Published at 11th of August 2022 08:14:26 AM

Chapter 97

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Chapter 8.97: Boom and Bust (1)

If you read this on other websites, it means it was stolen. Read the translation only on

I had sent a letter to Sigren saying that I had something to say, and he personally came to see me. It seemed like he didn’t mind or feel bothered that Abel was not in the mansion. 

“Is it really okay for the noble prince to come without an escort?”

“I don’t need one. Besides, you always talk in a strange tone when there are other people around.”


It was not a strange tone, it was formal speech! Formal!

I lightly pulled his cheek with dissatisfaction.

Sigren looked at me blankly. 

“Can I touch you too?”


I slapped lightly at the incoming hand. Sigren looked at me in a sulk. Even if he looked at me with that expression, I won’t budge. He was not allowed to do that.

I sat down quietly. 

“We didn’t meet to fool around.”

“I know. Because of the mid-level monster?”

My eyes were opened wide, feeling surprised. My letter did not even contain such details because of the risk of others potentially stealing it. 

“How do you know that?”

“It means I’m also working.”

Right, it was obvious I ignored the male protagonist’s abilities too much. He was an outstanding person in the first place. 

“Then how much do you know?”

“Which madman commissioned the mercenaries to capture the monsters alive and brought them in?”

I paused for a second realizing what I’d said. That was what I had heard from the guild leader.

“Did you…”

“If you are going to ask me if I know the guild leader of the guild that accepted the hit request on you, yes I know him.”

Sigren pinched my chin lightly and looked at me softly. 

“These are the people who dared to accept a request related to you, shouldn’t I also say hello?”

“Well, when the guild leader looked at me, somehow he trembled excessively…”

“Don’t worry. I had said hello lightly.”

Hmm, whether Sigren’s greeting was really light or not, I’ve decided to keep it a secret. Because I rarely saw him being nice to mercenaries. 

Anyway, Sigren seemed to have gotten the same information as me. This made the matter become easier. 

“The intermediate level monster that popped out at dawn probably escaped from the illegal gambling den.”

“Illegal gambling den?”

Originally, the illegal gambling den would be found by Sigren and Eunice through investigating this and that, but I’ve decided to skip the process. There was an urgent issue right now: restraining the crown prince. Since he also made trouble for Livya.

“Yeah, the people who asked the mercenaries to capture the monsters are probably the people who run the arena.”

“Is it betting on two monsters fighting each other?”

“Yeah, it’s like a racetrack.”

The corner of Sigren’s lips rose. It was a cynical expression.

“Well, that’s for sure much more interesting than watching some horses run.”

I nodded. “Right.”

He deserved to feel offended. Some people are fighting monsters for their lives, some are dragging those monsters into the middle of the Capital for gambling purposes. Isn’t that an insult to a certain extent?

“It’s stupid. I wonder how long those people who run the arena will be able to manage the monsters well.”

“I agree. The arena must be wiped out quickly. Previously…”



Sigren glanced at me.“How do you know about illegal gambling dens?”

I got electrified by the unexpected question. My eyes widened. I didn’t expect his first question was this.

“I, I have my own ears.”

“I think the paths of us collecting information overlap quite a bit.”

That could not be denied. Sigren and I were on the same side, and we knew each other well. 

I pointed at myself with my finger. “Am I under suspicion now?”

He shook his head. “No way. How can I doubt you.”

So, did he ask the earlier question because he was genuinely curious?

“Because sometimes, you figure out a lot more than anyone else.”

That was.. a very nice stab. 

I laughed as casually as I could.

“It’s a foresight.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Abel also highly appreciates that.”

Both of them treated me casually but it turns out they seemed to be wondering inside. I think I have to be more careful from now on. I’ve been thinking many things too lightly. It may be normal for me, but it may not be for others. From Sigren’s point of view, this may be quite suspicious behavior. 

“Sigren, I’m on your side.” I looked at him and said seriously.

“I know.”

That was a very simple answer. 

He tucked my hair behind my ear. “Even if you were not, it’s also fine.”

So, I was suspicious, or not…?

Sigren grinned as if he could read my trembling eyes. 

Was he having fun with this now?

“Don’t worry about it, Fiona.”

Sigren grabbed my hand and kissed it gently.

“I’m on your side too.”


I felt like my heart had sunk. I pulled my hand out from Sigren’s hands. The back of my hand that touched his lips was warm. It must be because of the mood. Let’s calm down. I didn’t take his time to hang out with him.

“Can I get to the point?”

“Whenever you like.”

That relaxed attitude was somehow very annoying. 

I opened my mouth while avoiding SIgren’s gaze who was following me. “I want to take down those who run the illegal gambling den and at the same time destroy the crown prince’s reputation.”


“I’m going to let the crown prince enter the arena.” I replied frankly.

“Is it possible?”

“Actually, we have to try first to know that.”

The plan was simple. Through Livya, she would secretly inform the crown prince of the existence of the illegal arena and persuade him to go. 

“After that?”

I simply replied. “That’s it.”

Sigren looked at me with an ‘are you sure?’ expression all over his face. “What if the crown prince is not interested in the illegal arena?”

This time, I didn’t avoid his gaze.

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