Published at 11th of August 2022 08:14:56 AM

Chapter 98

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Chapter 98: Boom and Bust (1)

If you read this on other websites, it means it was stolen. Read the translation only on

“Sigren, what are you going to do if someone tells you to bet in an illegal gambling den?”

“I would destroy it.”

“Yeah, that is you.”

But was the crown prince like him? Only then did Sigren seem to understand my thoughts.

“Testing the crown prince first?”

“Yeah, like a real test. If he makes the right choice, then at least he could avoid falling into this trap.”

Well, whether the crown prince came to the illegal arena or not, I would still clean up that place. I couldn’t let those monsters exist in the middle of the city.

“And if he falls into this trap?”

“The crown prince would be arrested as a criminal when we raid the illegal arena.”

Since he was an imperial family member, he had to be caught red-handed in public. If not, there would be plenty to lose. 

“One side is the younger brother who raids the arena to bring justice. The other side is the older brother who was really into the nightlife in the arena.”

Whose side would the public take? I laughed lightly.

“Isn’t the result obvious?”

The sharp contrast was important. The crown prince’s reputation would bottom out, and Sigren’s fame would rise.

“What do you think?”

Well, if Sigren didn’t like it, then we couldn’t push this plan.

“Fiona, do you want me to be the emperor?”

It was a kind of odd question I might say, and so sudden?

“Isn’t that good?”

Well, first of all, Sigren was the most powerful person in this world. Sigren was definitely better than the crown prince. No, I said that incorrectly. There was no comparison. How could I compare between the two? 

Sigren looked at me with a strange expression. 

“Is there something wrong with my plan?”

“No, it’s okay. Let’s do it.”

Somehow, there was like an unpleasant aftertaste. 

Just as I was about to ask why, a knock sounded.

“My lady, this is Celine.”

“Come in.”

Celine opened the door and greeted Sigren according to etiquette. 

“It’s getting late now.”

I glanced at the clock. It was already eight o’clock. It seemed that the time was ticking much faster than expected while we were talking.

Huh? Wait, it was still eight o’clock, not midnight? Wasn’t it weird to call eight o’clock ‘late’?

Celine smiled softly as if she had noticed my confusion.

“The Duke has ordered that any guest that comes to the mansion could only stay until eight o’clock, even if the crown prince comes.”


A sound suddenly popped out in my head.

Ding! The door closes at eight o’clock!

In a word, a dismissal.

Sigren had a poopy expression on his face.

Ah, Abel.. This made me embarrassed. He pretended to be cool, and yet he did something like this. Wasn’t this very cheap of him?

“Si, Sigren?”

 I looked at him. His face gave off a very dissatisfied look. But then he slowly rose from his seat.

So, he really will go home? Well, we have finished discussing the important things. 

However, Sigren stood in front of me instead of going to the door. Uh? What? I looked at him, wondering whether he had something to say. Then, he bowed his head and kissed my forehead slowly.

“See you tomorrow Fiona.”

Celine, who has been watching, exclaimed, “Oh my.”

“Uh, hmm.”

Being like this in front of Celine was so embarrassing. 

It seemed that Sigren really liked skinship. Was that because we were lovers, and it was normal to be like this? I felt that might be the case. When we were friends, he didn’t seem to like it.

“You don’t need to see me off. I’m going.”

He then walked past Celine and went out of the room. 

In the room, only Celine and I, who was in an embarrassed state, remained.

“Celine… surely the relationship between Sigren and I would be reported to the Duke for the time being, right?”

Celined nodded politely. “My Lady, I’m not that senseless. I only reported moderately.”

The gentle old woman then winked one eye as if telling me ‘I’ll keep this a secret!’

“The Duke asked me to report the exact things you’ve said, My Lady.”

A silent scream came out in my mind. 


I felt so ashamed that I wanted to die. It was so childish. I would never call him father!

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