Published at 10th of January 2022 08:55:44 AM

Chapter 568

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"The woman in zuoqiu's family is very unruly. How can we possibly move her?"

After hearing his father's words, Ning Aoxue couldn't help shaking her head.

"Of course I know that. I was just joking." Father Ning.

The speaker doesn't mean it, but the listener does.

Wang Haoran had no hope of stopping the meeting of the top ten families. But after hearing what Ning Fu said, he rekindled some hope.

His ability to deal with the protagonist is almost the same, but it's definitely his strength to deal with women, not to mention his unreasonable aura.

"What's the relationship between Ning family and zuoqiu family?" Wang Haoran asks Ning Aoxue.

"Do you want to go to Zuo Qiu's?" Ning Aoxue understands.

Wang Haoran nodded, "not bad."

Ning Fu then said: "the Ning family and the zuoqiu family are only superficial friends. Aoxue and the woman of the zuoqiu family even have a little holiday. I'm afraid they can't take you to the zuoqiu family to lobby the zuoqiu family."

"It doesn't matter. I just need to know where I can find the granddaughter of the old Zuochu man you mentioned." Wang Haoran said.

Ning Aoxue didn't answer immediately. Instead, she subconsciously looked at the sky outside and saw that it was clear and bright. Then she replied to Wang Haoran:

"Look at the weather outside. It shouldn't rain tomorrow. Old man Zuo Qiu and his granddaughter have a habit. In the morning when it's sunny, they usually practice in Cangzhou park. You can find them there. "

Wang Haoran secretly wrote it down and then asked, "what's the name of the granddaughter of the old man Zuo Qiu? What does it look like? "

"Call Zuo Qiu Luo Yan." Ning Aoxue responded to half a question, then stopped for a moment, and then continued:

"I'll go with you tomorrow morning."

In Qingling time, two people private contact opportunity is not much, finally to Cangzhou, she naturally want to get along with Wang Haoran more time.

"Good." Wang Haoran naturally did not object, and then murmured the name "zuoqiu Luoyan".

Because of the name, it reminds him of zuoqiu sunken fish.

A sunken fish, a wild goose?

Is it a coincidence or something?

Wang Haoran surmised secretly.

After the discussion, Ning Aoxue took care of the best guest room in person, and let Wang Haoran stay.

The next morning.

Ning Aoxue comes to the guest room to find Wang Haoran and takes him to Cangzhou park.

Ning's home is not far from Cangzhou park. They walked to Cangzhou Park in less than ten minutes.

Cangzhou worships martial arts. People practicing martial arts can be seen everywhere in the park.

The age span is very large, ranging from children under the age of ten to old people in their 70s and 80s.

Ning Aoxue wears a light cyan skirt, and the green silk naturally falls down to the waist of the fiber. Her face is slightly powdered, which makes her delicate facial features more beautiful.

A little cinnabar in the middle of the eyebrow adds some unique mysterious charm to it.

Ning Aoxue is definitely the most famous person in Cangzhou. She is almost the best in Cangzhou in terms of beauty and martial arts talent.

In particular, the Ning family announced not long ago that Ning Aoxue would be a great master of Huajin in one or two years, and her father gave up the position of the head of the Ning family to Ning Aoxue.

This makes Ning Aoxue even more popular.

But when the Ning family announced this, Ning Aoxue went to Qingling and didn't show up.

At this time, Ning Aoxue suddenly appeared in front of people, also set off a sensation.

Many people look sideways frequently.

Some young martial arts men, looking at Ning Aoxue, are full of admiration and admiration, while most women are envious and envious.

Ning Aoxue's Wang Haoran is also concerned.

Everyone is curious, who is this person, can walk side by side with Ning Aoxue.

And look at their behavior, it seems that they are quite familiar.

However, even so, there is no one to challenge or ridicule Wang Haoran, saying that he is not worthy of Ning Aoxue and so on.

On the contrary, we feel that Wang Haoran and Ning Aoxue are good candidates.

After all, Wang Haoran is not the protagonist. The story of being ridiculed and then pretending to be slapped in the face really has nothing to do with him.

In this regard, Wang Haoran is quite happy.

Who likes to be ridiculed when they are full?

As long as the protagonist will like this.

Wang Haoran still likes the feeling of being respected everywhere he goes.

Ning Aoxue did not squint, did not pay any attention to the eyes around her. Her face seemed very calm, but she was overjoyed in her heart.

This joy does not come from everyone's attention, but everyone seems to misunderstand her relationship with Wang Haoran.

Ning Aoxue is not that kind of talkative person, everyone misunderstood, she will not explain.

Soon, she took Wang Haoran to a very quiet place in the park.

Because this is the place where Zuo Qiuye and his granddaughter often practice martial arts. Ordinary people don't dare to harass them.

Those who come to the park to practice will deliberately avoid here.

"Sit down for a while. They should be coming soon." Ning Aoxue motioned to the bench not far away and said to Wang Haoran.

Wang Haoran nodded and sat on the bench with Ning Aoxue waiting.

After a while, a couple of granddaughters came slowly.

Wang Haoran's vision was far away, and he immediately fixed his eyes on it.

I saw that the old man's hair was all white, but he looked hale and hearty, without the feeling of dusk.

The girl next to her looks 13-4 years old. She is exquisite and lovely.

"Here they are." Ning Aoxue reminds me.

Hearing this, Wang Haoran was also completely sure that the girl was Zuo Qiu Luoyan.

But he was puzzled.

Before that, he thought that Zuochu sunken fish had something to do with Zuochu wild geese, maybe twins and sisters.

But the ages of the two sides seem to be a little different.

Zuochu sunken fish is nearly 25 years old, and this Zuochu Luoyan looks like she is only 13-4 years old.

How can there be such twins?

"Don't look at the small wild geese in zuoqiu, they are actually four or five years older than me." Ning Aoxue said coldly.

Wang Haoran eyebrows pick, surprised to see Ning Aoxue, and then carefully looked at the nearby left Hill geese.

Ning Aoxue is nearly 20 years old, and zuoqiu Luoyan is four or five years older than her, so zuoqiu Luoyan's age is similar to zuoqiu sunken fish?

It seems that these two people should be related.

In addition, Wang Haoran deeply see clearly, found that the left hill wild geese a little reduced version of the left Hill sunken fish both visual sense.

Maybe it's twins.

After judging this point, Wang Haoran was overjoyed.

He had regretted it before. How could there be no twin heroine after so many leading roles? It's a post Gong standard.

Now, isn't it coming?

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