Published at 10th of January 2022 08:59:22 AM

Chapter 405

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After leaving the box, Gu Yurou went to the same floor to find the toilet, but found that the toilet on this floor was out of service due to maintenance.

Helpless, she can only go upstairs, trying to find the bathroom.

There are also private rooms in the restaurant upstairs, but they are all empty. I think it's because of the poor business. There are no guests on this floor.

Wang Haoran followed behind and saw the scene with perspective. He immediately marveled at the magic of Gu Yurou's leading role aura.

Mubai's misguided tail leads to the empty floor. Doesn't this mean that it creates conditions for Gu Yurou's main plot to trigger?

During Wang Haoran's thinking, Gu Yurou quickly finds the bathroom and goes in to prepare for the urination.

Mubai is waiting at the door of the washroom, smiling, ready to give Gu Yurou a birthday present.

However, without waiting for Gu Yurou to come out, Mu Bai's neck suddenly hurt and fell unconscious.

[Ding, the host knocks out Mu Bai, the female frequency male villain, and prevents Gu Yurou's main plot from triggering. He gains 1800 villain points, Gu Yurou's leading role aura - 90, and the host's villain aura + 90!]

Wang Haoran will faint Mu Bai, drag to an empty box, and then toward Mu Bai somewhere a fierce kick.

[Ding, the host uses violence, causing Mu Bai, a female frequent male villain, to lose his ability as a man and gain 1000 villain points!]

Wang Haoran was relieved.

In fact, if it wasn't for the untimely place, he wanted to kill mubai. However, it may cause some unnecessary influence, so I just put up with it for a while and only slightly punished it.

At this time, Gu Yurou also slowly came out of the bathroom.

Wang Haoran appeared directly and stopped her in the corridor.

"You... Why are you here?" Gu Yurou was surprised, and soon noticed Wang Haoran's evil smile on his face. He was on guard, "what are you going to do?"

"Aren't you upset that I didn't bring a present?" Wang Haoran asked.

"No. I told you not to bring gifts. How can I be angry? " Gu Yurou shook his head against his will.

Wang Haoran then said, "is that right? Then why did you just ignore it? "

"No, you misunderstood." Gu Yurou looks sincere.

"After thinking about it, I still think I want to give you a present. You come with me Wang Haoran went to the door of another empty box and waved to Gu Yurou.

Gu Yurou is not cerebral palsy, how can he believe this kind of words, but on the surface, he still nodded and walked towards the door of the box, but when he came to the door, he suddenly quickened his pace and wanted to escape here.

Wang Haoran was quick eyed, grabbed her arm, took her into the box and closed the door tightly.

"You, you, what are you going to do?" Gu Yurou's face was flustered. She stepped back to the corner.

"A present for you." Wang Haoran walked towards her with a smile.

Gu Yurou wanted to cry for help, but he was covered by a palm and couldn't make a sound.

Immediately, a handsome face with an evil smile kept enlarging in Gu Yurou's eyes, but without waiting to feel anything, he suddenly felt dizzy. I passed out.

Wang Haoran's evil smile dissipated and his expression was cold. Start forging the crime scene.

It took about five minutes to finish the work.

Wang Haoran wanted to wake Gu Yurou up, but he soon thought that five minutes was too short.

Gu Yurou wakes up and laughs at himself? Of course, maybe she won't say it, but she will definitely have the idea in her heart.

With this in mind, Wang Haoran sat on the stool in the box and contacted Xu mu, Yan Kaihei, who beat the king. It took an hour to stop.

Putting away his mobile phone, Wang Haoran poured a cup of cold water from the water dispenser in the box with a disposable cup and splashed it on Gu Yurou's face.

Gu Yurou, who is unconscious, wakes up slowly and wants to sit up.

A burst of hot feeling came, let Gu language soft eyebrow head tight frown, almost pain breath sound.

Gu Yurou is fully awake and aware of what has happened. He raised his eyes and looked at Wang Haoran sitting in front of him.

"Are you satisfied with the present?" Wang Haoran reappeared his evil smile and asked her.

Gu Yurou is not a child, so he understood the meaning in an instant.

"You, you're not human, you're a jerk, you're scum..." Gu Yurou got angry and cursed. He used up all the swearing words he knew, as if he wanted to curse Wang Haoran to death.

Wang Haoran frowned. After all, he's a fake, not a real pusher. Can't Gu Yurou report to the police?

But just then.

[Ding, the host successfully pretends to be female and male, which greatly influences the trend of the plot, and gains 3200 villain points, Gu Yurou's leading role aura - 160, and the host's villain aura + 160!]

Ding, the heroine Gu Yurou's liking for the host has been increased by 30, and the current total liking is 50

After receiving two system prompt messages, Wang Haoran was pleasantly surprised first, and then muddled.

Surprise, of course, because of the success of fake male owners, won a very considerable reward.

The reason for muddle is that Gu Yurou's liking for herself has been improved.

Ordinary girls, if they encounter this kind of thing, even if they kill this boy, they may not be able to solve their hatred.

What the hell is Gu Yurou? Unexpectedly also increased so many good feelings to oneself!

It's so strange!

Wang Haoran secretly make complaints about the Tucao. But it soon occurred to me that Gu Yurou's main plot was very abusive.

Gu Yurou, the protagonist, has a special personality. In short, she likes to be abused. When you think about it, it seems reasonable to increase your liking.

Because if Gu Yurou's popularity increases, he will definitely report to the police.

How can the plot go on? Don't you just finish scattering flowers?


Gu Yurou hurled abuse at Wang Haoran to vent his inner feelings. Suddenly, the mobile phone vibrated.

A look at the call, found a female classmate called.

"Hello." Gu Yurou calms down and answers the phone.

"Yurou, how can I answer the phone after such a long call? Don't you go to the bathroom? Why have you been so long? What's the matter? " Female students asked in a hurry.

"No, I'm fine. I'll be right back. " Gu Yurou never mentions being bullied.

On one side, Wang Haoran didn't feel surprised at all. Although Gu Yurou swears on the surface, his heart has changed.

Perhaps, she herself is not clear, already like this bully her boy.

In the face of female students questioning, subconsciously told her, can't say it out.

So that's the answer.

After that, Gu Yurou hung up the phone with her female classmate and stood up with difficulty, ready to return to the box.

"Keep it a secret, or you'll be miserable." Wang Haoran, just in case, scares her.

Gu Yurou looks at him in a complicated mood.

He is a rich second generation, and his family is so rich.

I'm just a rich woman with a poor family. I have no money and no power. How can I fight him? I have to admit bad luck.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!