Published at 13th of February 2024 12:45:49 PM

Chapter 241

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Chapter 241

Chapter 241: Who Dares to Demolish

Hearing Chu Tian’s words, Bai Xiaochun smiled happily and hugged Chu Tian tightly, “Hubby, I like this place.”

Seeing Bai Xiaochun’s happy expression, Xia Mo smiled and slapped Bai Xiaochun’s butt: “I like it. Why don’t you ask how much money it is?”

Huh? Bai Xiaochun quickly got off Chu Tian and giggled, “That’s right, husband, buying this place must be very expensive. How much did it cost?”

“It didn’t cost much.” Chu Tian said, “Only 4.2 billion.”


Bai Xiaochun’s eyes widened as she looked at Chu Tian speechlessly. “4.2 billion?”

Chu Tian smiled and nodded.

Bai Xiaochun said innocently, “Then do we still have money?”

“Yes.” Chu Tian said, “Don’t worry. There are still hundreds of millions left. It’s quite expensive.” This creation is firmly rooted in the depths of Nøv€lß¡n★

“That’s good.”

“This isn’t a matter of lacking money.” Xia Mo smiled and said, “No matter how much money you have, you don’t have to do whatever you want. Just like our White Milk Tea Company, you can apply for a factory. Because you’re doing this to build an enterprise, you can create jobs for society, contribute to national tax collection, and promote the development of the national economy. This is beneficial to the country and the people. There’s no problem with this.”

“However, if you want to apply for a piece of land and want to build such a large villa on your own, let alone such a large villa, even if you want to build a large villa, it will be a dream. It’s impossible for you to grant it to you because you are using it for personal enjoyment.”

“If you want to enjoy it, you can. There are high-end houses and villas. Those are all planned and legal. Buy them and want to build them yourself? If you dare to build it, you can tear it down. Not only will I tear it down, I’ll even catch you.”

Bai Xiaochun pondered for a moment: “That’s why we don’t have a villa like this anymore, right?”

“It’s definitely gone.” Xia Mo smiled. “I’m not sure about other places in this kind of villa. Even if it’s in the future, Haicheng won’t have a second one.”

“If that’s the case. “Bai Xiaochun looked at Chu Tian with a smile and said, “4.2 billion, it can’t be considered expensive, right?”

“It’s not expensive.” Chu Tian smiled and said, “As long as my baby likes it, 4.2 billion won’t be expensive.”


Bai Xiaochun giggled and said, “Then, then we won’t be forced to tear it down in the future, right?”

“Who dares?” Xia Mo smiled and said, “Your man is amazing. Who would dare to force the demolition of the place he bought? Besides, this villa has been legalized, and all the procedures are complete. There’s no reason to force the demolition.”

“That’s good.”

Bai Xiaochun smiled happily and ran into the main hall of the villa.

Seeing this, Li Niannian smiled and said, “Xiao Bai and I will go in for a walk.”

After saying that, Li Niannian followed him in.

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