Published at 10th of January 2022 09:05:51 AM

Chapter 71

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"What are you doing, hurry up?" Wang Haoran immediately urged.

"Oh, oh." Fang Xuan nodded quickly and fell on Wang Haoran's back.

Wang Haoran runs from the sixth floor to the first floor with Fang Xuan on his back, and then puts her on the open space outside the building.

It can be seen from the open space outside that the fire rose from the second floor.

The fire is bigger now than before.

Wang Haoran took a deep breath and ran into the building again.

"What else are you doing in there?" Seeing this, Fang Xuan shouts anxiously.

However, Wang Haoran did not have the time to respond and was too lazy to respond.

He ran straight into the building, and then at the corner of the stairs on the fifth floor, he saw Qin Yunhan and mu Zhaozhao.

The speed of these two people is like tortoise. When they get down to the second floor, the fire and smoke will block the exit.

There was no one else around. Mu Zhaozhao and Qin Yunhan were very anxious.

So when they saw Wang Haoran running back, they were both surprised and delighted.

"Qin Yunhan, if you don't hurt your foot, go by yourself. Mu Zhaozhao, I'll carry you. Come up quickly!" Wang Haoran bent slightly.

[Ding, mu Zhaozhao, one of the female owners, has increased her liking for the host by 20, and the current total liking is 20 (very friendly)]

[Ding, one of the female masters, Qin Yunhan's liking for the host has been increased by 10, and the current total liking is 45 (very friendly)]

[Ding, the host influences the direction of the plot and gains 500 villain points!]

"Thank you!" Mu Zhaozhao was very grateful. With the help of Qin Yunhan, he fell on Wang Haoran's back.

Wang Haoran immediately felt that his back let the two soft mountains be pressed down.

What did you grow up on?

For now, Wang Haoran has never seen a woman who is as fierce as mu Zhaozhao.

Wang Haoran carries mu Zhaozhao on his back, and Qin Yunhan moves freely.

The three soon came to the third floor.

But at this time, the fire was already very big, and the fire on the second floor was spreading to the third floor.

There are solid barriers in all the rooms on the third floor. It's almost impossible to escape by jumping through the window.

The stairway is almost the only way out.

However, judging from the fire, it is very dangerous to rush out directly from the stairway on the second floor. Even if the temperature is too high, you will be scalded.

It's also dangerous to go back to the highest sixth floor.

Fire is dangerous, but smoke is more dangerous to some extent.

If you smoke too much, you will die.

In most cases, those who died in the fire were choked to death first and then burned.

"What about this..."

Although the temperature in the surrounding air was heated by the fire, Qin Yunhan and mu Zhaozhao were cold and pale because of fear and panic.

Most women love beauty, especially beautiful women.

If you burn your face, it's worse than burning for Qin Yunhan and mu Zhaozhao.

"You wait here!"

Wang Haoran put down mu Zhaozhao and quickly ran back to the conference hall on the sixth floor, tearing down all the curtains with violence.

Then he rolled up all the curtains and went back to the third floor.

"Mu Zhaozhao, you can't move. I'll carry you out first. Don't rush yourself, Qin Yunhan. Wait for me to come back!"

In the face of this situation, the two girls had already lost their minds. After hearing Wang Haoran's words, they naturally did so.

Mu Zhaozhao fell on Wang Haoran's back again.

It's another amazing touch.

But this time, Wang Haoran didn't have the heart to feel it.

He stacked the curtains and draped them over mu Zhaozhao and himself, trying to cover their skin.

In addition, Wang Haoran also released his internal skill, that is, true Qi, which once again gave him a more solid layer of protection.

Wang Haoran was very glad that he didn't upgrade his poison skill last night. Instead, he exchanged real Qi. Otherwise, he might become a roast pig today.

With Qi to protect his body, Wang Haoran rushed through the stairway covered by high temperature and left the building unharmed.

After putting down mu Zhaozhao, Wang Haoran rushed into the building again.

Qin Yunhan was brought out in the same way.

After leaving safely, Wang Haoran took back his true Qi.

He felt an indescribable sense of fatigue and sat down on the ground.

The origin of this feeling is that the use of real Qi is a little transitional.

After all, only six years of skill is too meager.

If you have ten more years of skill, you can leave the fire with Qin Yunhan and mu Zhaozhao and come out like a walk.

[Ding, the protagonist of jiehu, successfully rescued Qin Yunhan and mu Zhaozhao from the fire and gained 500 villain points! Xiao Yifeng's leading role aura - 25, host villain aura + 25!)

Wang Haoran successfully gained a wave of rewards.

"Hao Ran, how are you? Have you hurt anything?" Tang Bingyun ran over and asked with concern.

"Nothing, just a little tired." Wang Haoran waved his hand.

"You are so brave. As your head teacher, I am proud of you!" Song Zhenyu also came over, excited and happy said.

"Don't sit on the ground. It's a little dirty. I'll... I'll help you up." Fang Xuan also came to help Wang Haoran up.

However, Wang Haoran was a little tired, half of his body leaning on Fang Xuan's shoulder.

Fang Xuan is unwell and feels a little hard to support, but she is trying to stick to it.

Because in her opinion, Wang Haoran's performance just now is worth her doing.

Xu Muyan walked away from her mother and ran to Wang Haoran.

She braved Fang Xuan to hold Wang Haoran's other arm.

Wang Haoran glanced at her and joked in a very low voice

"Don't you mean I'm dirty? Are you still so close to me?"

Because Xu Muyan was too worried, even if he saw Wang Haoran come out unharmed, his heart was still a little heavy, but after hearing Wang Haoran's words, he was a little sad.

"I came to help you just because I saw your pity. Don't think too much about it." Xu Muyan said.

Wang Haoran did not expose her with a smile.

Why don't you see Wen Jing?

Wang Haoran some strange, suddenly at this time, mobile phone vibration.

It's Wen Jing who sent the message.

"I don't want to go back tonight!"

Wang Haoran glanced at the information and quickly pressed the key of the mobile phone's information screen. He didn't let others see it.

Good guy, as expected, the most enthusiastic is the girl who deeply loves herself.

"Young man, thank you for saving my family Zhaozhao. The old man bowed to you." An old man dressed as an ancient Confucian bowed his body to thank Wang Haoran.

The old man's dress looks strange among a group of modern parents, but it seems very harmonious with his Confucian atmosphere.

This temperament, it seems, is not ordinary people.

"It's just my duty. Don't be so polite, old man." Wang Haoran reached out to help the old man.

"Ha ha, young man, it's really rare for you to be so humble and polite as you are The old man praised.

[Ding, the host improves the supporting actor Mu Cong's perception of himself and gains 200 villain points!]

Eh, is this man still a supporting actor?

After receiving the system prompt message, Wang Haoran was slightly stunned.

This award is unexpected.

After Mu Cong, some teachers and other parents came to greet Wang Haoran.

All the words are praises.

Wang Haoran at the moment, even if feeling tired, also feel that these pay very value.

If it is not to drive away Xiao Yifeng, then it will be Xiao Yifeng who welcomes these praises.

You know, there are six women in this place!

This is NIMA's. If Xiao Yifeng is in the limelight, he may be able to walk across the school in the future. For himself, this is a nightmare.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!