can't he give a towel to others?

But on second thought, I seem to understand something. Mu Ge, is to send "several hundred million" to Gu Yurou?


Wang Haoran received the positioning from Gu Yurou.

The place of Gu Yurou's birthday party was in a restaurant near Qingling Normal University.

Wang Haoran drove the Pagani out.

This Pagani is exactly the one before Lin Chen.

But after Lin Chen got cold, the car was always in the garage.

The day after Bian Suwen and Wang Haoran were sweet, he decided to give the car to Wang Haoran.

After all, Wang Haoran was asked to help before, so he lost a Bugatti.

Now it's a debt to give Pagani to Wang Haoran.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!