Published at 30th of December 2021 06:56:27 AM

Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: Heilon (2) (Unedited)

“She run away.” 

Arrendt looked curiously at the back of the woman as she left. At most, his appearance showed that he was in his late teens.

“I’ve never revealed my title.” 

However, it was not strange for her to know. An unmarried young marquis who held the rector position of the Ministry of Finance. It was even harder to find a girl who didn’t know him in the capital’s social circle.

‘But that reaction…”

Did she say her name was Celine? As soon as she heard his name, she looked at him as if she had met a wanted criminal on the street. He swore it was the first time for him to see a woman making such an expression while looking at his face. In addition, he couldn’t believe that the mana stone changed like that just by touching it lightly. It was clear that she was a great high-ranking magician. With that skill, she should have been known in the social world right away. Yet, he had never met her or even heard her name. Just by looking at her clothes and manners, it was clear she was not a commoner, but he did not hear her last name. Usually, if it was a noble lady, when they heard the name of Clovis family, they would make a fuss and would try to impress him. 

“I prided myself on having a pretty good image externally, why did you run away?”

Arrendt rolled the tie pin in his hand with a relaxed expression. Its vivid red color suddenly turned black again. There were many magicians, but not many high-ranking ones. The Green family, who was previously boasted of being a magician family, was nothing special. When he heard that that family was a magician family, he was a little excited, yet after confirming the reality, he seized their property without regret.

However, now he just met a woman named Celine. If she was a magician of that level, he would definitely help her with what she was trying to do. 

Arrendt then decided to look for a noble girl in the capital whose name was Celine. 


“There is no end!” In the office, I covered my head and shouted to myself. I felt like throwing away the papers. Now, my resentment against Abel was about to rise. It was clear that he didn’t want to do this, so he pushed it to me. I felt like I want to meet Abel and argue with him. However, there was still some time until Abel and Sigren arrived in the capital. Sigren definitely appeared in front of the nobles when the flowers of the Flower Festival were all gone. 

I watched the petals gently coming through the open window. The flowers in full bloom seemed to have no intention of dying yet. I didn’t know the exact date but seeing this scenery, I think there would be a month left. 

At that time, a knock sounded outside. 

“Come on in.”

It was Celine who opened the door as I gave permission.

“Young Lady, do you have time now?”

Until just now, I was thinking about throwing out the documents, so there was no need to say that I was busy. 

“What’s going on?”

Celine smiled gently. “The boutique told me that the dress is finished. Just in case, I thought it would be a good idea to visit and try it on.”

“Do I have another dress?” 

As far as I remembered, I felt like I’ve already received the dress and many other things that were ordered a while ago. 

“Yes, this is the last one.” Celine smiled weirdly gently for unknown reasons. 

Was there a reason why it took an exceptionally long time compared to other dresses?

I looked out the window for a moment. I was a little hesitant to go out because I met Arrendt not too long ago. However, I still felt sorry for impersonating Celine by using her name, so I decided not to refuse. “Okay, then, I’ll go out.”

“Then, I’ll prepare the carriage.” Celine answered neatly and greeted me in a textbook manner like, then walked out of the office.

Well, I would only in the carriage, then go to the boutique, then go home. What could possibly happen?

I then collected disorganized documents while thinking lightly. 


I should’ve guessed it since it took a long time to make.

“Celine, this is not an ordinary dress for going out, isn’t it?”

“It’s for a banquet, Young lady.” Celine replied in a gentle tone.

I wanted to turn around to see her face, but unfortunately, I couldn’t. This was because the staff of the boutique was sticking around me. 

Even more, I should have realized in the first place when I knew the dress from this place. This was a very famous boutique, and I definitely knew as well. Although I’ve been in Heilon all these years, I couldn’t not know this place, 

Marian’s boutique.

This place was literally an object of admiration of the noblewomen of the capital. 

Why was it? Because it was a place where all of the noblewomen who appeared in the plot wanted their dresses were made. A boutique that the noblewomen would have to wait several months to get their dresses. However, the female protagonists were an exception. This place became the place where they matched their dress as if they were eating. LIkewise, Eunice, the heroin, would come to this boutique to match her dresses. I remembered there was a scene where Arrendt seduced her. 

Should I admire the Heilon family? I couldn’t believe I could use this boutique so easily. I wondered whether this kind of development was okay, but I didn’t think this was something important. 

“Looking at the clothes like this with young lady reminds me of the time of seeing a dress with my granddaughter in the past. It was hard to meet her now, but…”

Of course, the reason I couldn’t make a single squeak while feeling strange was Celine kept muttering those words behind me.

“You look really good.”

One employee next to me said in an admiring tone. 

I glanced at the mirror in front of me. The long skirt hem of the indigo-tone dress was soft wavy rather than richly. Except for the fact that the collarbone area was exposed, it was overall a simple design. However, thanks to the small jewels embedded in it, the dress looked just like a starry night sky. 

“I just need to adjust the waist a little bit.”

It was not until the designer who had been looking came to such a conclusion, I was barely freed. 

“Young lady, I think it would take awhile. Could you wait for me at the cafe across the street?” Celine said in an apologetic manner.

There seemed to be more to talk about with the staff in the boutique.

I nodded and went out. 

I sat on a chair outside and drank a cold drink. When I was in Heilon, I always drank only hot drinks. Therefore, such a subtle change felt strange. 

“We met again.”

Someone lightly knocked on the table where I sat. As soon as I raised my head, looking at the person, I barely held my face to not have a wrinkle expression. 

There was Arrendt Clovis with his ‘kind’ handsome face.

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