Published at 1st of August 2023 07:26:21 AM

Chapter 154

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Chapter 154: Decision [unedited]

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“Why did you lie to me and hide her?”

“Because I’m pathetic…” Sigren bit his lip.

My eyes widened at his unexpected answer. Why did he feel pathetic?

“This is the empress’ goal.”

“Her goal?”

“Yes, it’s all intentional. She deliberately pushed a woman who resembled your mother into the emperor’s bedroom to lure you out. She must have thought that you couldn’t turn a blind eye to a woman who was in the same situation as your mother….”

Sigren let out of sigh of frustration.

 “And I did it even though I knew it.”

Yeah, I guess. Sigren’s heart was not iron-blooded. He certainly has weaknesses. And the empress understood him.

“That’s even embarrassing.”

I shrugged. I have nothing to say. “Well, I wouldn’t have like it either if you pretended not to know a woman who is in danger.”

Sigren laughed bitterly. “I felt trouble when you’re so broad-minded about me like that, Fiona.”

“If I have a big heart, shouldn’t you just be thank you?”

Anyway, I have a soft side when it came to Sigren. 

Sigren hugged me, and whispered, “Then I was afraid that you would go on a rampage and run away without knowing the reason….”

Go on a rampage? That was so mean! What excessive words he said about me.

“Anyway, I swear to you, I have nothing to do with her.”

“Okay, I’ll believe you.” Now that he was being honest, it was okay. I couldn’t be angry at him anymore. I also felt responsible too. I also didn’t want to speak about his dead mother because it was a very sensitive matter for him. So let’s end the conversation here. 

“I would help her escape the empress’ eyes and send her back to a moderately safe place.”

“Okay, let me know if you need help.” I hugged him on the back. But somehow, I thought it was too easy that this would end just like this.


Livya told me. “Lady Fiona, should I introduce you to some good fresh young men?”

“Lady Livya, I’m dating someone.”

Livya opened her fan and let out a big smile. “The rumors about that person have been ugly these days.”

Ah, Livya was angry. 

I laughed awkwardly. But I couldn’t refute it. Because that was exactly what she said. Recently, the rumors that Sigren favored the mysterious young songstress were the topic of everyone’s conversation. The one who spread the rumor must be the empress.

Now I understood why she suddenly broke her period of self-reflection and became active in the noble society. So that was exactly what she was aiming for. What a high-level move she had. 

She brought a woman who was in the same situation as Sigen’s mother, who she herself killed, then showed him that she held a lifeline and shook it in front of him. She then used it to create rumors that damaged Sigren’s reputation. What was even more sad was that in a situation like this, I could do nothing but only defended myself.

“There is a misunderstanding.”

However, no matter how well I explained it, for Livya, it must sound like the words of an innocent girl who denied her lover’s affair.

“All the girls in this world say that when they witness their lover cheating for the first time.”

Wow, Livya, that was kind of a bit mean.

Livya laughed softly, “So, you have to get a better partner.”

It was obvious what my image would be in the social world. Before, there was already a rumor that the prince deliberately approached me to use the Heilon force. Now, people’s opinions were more in favor of that rumor. In the end, I became the innocent foolish young lady who was tricked by a man and taken advantage of. 

Empress and the ladies who were close to her must have worked hard to spread these rumors.

Now, Livya made this kind of proposal, which made me get more frustrated because I couldn’t even explain it properly to the people on my side. Another thing was I was afraid that this rumor had fallen into Abel’s ears. Well, I was pretty sure he had heard it. That was why I came out today. I was afraid of his reaction, and to be honest, I also didn’t want to face the marriage letters that kept coming recently.

“I’d rather see you happy!”

Her intention was good. She even said such touching words. 

I sighed. What a problem.

“Excuse me. Lady Fiona Heilon?”

I looked up. A man of my age stood in front of me. I was kind of familiar with that face. Who was it again?

“I don’t know if you remember. I gave you flowers last time.”

I came to my sense quickly. Oh, this damn bastard dared to show his face after gave me that flower? What a big courage he got! Should I go and tell Abel right away? No, there was no need to go to Abel. It was better if I took care of him. For my personal purposes of course. I’ve gotten a lot cranky because of rumors about Sigren and the singer. 

Yeah, what an irony. I pretended to be very cool in front of Sigren, but I still have a feeling in the end. I couldn’t help but be jealous. 

Let’s find a good way to deal with this damn bastard. He was a noble, so it would not be good to deal with him in a quick way.

I grinned widely.

“What’s the matter?”

The man responded calmly. 

“My name is Paul Steven.”

Or course, I didn’t care whether this bastard’s name was paul or fool. [1]

Paul gave his social smile.

“Did you receive the flowers last time?”

“Oh, of course.”

“I’ve repeatedly submitted marriage proposal to Heilon family, but there has been no reply.”

“My father doesn’t want to. So that should be enough for the answer.”

But my problem was why this man gave me flowers like that. Did the flower have a different meaning?

“I knew what it meant. But Lady Heilon, could we talk for a moment?”

“I’ll refuse.”

Paul looked sad. 

“Looking at the reaction. It looks like you get to know something about the flower.”

“Yes, did you send it to me to mock me?”

He shook his head.

“Absolutely not. If you don’t mind, would you give me a chance to defend myself?”

Then he lowered his voice.

“It’s hard to say it here….”

In the end, we’ll have to see each other alone. I wondered if this was a trap or if there would be useful information. Well, I was a mage. So, I think it would be fine even if there was something dangerous. 

However, when I was about to agree, someone called me from behind.

“Miss Fiona Heilon?”

It was a deep, but also soft voice. 

I turned around and saw a familiar face. It was the face that has been disturbing me lately, the songstress. 

“Oh? Why?”

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