I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:26 AM

Chapter 1: Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan

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"Xiao Lin, this month is about to end! The rent for last month should be paid. Brother also knows that you are difficult, but who is not difficult these days. If you can't pay the rent for these two days, move out."

"Yes, brother Tie, tomorrow, tomorrow I will definitely put the money on your card!" Lin Hangxiao smiled and hung up the phone, sighed, took out the key and opened the door. Entering the door, put the Kangshuaifu instant noodles in his hand on the table, took out a bottle of ice-cola from the refrigerator, filled it with half a bottle, and made a long hiccup. It was June, at the hottest time of noon, Lin Hang took off his shirt and T-shirt and sat on the sofa.

Lin Hang came to Huicheng when he was fourteen years old. In the past eight years, he has tasted all the warmth and coldness of humanity.

"I have to think of a way to collect the rent. I started living here three years ago, and Brother Tie is pretty good to me," Lin Hang thought.

The house he rented was an apartment building in Yanghu Town, Huicheng. It was only a bridge across to the center of Huicheng, but the rent was only one-third of that of the city center, 600 a month. Three years ago, Lin Hang had just resigned from a hotel that included board and lodging. He found this house on the Internet. The landlord, Tie Ge, also saw that it was not easy for him at the time. He is free.

In the middle of the night, Lin Hang, who had just fallen asleep, was awakened by a huge impact next door. Scratching his hair irritably, Lin Hang got up and went out and knocked on the door next door.

"Boom boom!"

"Who, this night?"

A clear and angry voice came from the door, and the door opened with a small opening.

"It's you? Why?" A small head stuck out from the crack in the door.

"Ms. Liu, I will sleep if you don't sleep at night, what are you doing in the room?" Lin Hang asked bitterly.

"Isn't it just moving a few tables? As for such a surprise." Liu Ruyan chuckled.

Liu Ruyan is Lin Hang's neighbor and just moved here six months ago. In Lin Hang's impression, this woman is quite mysterious, usually in the room, and Lin Hang has met several times in the corridor, and the two parties are nodding acquaintances.

Lin Hang originally lived in the easternmost room on this floor, and it was originally empty next to it, but it was very clean. Since Liu Ruyan moved here, yes, the quiet days are gone forever, this woman is a night owl, not going to bed in the middle of the night is the norm, regardless of Lin Hang's feelings. Lin Hang usually feels that a good man doesn't care about women, and Liu Ruyan is a big beauty, so he can bear it. I was upset tonight, remembering the memories of the past, I came to the door when I was angry.

"Ms. Liu, you say it with your conscience. In the past six months it has been so troubled every night, did I ever care about it with you? Tomorrow I have to get up to find a job, not as leisurely as you." Lin Hang's voice was loud stand up.

"Don't get angry!" Liu Ruyan smiled, "Lin Hang, why are you looking for a job again? You got fired again?"

Lin Hangben and Liu Ruyan are not familiar with each other, and they don't usually talk about these issues. Hearing these, I feel that this woman is paying attention to herself in secret. Lin Hang didn't have any relatives or friends in Huicheng, and he was in a bad mood today, and no one could talk to him, so he simply chatted with Liu Ruyan.

Lin Hang had been working as a waiter in a bar for the past six months before today. Yesterday he had an unhappy relationship with his boss, so he was opened again. It is strange to say that Lin Hang always feels that he is incompatible with the people around him, as if he has never been a person in the world, and has no friends.

"Haha~ I didn't expect you to be such an interesting person, Lin Hang! You've been thirsty after talking for so long. Come in for a drink, and I'll be with you." Liu Ruyan opened the door wide and invited Lin Voyage.

Lin Hang felt that he had never spoken as freely as he does today. It seemed that he and Liu Ruyan were truly in the same world.

"Okay!" Lin Hang walked in, Liu Ruyan turned and closed the door.

"any drinks?"


Taking Liu Ruyan to get a drink, Lin Hang glanced at the house. The apartment building Lin Hang lives in has more than ten rooms on each floor. The layout of the rooms is basically the same, one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, but the decoration style depends on the residents' choice. Lin Hang's room only had some basic facilities, and Liu Ruyan's room made Lin Hang understand how far apart people are.


Lin Hang took it, opened it and took a sip, "I didn't expect you to be so rich!"

"Ha~, the old man in the family is still rich, according to your situation, should I lend you some money first to spend these months?" Liu Ruyan asked with a smile.

Lin Hang originally wanted to refuse, but somehow the ghost and the gods agreed. Liu Ruyan asked Lin Hang's number and charged RMB 2,000 to Lin Hang's payment package. Lin Hang glanced at his phone and said, "Thanks, I will pay you back in two months."

While chatting, a black figure suddenly rushed in from the window, and a sword pierced Liu Ruyan, with a deadly luster on the tip of the sword. Lin Hang was shocked by this sudden scene. He smashed Liu Ruyan away, and the black shadow's movements were a little bit surprised. This person could actually react. But the next turn, he continued to stab towards Liu Ruyan.

With a bang, the shadow fell straight to the ground, and his figure also appeared. He was a skinny man wearing tight black clothes and a black mask. At this moment, his legs were bound by vines, and he fell to the ground. It's not over yet, the vines grow up again until they wrap the man in a zongzi shape and hang him upside down.

"Dare you come and kill me alone if you don't reach the acquired realm?" Liu Ruyan's face was cold.

"It's troublesome now. How come Lin Hang sees it at this time, what should I do?" Liu Ruyan was drumming.

When Liu Ruyan was distracted, he unexpectedly stretched out a scimitar under his feet to cut the vines. The moment he landed, within a second, the rest of the vines on his body were all cut off. He knew it was not Liu Ruyan. For the present, his opponent had to retreat, only to see the man shot a dagger from his cuff and shot it at Lin Hang. Then, without looking at the result, he jumped out of the window without looking back, and disappeared into the night between several vertical jumps.

But here Liu Ruyan slowed a step because of distraction. With a powerful impact, the dagger shot directly through Lin Hang's right chest, and Lin Hang was knocked back to the ground.

Liu Ruyan hurried over to help Lin Hang, but seeing that Lin Hang had passed out in a coma, he didn't care so much. Liu Ruyan raised his hand, and saw a green light glowing from his hand, pressing on Lin Hang's wound.

Half an hour later, Liu Ruyan collapsed on the sofa. Lin Hang's breathing had been steady beside him. The wound of the table tennis ball had disappeared, only the big hole in the clothes showed the mark.

"Fortunately, this kid has good physique, otherwise I will be exhausted to death." Liu Ruyan let out a long sigh of relief. "If something happens to this kid, how can I explain to my sister-in-law?"

Early the next morning, the dazzling sunlight came in from the window, and Lin Hang opened his eyes hard and finally got up. "Is it a dream yesterday?" Lin Hang shook his head to make himself more awake, and as soon as he stood up, his feet fell on the bed again.

"Don't move! You are very weak now!" Liu Ruyan walked in with a bowl of porridge.

Lin Hang was dumbfounded, only to find that everything that happened last night was real, and the big hole in his chest clothes was the best explanation.

"Drink some porridge first. I added some ginseng to replenish your body." Liu Ruyan took the porridge and blew it with a spoon to Lin Hang's mouth.

Soon after finishing the porridge, Liu Ruyan was about to go out and was stopped by Lin Hang, "Shouldn't you explain to me what happened last night?"

Liu Ruyan put the bowl back in the kitchen, came back and sat on the bed, saying, "If you have any questions, please ask."

"Who are you?" This is Lin Hang's most concern.

Liu Ruyan knew that he was talking about himself and the man last night, "We are supernatural beings. This world is far from as simple as you think. Ordinary people live in an ordinary world, and they will never have the opportunity to come into contact with us. of."

As Liu Ruyan stretched out his hand, a vine with a thick thumb slowly grew up from the ground. After a while it reached the ceiling and then hung down to form a swing. Liu Ruyan sat on it and said while swinging. This is my ability: element-wood. It can generate and control plants, as long as the energy is enough, it can grow continuously, and I also have a strong healing ability." Then he glanced at Lin Hang's chest.

"However, ordinary people's abilities only strengthen their physical fitness, making a certain aspect of their body greatly enhanced. For example, the man in black last night, he strengthened his body's speed, but his strength has not been cultivated."

Lin Hang looked at Liu Ruyan's slightly intentional expression and rolled his eyes, "Since that person is not good, you let me run away, and by the way it was cruel?"

Liu Ruyan was a little embarrassed when she heard this, and said softly. "People didn't have any precautions for a while, besides, didn't I cure you? I even got up in the morning to make porridge for you!"

"By the way, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"Uh, there seems to be a cool feeling in my head."

Liu Ruyan, who wanted to change the subject, suddenly widened her eyes. She didn't expect that Lin Hang would have awakened the ability under the stimulation of life and death last night.

"What's more? What's more!" Liu Ruyan asked anxiously.

"Nothing else."

"That's it." Liu Ruyan was a little disappointed, "You have awakened the ability, but depending on your reaction, it should be an enhanced ability, which has not been reflected temporarily."

Lin Hang was a little confused, Liu Ruyan was even more excited than himself, not knowing why.

"You give me a hand, I am going back to my room." Lin Hang said.

The moment his hand touched Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang clearly felt a message in his head

Element-wood copy 1%...58%...100% copy completed!

Lin Hang feels that his mind has become a storage space, but now this space is small and empty, and the words "Elements-100% Wood" are floating in a corner. Lin Hang tried to touch it with consciousness, but there was no reaction at all.

"Is it my lack of strength?" Lin Hang thought.

Lin Hang returned to the room, his awakening ability strengthened his physical fitness, and his slightly nearsighted eyes were no longer blurred. Feeling the clearer world before him, Lin Hang smiled slightly.

"Hello, New World!"

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