Published at 10th of January 2022 08:55:36 AM

Chapter 573

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Zuo Qiu's words almost poked and broke the window paper, so he almost pushed Zuo Qiu's wild geese to Wang Haoran's arms.

As long as you are not a fool, you can understand the meaning of old man Zuo Qiu.

Left hill wild goose face red, blame grandfather mouth did not block, open mouth want to refute, but want to think and shut up.

Although her grandfather's words are straightforward and make her such a daughter's family feel ashamed, this is what she expected.

Is it not good for grandfather to make it happen on purpose?

So thinking, left Hill falling wild goose suddenly nervous looked at Wang Haoran, looking at his reaction.

In the face of old man Zuo Qiu's "enthusiasm", Wang Haoran's eyes sparkled, and then he said:

"Thank you for your kindness, but I won't stay here because I have something to do later."

This is not his affectation, but zuoqiu Luoyan looks too "small", what can we do here? It's just a chat.

Wang Haoran is not interested. If he has to talk with a woman, he would rather go back to Ning's home to find Ning Aoxue.

After hearing Wang Haoran's declined words, Zuo Qiu's wrinkled face flashed with disappointment.

On the other hand, the wild geese in zuoqiu, with their heads drooping, look very gloomy, and their little hands clinging to the corners of their clothes, show their inner restlessness.

After a moment's silence, the wild goose raised her head again. It seemed that she had gathered up her courage and said:

"In your eyes, I'm not as beautiful as Ning Aoxue, am I?"

"You are all beautiful, each with its own style, and there is no distinction between the superior and the inferior." Wang Haoran explained with a smile.

"Then why are you... Because I look too small? For two years at most, I will be able to master my family skills, and then I will become a normal age. "

Zuo Qiu Luoyan was too concerned about this, so he could not help but express his heart anxiously. Then he suddenly felt that two years was too long, and immediately added:

"I know two years is a long time, but it doesn't affect anything. In ancient times... Women gave birth to children when they were 13 years old."

Speaking of the following paragraph, the wild geese in zuoqiu blushed and bled quickly.

But the meaning is obvious.

The implication is that Ning Aoxue can do as much as she can.

After hearing his granddaughter's words, Zuo Qiu's old face became embarrassed.

This granddaughter of my family is also a famous lady. How can she talk so shamelessly? It just spoils the style of the zuoqiu family.

But on second thought, what I said just now is better than my granddaughter? As long as you are a normal person, you can see that you are pushing your granddaughter to Wang Haoran's arms.

Old man Zuo Qiu weighed it up and thought that the future of the family was more important than the style of the family.

Moreover, Wang Haoran is the only one here, and I don't think he will say it casually.

Thinking about this, Zuo Qiu added: "little friend, the wild goose is not worse than Ning Aoxue of Ning family, and there is one thing that Ning Aoxue can't match."

As he spoke, there was a trace of indecency in the old man's eyes.

Wang Haoran caught this tiny emotional change, immediately also curious, subconsciously asked: "which one?"

"Have you ever heard of the word" nurturance " Old Zuo Qiu hinted.

Wang Haoran a listen, Piao a side Luo Li form left Hill falling wild goose, immediately second understand.

The old man Zuo Qiu looks serious. He is not serious at all. He even knows how to "cultivate".

But then he said it again. Being reminded by the old man, Wang Haoran moved his mind strangely.

I'm not serious enough

Wang Haoran make complaints about the surface, and look at the left hills.

"It's not that I have no intention, but that I have something to do in the evening. It's really inconvenient to stay here. Next time I have a chance, I'll come and talk with Miss Zuo Qiu."

As he spoke, he cast a look at the wild geese.

The wild geese in zuoqiu suddenly turned from worry to joy.

In front of his own face, he said such frivolous words to his granddaughter... The old man Zuo Qiu was a little embarrassed.

However, this is a good thing for the zuoqiu family.

"By the way, do you have a twin sister?" Wang Haoran thought of something, and suddenly asked to the wild geese in zuoqiu.

"Twin sisters? Of course not. " Left hill falls wild goose to wonder for a while, shake head to return a way.

"No..." Wang Haoran was disappointed.

Is it a coincidence that the name of zuoqiu wild goose and zuoqiu sunken fish are similar, and their looks are a little similar?

But when Wang Haoran came up with this idea, the old man Zuo Qiu on one side suddenly said in surprise:

"Xiaoyou, why do you ask that?"

"I have a friend named zuoqiu sunfish. He is twenty-four-five years old." Speaking of this, Wang Haoran pauses slightly, looks at the wild geese on the left Hill nearby, and then says:

"It's very similar to you. From the aspect of appearance, it's a grown-up version of you."

Left hill wild goose startled up, with some questions, looked at the grandfather.

Old man Zuo Qiu was shocked. He jumped up from his seat and asked quickly:

"Xiaoyou, are you serious?"

"I'm not free to make such a joke." Wang Haoran said.

"Is there a red tattoo on her left shoulder with the words" zuoqiu sunken fish " The old man Zuo Qiu was excited and asked incoherently.

When Wang Haoran heard this, he could not help but want to make complaints about the old man.

I have said that I am friends with zuoqiu sunfish. What does the old man mean? Do you think you're looking at it?

But to tell you the truth, Wang Haoran looked at it from perspective, vaguely remembering the words on one shoulder of zuoqiu sunken fish.

At that time, he only thought it was zuoqiu sunken fish, which he thought was funny and tattooed himself.

After all, zuoqiu sunfish is a big sister. Isn't it normal to have a tattoo? And it's her name.

It's no more of a fuss.

But after seeing the old man's reaction, he realized that the tattoo on Zuochu sunfish's shoulder had something to do with her life experience.

No wonder, zuoqiu sunfish and zuoqiu family separated, will retain the name of zuoqiu sunfish, the original body tattooed it.

"I'm not sure about that, but I can call and ask." Of course, Wang Haoran will not directly say that he has seen it.

After that, Wang Haoran went to the side and made a phone call, then he said to the old man Zuo Qiu:

"She said yes."

"It must be her. The sunken fish is still alive. Luoyan, you do have a twin sister named zuoqiu sunfish Old man Zuochu was as excited as a child. He danced and even went crazy.

Wang Haoran saw his reaction and estimated that it was a lost game in his childhood.

"Elder sister..." left Hill falling wild goose muttered to oneself for a while, immediately also showed excited incomparable smile.

She has been looking forward to what she will look like when she grows up, but no matter how she imagines it, she feels a little unreal.

The appearance of my twin sister must be what I look like when I grow up?!

"Little friend, where is the sunken fish? Where is it?" The old man asked quickly.

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