Published at 28th of May 2024 06:05:13 AM

Chapter 289

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Chapter 289

Chapter 289: Martyr Family, Priority

In the factory area, after Chu Tian strolled for a while, he finally came to the workshop that had been built and put into production.

Just as Chu Tian was about to walk in, suddenly, at the door of the workshop, a man with a badge around his neck blocked him and said, “Please show your employee ID. If you are not an employee of our company, you are not allowed to enter the workshop.”

You came to your own company, but you were stopped? Besides, he didn’t have a work permit.

“That...” Chu Tian said innocently, “I’m looking for Manager Li of your company. I know her.”

“I’m sorry, sir.” The man shook his head and said, “Without a work permit, you are not allowed to enter the workshop. This is the company’s regulation.”


Chu Tian hesitated for a while, nodded innocently, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Li Niannian’s voice sounded, “Chu Tian, what’s wrong?”

“Sister Niannian, come out and pick me up.” Chu Tian said, “I’m at the door of the workshop, and I don’t have a work permit, so I won’t be allowed in.”

“Huh?” Li Niannian was surprised, “You came to the company?”

“Yeah.” Chu Tian smiled, “I miss my sister, but someone stopped me and didn’t let me see you.”

“Hehehe...” Li Niannian said with a chuckle, “Then wait a minute. I’ll come out to pick you up right away.”

“Cut, I believe it?” Li Niannian pouted with a smile.

“Hey.” Chu Tian smiled and said, “By the way, sister, have you got the second batch of franchisees?”

“I’m working on it.” Li Niannian took out a thick stack of documents from her desk drawer and said, “There are more people in this batch. The second batch also has 200 franchisees. In the end, there are already 815 who want to join.”

“Then sister, have you signed a contract with them?” Chu Tian asked.

“Not yet,” Li Niannian replied. “I plan to have them sign together. Out of these 815 individuals, my intention is to initially select 200 potential franchisees. After that, I’ll arrange a gathering for them in a hotel conference room to provide a uniform explanation of the contract. Then, we can proceed with a unified signing. Individual signings would be too time-consuming. I spent half a month solely on contracts for the previous batch.”

Chu Tian nodded and said, “Sister, throw away all these things.”

“Ah?” Li Niannian was stunned and said, “All thrown away? What do you mean, Chu Tian? These are the franchisee list and information.”

“I know,” Chu Tian said, “But I want to change the rules for franchisees. These people have better conditions than ordinary people. They are already rich, so they can’t make money anymore.”

“Eh...” Li Niannian innocently said, “Chu Tian, you, what do you mean this?”

“Sister Xia told me something this morning.” Chu Tian said, “Sister Xia has a colleague named Zhang Hong. Her family conditions...”

While talking, Chu Tian briefly explained Zhang Hong’s situation to Li Niannian.

Chu Tian said: “As for Zhang Hong’s partner, he is also a policeman, but later, he was injured and limped in the fight with the gangsters, so he can no longer call the police.”

“Both of them are policemen both maintain social order and protect the people, but their economic conditions are so miserable. I think this is somewhat unfair to them.”

“So, those people who already have money will not be allowed to join. From the second batch, I plan to give priority to all people like Zhang Hong, firefighters, policemen, armed policemen, soldiers, etc., especially martyr families.”

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