Published at 1st of May 2024 06:15:48 AM

Chapter 737

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After the storm, calm down.

"A few days ago, I met a fortune teller, who was also a cultivator of immortality. He did the calculation for me and said that the time when you become famous in the world is the time to marry me." Fang Youruo leaned against Wang Haoran's chest, Gentle way.

"Fortune teller?" Wang Haoran was surprised, "Tell me about it in detail."

Fang Youruo told Wang Haoran everything about the old man he met a few days ago, including what the two of them said.

After Wang Haoran heard this, it was not difficult to guess that the old man was pretended by Ye Fan.

Fang Youruo described that when the old man left, he turned into a streamer and flew away.

This kind of method is already a cultivation base in the foundation building period.

In the secular world, there are not many such cultivators.

Ye Fan is in this state.

And before the old man left, he also said, "When he becomes famous in the world, he will come to marry you".

This tone is exactly the same as what Ye Fan said when he came to Qiongzhou and secretly watched Fang Youruo at the school gate.

However, Ye Fan was really careless, and he didn't notice Fang Youruo's abnormality.

According to Ye Fan's perception, if Fang Youruo were to be investigated, he would definitely find that Fang Youruo was not perfect and was pregnant with a small life.

Or to be more precise, Ye Fan was not careless, but when he saw Fang Youruo, he was a little dizzy and lost his normal judgment and perception.

The reason why Wang Haoran felt this way was because he himself felt the same way.

A beauty like Fang Youruo's troublesome level is too lethal to men. When we are with her, I only look at her appearance and posture, and don't pay attention to other things at all.

If Fang Youruo didn't take the initiative to say so, Wang Haoran would not have discovered that she had won the lottery just now.

"This fortune teller is really accurate." Wang Haoran suddenly laughed strangely.

Of course he understood that Ye Fan didn't care about Fang Youruo's future marriage.

It's not that Ye Fan doesn't want to count, but that he can't.

There are many kinds of people in the world, and some fate lines are very single, which can be easily calculated.

However, Fang Youruo has great luck, and the future has infinite possibilities. There are too many branches in the trajectory of fate, which is very complicated.

Such mundane fortune-telling methods as Tianjizi couldn't figure it out.

Even the kind of immortal cultivator who is proficient in the great prophecy can't figure out which is Fang Youruo's real destiny trajectory.

And Ye Fan didn't practice big prophecy, so he couldn't figure out Fang Youruo's future marriage.

The prediction Ye Fan and Fang Youruo mentioned was actually referring to himself.

But to a certain extent, Ye Fan was right again.

Wang Jitian's killing of the Six Sages with one sword in the imperial capital has become famous all over the world.

Now that Fang Youruo is happy, Wang Haoran decides to marry him.

Doesn't this just fulfill Ye Fan's prediction?

However, the man who married Fang Youruo was not Ye Fan.

the next day.

Under Fang Youruo's leadership, Wang Haoran formally met her parents.

When her parents found out about Fang Youruo, they couldn't accept it from their ordinary eyes.

Fang Youruo also had to prove that he was not an ordinary person.

Fang Youruo's three views on parents were refreshed, and she took a new look at this matter, and accepted it.

After staying at Fang's house for a few days, Wang Haoran took Fang Youruo and her parents to Qingling to meet Wang Xiang and Zhen Li.

When Wang Xiang and Zhen Li knew that Fang Youruo was happy, they were ecstatic.

Wang Haoran mentioned going to the Wang family in the Sanctuary to marry Fang Youruo.

The parents of Wang Xiang, Zhen Li and Fang Youruo naturally did not object to this.

After discussing it, Wang Haoran set a departure date, but then he started to have a headache again.

But no matter how painful it is, what should be faced is still to be faced.

Wang Haoran took Fang Youruo to formally meet with the heroines in Qingling.

Tantai Yaoyue, Feng Xuansu and others warmly welcomed Fang Youruo.

When Wang Haoran proposed his recent plan with Fang Youruo, many jealous jars were overturned.

But fortunately, everyone is very reasonable, Fang Youruo's situation is special, Wang Haoran should marry Fang Youruo first.

However, after Fang Youruo made such a head start, everyone had this thought.

Wang Haoran could understand something from the eyes of Tantai Yaoyue, Feng Xuansu and others.

The box in the room is safe, don't even think about using it in the future.

After staying in Qingling for a few days, Wang Haoran and Fang Youruo set off to go to the Sanctuary to make arrangements. They planned to pick up Wang Xiang, Zhen Li and Fang Youruo's parents after everything was settled.

Of course, it is impossible for the close relatives of both parties to be absent for such a big event.

And let alone close relatives, Tantai Yaoyue, Feng Xuansu and others have made it clear that they will join in the fun when the time comes.

Wang Haoran, Fang Youruo, maids Qianhe Shinichi, Yun Churan and others arrived at Wang's house smoothly.

Wang Haoran explained to Wang Wanli that he was going to marry Fang Youruo.

Wang Wanli had been looking forward to it for a long time, and Wang Haoran could open up branches and leaves for the Wang family, so Wang Wanli naturally agreed with both hands and feet.

Wang Wanli hurried to choose the nearest auspicious day for Wang Haoran and Fang Youruo to get married.

It's just that in the last few days, there have been no particularly good days.

The best wedding date closest to now is also one month later.

After a month it is indeed a bit slow.

Because counting the days, there may be some changes in You Ruo's stomach after a month...

But this is also something that can't be helped. When you get married, you can only start with the wedding dress and choose a looser one.

After the wedding date was set, Wang Wanli couldn't wait to release the news to many forces in the sanctuary.

It is widely advertised that the young master of the Wang family will marry his beautiful wife in a month, and invites all major forces to come to watch the ceremony.

Wang Haoran was too lazy to take care of these wedding matters, and let Wang Wanli worry about them all.

If Fang You was taken care of and accompanied by Yun Churan, Qianhe Shinichi and others, Wang Haoran didn't have to worry about anything.

Wang Haoran asked Wang Tong to inquire about Su Xuan's movements.

A day later, news came from Wang Tong.

Su Xuan is on the other side of the Central Territory, and a place called Lingzhou Mansion has popped up.

There is a spiritual pagoda in Lingzhou Prefecture, which was left in ancient times.

The environment in the pagoda is very special, it has the effect of body training, and it is opened once a year, allowing three people to enter it and temper their bodies.

There are three floors in the spiritual pagoda, and each floor has a different body forging effect, which is divided into three levels.

The highest layer, the effect is undoubtedly the best.

The Spirit Pagoda does not belong to any of the four major forces, because no one has the strength to monopolize it.

The four major forces have had disputes over this before, but none of them got any benefits, and instead lost many people.

In the end, after discussing with the four major forces, they decided to hold a martial arts debate every year.

Among the major forces, they sent out outstanding young talents to hold a martial arts meeting.

For the first three, you can carry out spiritual pagoda forging.

Unknowingly, Su Xuan won the quota of a faction, and even stood out from the martial arts competition, winning the first place.

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