Published at 27th of September 2022 06:05:44 AM

Chapter 100

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Chapter 100: Boom and Bust (1)

This chapter is brought by Lady Grey and Neko-chan.

If you read this on other websites, it means it was stolen. Read the translation only on

“What are you doing there?”

Suddenly, a voice called from below. I was so shocked that my body trembled subconsciously. I even didn’t feel the presence.  

“Be careful.”

I looked down while balancing my body, there was Sigren looking up with his dissatisfied face.

“How, how are you here? No, more than that, don’t look up!”

I was up on the tree branch with a dress. Nothing good would be seen from below. It was not a pleasant feeling being seen from that position. Fortunately, Sigren calmly looked down . However, his nagging seemed to have no end.

“I’ve been looking for you because you suddenly disappeared with Lady Priscilla, and now you’re sitting on a branch.”


“I thought you were an assassin.”

Well, certainly it was not Sigren’s fault for having that kind of assumption. Because I definitely looked suspicious. 

“Okay, I’ll go down.”

“Just jump, I’ll catch you.”

Was he serious? I looked at him suspiciously.

“What if it hurts..”

“I won’t hurt you.”

“No, not me, I mean you. What if you get hurt?”

Wasn’t it usually the person below that got hurt? But Sigren looked at me with a hint of absurdity on his face. 

“It’s a useless worry.”

Well, my worry was not unfounded. Didn’t catching someone jumping from the high ground involve a lot of work? But then again, in this world, there were people who were beyond normal people, who were out of touch with common sense. And Sigren was the best of them all.

“Can I close my eyes, and jump?”

In the end, it still took a little courage to jump into a person.

“You could do whatever you want to do. I promise, you won’t get hurt.”

That was a very reassuring remark. So I closed my eyes and jumped down. The hem of my dress fluttered in the wind. The feeling of floating ended pretty quickly. Hard arms immediately supported my body. 

I opened my eyes. I soon met Sigren’s blue-grey eyes. Every time I looked at his eyes like this, I’ve never been able to not feel surprised by how beautiful they were. 

“Thank you.” I stroked his cheek.

Suddenly, Sigren looked disappointed.

“Why do you touch me when I can’t use either of my hands?”

I was taken aback for a moment by his brazen remarks. Was he not happy because he wanted to touch me but he couldn’t?

“Why did you climb the tree?”

“Lady Livya was talking with the crown prince alone, and trying to seduce him. I was just watching just in case something happened.”

“You were worried about a girl being alone with a man, what a big brother.”

I laughed softly at his sarcasm.

“Now put me down.”

“You’re not wearing shoes. Where did you put them?”

“In front of the window on the fourth floor.”

“Did you jump from there?”


Sigren seemed to try swallowing his nagging after hearing my lukewarm response.

“Next time if this kind of situation happens, just tell me.”

“Asking a prince to do this kind of thing is too much though…”

Sigren ignored my murmur and walked. He walked inside the building with such a light movement considering he was holding a person. 

A pair of shoes was lying on the floor under the fourth-floor window from which I jumped. Sigren sat me on the window sill and knelt down on one knee. Hmm? Why the posture?

As I was about to get up, he said, “Stay still.”

“I won’t die if my feet touch the floor,”

“But I don’t like it.”

Sigren lightly grabbed my ankle. 

I’ve never thought my ankles were thin, but it was so strange to see them all wrapped around his hands. Was that because he had big hands? I looked closely at him. Then, Sigren took my shoes in a very cautious manner.


Did he.. want to put my shoes on my feet? 

Seeing him like this really made me confused. Was he a pro player or a beginner? His actions were so natural, as natural as breathing. Didn’t he NOT know how to be considerate towards women? 

Gosh, how could I be so clueless about the character I had created?

Anyway, this situation was so awkward. I was not used to this. For some reason, this situation felt so unfair. Feeling a bit grumpy, I bowed my head and kissed his forehead. 

Sigren’s body stiffened for a moment, then he slowly raised his head. It was a disgruntled look. 

“I really can’t figure out the timing when you would touch me.”

“Um.. whenever I want to?”

“Then, can I also touch you whenever I want to?”

Unbelievable, a reversible card.

“Let.. let’s discuss first…”

There was a slight resentment in his narrow gaze. 

I gently stroked his hair as an apology. 

Ah, looking at Sigren from this angle was not bad. Now I understood why Sigren would kiss my forehead or cheek every now and then. This height was just right. 


After my shoes were on, he pulled me up.

“Thank you.”

Despite my thanks, Sigren’s expression was still dissatisfied. Was it because of the touching discussion earlier?

“What’s the matter?”

I grabbed Sigren’s hand and swung it. If he had any complaints, he should tell me. 

Sigren let out a soft sigh.


“If you have something to say, just say it.”

“I was just wondering why you are so nonchalant.”


“Touching me.”

Was I? I didn’t know. But one thing was certain.

“I also have a similar worry as you.”

He asked skeptically.

“In what sense…?”

I pulled Sigren’s cheek lightly and smiled.

“In the sense of how you’ve tried to be attentive? It’s difficult doing something without any experience doing it.”

Although, it was highly likely that was the basic specification of the male protagonist.

Sigren snorted, “I don’t think it’s something I have to be ashamed of.”

I laughed lightly. “I also thought the same way.”

It was like how we worked in Heilon. 

“Right, that’s what I thought.”


“If only Abel also thought that way, we could’ve been left alone.”

I couldn’t deny it considering Abel’s recent actions. He was a real childish chaperone.

Sigren tightly held my hand that was swinging his arm.

“For the record, I know I don’t have any experience, but I’m doing my best.”

Ah, really? That was quite a touching remark. 

I looked at Sigren. Although the light was dim, I could see his face.

“Um.. but how could you not do anything about your blushing face?” 

“You really have a knack for breaking the mood.”

In the end, I put my lips to his cheek as an apology. I could feel that Sigren had a fit of nerves because of my proposal to discuss mutually-agreed terms earlier. However, compared to the first time, today’s reaction was..less cuter.


Inside the Heilon mansion.

“I need to do a preliminary investigation.” This was what I said after briefing the knights on the recent situation. 

The knights opened their eyes wide.

“What is it about, Miss?”

“Of course it’s about the illegal gambling den.”

The recent news reported that the crown prince had taken the bait. However, he only went once every few days. I have to observe him a bit more. I have to be careful and make sure that I could catch him on the spot to prove that he was involved in illegal gambling. If he was not there, there was no point in raiding the arena. We couldn’t properly disgrace him, and worst, he could get away.

“Shall we go after his men?”  

“No, I’ll go alone. I can’t stand out.”

“I will send a message to the prince in advance.”

Did he just ignore what I had just said?

Leander quickly opened his mouth seeing my dissatisfied expression.

“Miss, no matter what, it is dangerous to go alone.”

I crossed my arms.

“Who is the current owner of this mansion?”

Isaac replied amicably. “It is you, Miss.”

“Then whose order should you obey?”

“Of course, it is His Highness Duke Abel.” The knights smiled and looked at me as if I was very cute.


I really have nothing to say. That was not incorrect. Of course, the current mansion belonged to me, but it was Abel who was the ruler, and so ultimately the knights followed Abel. 

“Miss Fiona, don’t be angry. Your safety is our number one priority.”

“No, you’re right. You have to follow the employer.” I responded indifferently.

They should obey the person who paid them.

Some knights burst into laughter. “I really like her rational personality.”

Well, this matter was not something worth arguing, not something I should be stubborn about. However, I wondered whether this gave more burden to Sigren. 

I shrugged lightly. “Alright. Some of you can follow along.”

“Thank you for listening to our opinions.” Leander replied modestly.

With the matter decided, the meeting was over.

“Well, unlike the duke, I know how to listen to my subordinates.”

I threw out a half joke. I said it just for laughs. But unexpectedly, everyone nodded seriously.

“Miss, you’re absolutely right.”


The fact that all of the subordinates did not deny that Abel was a selfish person made me laugh so much. 

If you read this on other websites, it means it was stolen. Read the translation only on

T/N: Thank you for reading this translation and patiently waiting

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!