Published at 28th of May 2024 06:05:18 AM

Chapter 286

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Chapter 286

Chapter 286: Locking the Suspect

After listening to Yang Yunyun’s words, Xia Mo, who was writing notes, stopped suddenly as if she had discovered something.

Xia Mo looked at Yang Yunyun and said, “Yang Yunyun, tell me, Liu Tong scolded you after discovering your relationship with Zhao Xiang, and then, when you go back, you will have sex with Zhao Xiang and cut off contact, right?”

Yang Yunyun looked at Xia Mo and nodded hurriedly.


Xia Mo said, “You were woken up by Liu Tong’s scolding?”

“Huh.” Yang Yunyun nodded again.

“Then how did you tell Zhao Xiang?” Xia Mo said.

“I... I didn’t say much,” said Yang Yunyun, “Zhao Xiang knew that I was going to get married, so I asked him out and said that we shouldn’t contact each other anymore because I felt that it was unfair to my fiancé. Then, he also agreed. The next morning, after we separated, we haven’t contacted each other since then.”

“Does Zhao Xiang know that Liu Tong knows about you and him?” Xia Mo continued.

“Um... I, I said.” Yang Yunyun said, “I told Zhao Xiang that Liu Tong scolded me. She was quite right. I can’t do this to my fiancé. Moreover, he should find his own girlfriend. It’s not right for us to be like this.”

Xia Mo nodded slowly and said: “So, Zhao Xiang knows that it was Liu Tong who advised you to leave him.”

“Eh...” Yang Yunyun stammered, “He, he knows.”

“Do you know how to find this Zhao Xiang?”

“I, I have never been to his house. We have always booked a room in hotel.”

“Alright,” Chu Tian laughed, “Leave it to me.”


Ten minutes later!

In Xia Mo’s office, Chu Tian sat in front of the computer and said: “Sister, I found it. Zhao Xiang is off work today, so I located his cell phone. He is currently in his rented house. The location is Fuguang Community. Unit 3, Building 6, and Room 1501...”

Beside Chu Tian, Xia Mo had just written down the location when suddenly the door of the office opened. Xiao Liu walked in and said, “Captain Xia, what’s going on? Why you handcuffed that Yang Yunyun?”

“She is now suspected of killing Liu Xing.” Xia Mo said, “Little Liu, you take someone to this place immediately.”

While talking, Xia Mo handed the paper to Xiao Liu and said, “This guy is called Zhao Xiang. He is a friend of Yang Yunyun, who just met not long ago. He is suspected of murdering Liu Tong. You should take someone and bring him to the bureau. I will interrogate her myself.”

Xiao Liu hurriedly took it, glanced at it, and said, “Understood, Captain Xia, then I will take someone to arrest him now.”

After speaking, Xiao Liu left the office in a hurry.

Seeing this, Chu Tian couldn’t help saying: “Sister, do you think this Yang Yunyun is suspicious?”

“This possibility cannot be ruled out at the moment.” Xia Mo said, “Although judging from Yang Yunyun’s account, she should have nothing to do with Liu Tong’s death, we should not only listen to her own side of the case. The matter is very serious. It may not be the case as she said.”

“The wedding is approaching, and the affair was exposed by a friend. It’s possible that Yang Yunyun is concerned that Liu Tong might reveal the secret and ruin her impending marriage. To play it safe, Yang Yunyun might indeed have encouraged Zhao Xiang to eliminate Liu Tong.”

“So, this Yang Yunyun now has the motive and suspicion of murder. The specific situation will have to be judged after interrogating Zhao Xiang and comparing the two confessions. Before that, I definitely cannot let Yang Yunyun go.”

Chu Tian looked into Xia Mo’s eyes, smiled, and said, “Sister, you are really strict in your work.”

“That’s right.” Xia Mo said with a smile, “The police must be rigorous in their work. You can’t wrong a good person, but you can’t let a bad person go.”

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