Published at 28th of May 2024 06:05:24 AM

Chapter 282

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Chapter 282

Chapter 282: The Rich Are Not Worthy

Five minutes later!

Haicheng police station, Xia Mo’s office. Xia Mo had just changed into her police uniform when the office door rang twice and opened. It was the ponytail policewoman, Zhang Hong.

Seeing Chu Tian sitting in front of Xia Mo’s computer, playing around with it, and Xia Mo buttoning up her police uniform, Zhang Hong smiled and said, “Captain Xia, Boss Chu is here too.”

“Well, I’m free to come and play with my sister.” Chu Tian replied with a smile.

Xia Mo finished fastening the buttons of her uniform and said, “Zhang Elder Sister, please lock the door. I need to talk to you about something.”

“Sure,” Zhang Hong agreed.

Hearing what Xia Mo said, Zhang Hong locked the door of the office with his backhand and then came over and asked, “What’s wrong, Captain Xia?”

Xia Mo looked into Zhang Hong’s eyes, smiled, and said, “Come on, sit down and chat.”

Zhang Hong looked at Xia Mo strangely, then pulled over a chair and sat.

Xia Mo sorted out her thoughts a bit and said, “Sister Zhang, actually, I know that the recent economic situation on your side is not very good.” ReAd latest chapters at n0v(e) Only


Zhang Hong was stunned for a moment and said with some embarrassment: “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s just that the beverage store is not doing well recently, and it’s not a big deal. My partner is going to look for a job in a few days.”

Xia Mo nodded and said: “That’s it, don’t let your partner find any job. I just chatted with Chu Tian on the way here, and he decided to give you a place in the franchise store.”

What? Plus, the number of franchise stores?

Hearing what Xia Mo said, Zhang Hong was stunned for a moment and then hurriedly turned to look at Chu Tian.

Seeing that Zhang Hong was talking, tears came out, and she wiped her eyes again. Chu Tian smiled and said: “No, no, sister Zhang, the franchise rules have been changed, just changed on the way. It’s different. Anyway, I’ll make a contract later. Then we sign it.”

“In addition, you may have to wait a little longer because it will take about a month to complete my second production workshop, and the second production workshop has just started, so you can wait another month or so. First, use this time to find a suitable place to open a franchise store and make new ones.”


Zhang Hong nodded hurriedly and said, “Don’t say it’s a month. You can wait for two months.”

“Sister Zhang, do you need me to lend you some start-up funds?” Chu Tian said.

“No need.” Zhang Hong quickly shook her head and said, “Boss Chu, I am really grateful that you can give us such a quota. How can I still borrow your money? Don’t worry. We can borrow this money by ourselves.”

“Alright.” Chu Tian smiled, “Then, when I come over another day, bring the contract with me.”

In the office, just as Chu Tian finished speaking, he heard a burst of crying and shouting from outside.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Hong hurriedly wiped her eyes, stood up, and said, “Captain Xia, I’ll go out to see the situation first.”

“Well, let’s go.” Xia Mo nodded with a smile.

After Zhang Hong left the office, Xia Mo looked at Chu Tian with a smile and said, “Chu Tian, you just said that the franchise rules have been changed. Is it true or not?”

“Of course it’s true.” Chu Tian said, “I’ll have a good chat with sister Nian when I get back. The current franchise rules are to make the rich richer. The threshold of 20 million is here. This won’t work. You have to be careful. Change, do something meaningful, this group of people already have money, so they are not worthy of joining.”

Seeing Chu Tian’s serious appearance, Xia Mo smiled, then poked his head, kissed Chu Tian on the face, and said, “Your reward.”

“Uh... I don’t care about it.”

“What? What did you bastard say?”

“Ah, it hurts. Oh, sister, pinch gently...”

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