Published at 13th of October 2022 11:45:13 AM

Chapter 111

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Chapter 111: A Battle of Sincerity [unedited]


“Yeah, you’ve probably heard that name before.”

I had. 

It was then that I discovered the man’s identity. That was why, even though it was the first time I’ve seen him, I felt familiar. Kwonter was one of a character in the original story, though he was not the main character. His character was somewhere between a supporting character and a sub-male character. He fell in love with Eunice after escorting her for some time. Of course, he was dumped cleanly.

Now I understood why he was bewildered that I didn’t know him. Even if he was just a small character in the original story, he was still a famous guy.

“The mercenary king?”

Kwonter frowned. “There are people who call me that. But I personally don’t like that name. I’m not a kid.”

“Then, I call you with your name?”

“As you please.”

As soon as I heard his name, I finished my analysis of his personality. Now, it was much easier to deal with him as I understood his basic tendencies and personality. 

“By the way, why are you here?” I asked the question with a relaxed mind.

“I was threatened by Duke Abel Heilon. He said if I help you, he would stop bothering me.”

Abel.. threatened the mercenary king?

I’ve tried to recall the original story for a moment. I don’t think…, there was an involvement between Fiona and Kwonter in the original story. Therefore, I think I have no influence on our meeting today. This was the first time Fiona met him. 

“Your face says that you have no idea at all.”

“Yeah, I really have no idea. Abel and you are acquaintances.”

Right, of course, things that happened outside the scenes in the story were beyond my knowledge. After all, except for the parts that I set, everything was set up in its own way. 

Kwonter sat down. “So, umm… I call you Lady?” 

I decided to set the bar low for him, at least he ask permission to use a title to call me. It would be too demanding for him if I asked this man to be polite like other nobles. 

“It’s up to you.”

“I know you, My lady. I was briefly in Heilon a few years ago.”

Being a mercenary and wandering around, it was not surprising that he was in Heilon.

“Really? Have we ever met?”

“No, not at all.”

He’s never seen me, why was he that confident?

“So, how do you know me?”

“Because I’ve heard some rumors. Unfortunately, My lady doesn’t seem to have even heard of me.”

“Well, I’m not interested in rumors….”

“I see,” Kwonter replied sternly. 

At that moment, the door to the drawing room swung open. 


I got up. “Your Highness,”

I forgot for a moment that I’d sent someone to the Imperial Palace. If we had found out Kwonter’s identity quickly, there would have been no need for calling him. 

SIgren looked at Kwonter and frowned, “why are you here?”

Kwonter responded, “you look good Sigren.”


“It’s Your Highness Prince Sigren.”

When I corrected him sternly, Kwonter was dumbfounded. Anyway, I didn’t care whether this guy was truly stupid or not. My arms were already bent inward, I couldn’t stand when my lovely Sigren was ignored. 

“I can tolerate you being rude to me, but I can’t allow you to treat Prince Sigren, the imperial family, the same way.”

Sigren pulled me into him. “Yes, Kwonter, now I can punish you for insulting the imperial family.”

Kwonter calmly shook his head. “Such a dirty world….”

There were many things dirtier than this. He even hasn’t seen the crown prince. 

“Well, let’s just let him pass this time. At least we’re in a private place.”

Sigren allowed it. Since he was fine, I had no particular reason to make a fuss, so I raised another question.

“Are you two acquainted?”

“Not that close, but yeah, at Heilon.”

I could see why Abel said I could ask Sigren. 

“I’ve never heard of it?”

“You were in charge of the second and fourth walls. Besides, that guy hasn’t been in Heilon long enough for you to know.”

Well, unlike me, Sigren’s position was to manage the soldiers as a whole. So it was no wonder that he knew about Kwonter. 

Sigren’s smile was slightly wild while he looked at Kwonter, “so what’s going on?”

“Your master threatened me to go here.”

“It’s not surprising.”

Why was it no surprise that Abel gave a threat to the mercenary king?

Then Kwonter looked at me as if I were a rare animal for a moment. “You’re a more courageous than I imagined.”

“Is it a compliment?” I asked awkwardly. 

“You interpret it yourself.”

“…” Less than an hour after we’ve met, I have an urge to kick him out.

Sigren wrapped his arms around my shoulders. 

“Stop looking, move your gaze away. And fuck off.”

It was a very clear statement. 

Instead of replying, Kwonter responded with a ferocious gaze. That gaze to me was like if he was ready to murder a lot of people. 

“Stop. I can’t bear if if the two of you fight here.”


Kwonter glance at me and let out a big sigh. It seemed that he was calming down a bit.

“My lady, don’t you need me? If not, it would be nice if you could properly inform the Duke of Heilon that my lady has refused. Otherwise, that insidious duke might annoy me later for some reason.”

“If I say I don’t need you, you’re free?”

“I suppose so.”

From Kwoenter’s point of view, I know he would prefer that I reject him.

“No, thanks. You look very useful.”

“I thought so.” Kwonter shook his head with quite an excitement. There was no sign of disappointment. 

Sorry to break his expectation, but I was busy. I was busy trying to fight the increase of the enemies with insufficient manpower. And he, a character that I could easily grasp and was useful, came at the right time. Why should I reject it? Even giving him a bit of preferential treatment was not a problem. 

“Where are you going?”

“The imperial palace asked to go to the dead land.”

“Dead land? Why do you go there?”

SIgren didn’t seem to know yet.

“I’ll explain it in detail later. Anyway, I’m not the only one going, but I still need a reliable escort. If I bring out the Heilon knights and soldiers, there would be a big hole in the mansion’s security.”

Right now, there was a shortage of manpower. Therefore, it would be good to take the mercenary king whose strength was comparable to a hundred knights.

Kwonter looked at me curiously. “How could you entrust yourself to someone you see for the first time?”

“I believe in the Duke who sent you, not you.”

Abel definitely wouldn’t have sent anyone who could threaten my life. Of course, the fact that I understand Kwonter’s character also played a part. At least I won’t have a hard time dealing with him.


Sigren looked lost in thought hearing my words. However, since right now was already past eight o’clock, and Kwonter had come a long way, the conversation was ended, and we would talk more later.

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