I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 10

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:09 AM

Chapter 10: Zhou Mo layout

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"Zhou's family is so peaceful? After such a big loss, can they actually bear it?"

The letter contained the latest intelligence of the Zhou family, which was obviously investigated by Liu Ruyan secretly arranged.

Liu Ruyan also frowned and said, "It seems that this time Liu Tianlin came to Huicheng, his purpose is not that simple..."

Originally, Liu Ruyan thought that the Liu family came to deal with him, and the action last night was just thinking about watching the excitement. But after seeing the performance of Zhou Family and Liu Tianlin last night, I realized that things were not that simple. Liu Tianlin had brought so many supernaturalists with search and sensing expertise from the capital, obviously planning for this for a long time. If it were not for their own accidental factors, Liu Tianlin and Zhou Mo had been silent, and did not disturb other forces in Huicheng, and completed this plan!

It was really a blunder. If the Zhou family hadn't acted on Liu Ruyan, Liu Ruyan might not have discovered the Zhou family's plan. There is a fixed number for one drink and one peck.

"This jade card in our hand must be what Zhou Mo has always wanted in Huicheng for so many years. This time we broke a good thing, Zhou Mo and Liu Tianlin will definitely not give up. It's just," Liu Ruyan After a pause, "What are they afraid of? Since they all dared to do it directly on me, it obviously wouldn't be because of the Liu family behind me."

Lin Hang said, "No matter what they are thinking, sister Yan must pay attention to your safety next. This is so far from the capital, they will use whatever means!"

Lin Hang's analysis was not without reason, but what he didn't know was that Zhou Mo, the fox, had already switched the focus and aimed at him. The next thing to pay attention to is not Liu Ruyan, but himself!

In an Hui-style villa in the wealthy area of ​​the east of Huicheng, Li Haoxuan was watching a gray-haired old man making tea.

The old man poured a cup for Li Haoxuan and said, "Come on, Haoxuan, this is the Huicheng Maofeng that I have treasured for a long time, try it."

Li Haoxuan picked up the teacup and took a sip, only to feel that the taste was sweet, the aroma was like orchids, and the flavor was profound. Can not help but exclaimed "good tea!". But the purpose of his coming here today is not to find the old man to drink tea.

He put down the tea cup and said to the old man, "Dad, this tea is good tea, but I really don't have such a good mood to savor it."

This old man is the father of Li Haoxuan, Li Anliang, the head of the previous generation of the Li family in Huicheng! When he was young, he was also a man of the generation in Huicheng. The time he experienced was the transitional period of the Li family from black to white. The Li family was also in his hands, step by step to build up reputation. Later, after handing over the family to his son Li Haoxuan, he slowly faded out, but began to cultivate his character and focus on his own cultivation.

Li Anliang laughed softly, not paying attention, "Haoxuan, your heart is upset."

Li Haoxuan said, "Can I not be in a hurry? Ten years ago, when you handed over the family to me, this was the strongest force outside the Huicheng Ye family, but now, this week family is catching up step by step. We actually compressed the living space of our Li family in Huicheng!"

"Then you think you haven't done a good job? Or something else?" Li Anliang asked unhurriedly.

Li Haoxuan heard the words and said that the emotions accumulated for a long time broke out, "I am really not a good family owner, but the old fox Zhou Mo is too despicable. He never conflicts with us head-on, and only secretly stumbles! He has the ability. Have a fight with me!"

Li Anliang said, "But look at the result, are we the one who suffers every time? Although Zhou Mo did something, but did not get what he wanted? So, Haoxuan, I'm early I just told you that as the head of the family, you can no longer think about things like you used to. Think more about everything, look at the things behind, and don’t go straight."

"What happened again this time?" Although the old man was accusing Li Haoxuan, he still asked this sentence.

Li Haoxuan calmed down and said, "Last night, I received news that Zhou Mo was plotting a major event, and the Liu family in the capital was secretly helping. I took the manpower to find them in trouble, although I did not **** them. I wanted something, but it still ruined their plan. I am worried about Zhou Mo's next actions."

Li Anliang listened to Li Haoxuan's words, shook his head, and said, "Why don't you tell me about this in advance? Your kid is a gunman for someone else!"

Li Haoxuan was a little unconvinced, "Dad, although it's a bit reckless, it's still successful. Zhou Mo's plan was ruined by me. No matter what else, if he completes the plan, who knows what will happen to our Li family? influences?"

Li Anliang hates iron but steel, and said, "So you always look at the surface. I ask you, the Zhou family has been strong in the past two years, but has he caused any substantial harm to our Li family? Except for nothing. Our Li family has not been affected by critical economic losses. The Zhou family’s goal has never been us."

Li Haoxuan asked, "Then how do you know if he will act more excessively?"

Li Anliang poured another cup of tea and said, "Haoxuan, you still don't know Huicheng. There is always only one power in Huicheng, and that is the Ye Family. The Ye Family has maintained a transcendent position for so many years. They are best at balancing the situation in this small city. Back then, our Li family rose strongly, but the Ye family did not come forward. They used the deal with the Liu family to not only get a lot of benefits, but also give us one more competitor. ——Zhou Mo, restrained us effortlessly. Think about it, if there is no acquiescence from the Ye Family, how could the Zhou Family develop so quickly?"

"However, the development of the Zhou family is almost at the end now. After all, with the Liu family backed, if the Ye family does not want to raise a strong wolf by their side, they will definitely not watch the Zhou family continue to grow bigger. ."

Li Anliang got up and stood by the artificial lake in front of the villa, looking at a thick willow tree by the lake, shaking violently in the wind, but there was silence behind the willow tree, he smiled and turned and walked into the villa.

Jiang was still hot, and Zhou Mo did not expect that there was such a powerful opponent behind the Li family.

In the afternoon, Li Haoxuan returned to his villa, and his subordinates saw him coming back and stepped forward to say a few words in his ear. Li Haoxuan remembered what his father had said, without impulsiveness, he dialed Li Anliang's number.

Two days later.

In the Zhou family villa at this time, Zhou Mo and Liu Tianlin were waiting for the night to slowly darken.

"Uncle, if you guess right tonight, Liu Ruyan and the kid named Lin Hang will all disappear in Huicheng!" Liu Tianlin's face was full of excitement.

Zhou Mo was still calm, and said, "If it weren't for the Ye Family on it, I have a hundred ways to deal with them. But Huicheng is Huicheng, and Ye Family is Ye Family. Although we have an agreement with them, Under their noses, many things are still impossible to do. But tonight is different, this time it is our turn to watch the show!"

At this time, Lin Hangzheng and Liu Ruyan were practicing in the woods outside the city. Because in the future, in front of outsiders, Lin Hang is a supernatural ability of "Element-Wood", so he has been training the use and familiarity of this ability.

"The ability of "Elements-Wood" must be practiced continuously if you want to master it proficiently. The best place to practice is where there are plenty of wood elements, just like here." Liu Ruyan is in Lin Hang Said by his side.

And Lin Hang is studying another way of using powers-catalysis, because the psychic energy released through "Element-Wood" is full of natural breath, so it can catalyze the growth of plants in a short time. With a lot of seeds, you can instantly turn the battlefield into a familiar site, and catalysis consumes much less psychic energy than transforming it into plants out of thin air. So this is also one of the compulsory courses for many wood abilities.

Just when the two of Lin Hang were practising seriously, Zhou Mo and Liu Tianlin quietly came to the neighborhood with a group of people. Watching the supernatural powers performed by Lin Hang, Zhou Mo's original heart was also let go.

Zhou Mo said to Liu Tianlin, "Tianlin, you see, Lin Hang's performance is obviously a wood element supernatural power. Liu Ruyan and him must be based on the relationship of superpowers. This kid is even with the Liu family. There is nothing to do with it. When Liu Ruyan was resolved, it was easily destroyed. The hands and feet were clean, and the Liu family couldn’t say anything. The key is that the Ye family would not be right because of something that happened many years ago. The Liu family has a good face, and this also cuts off the possibility of the Ye family's move. This is also the most perfect development in my plan!"

Liu Tianlin listened to Zhou Mo’s analysis and nodded, “Uncle, in that case, why don’t we just go over and grab them directly.” Liu Tianlin looked at the twenty good players behind him. These people were not responsible for searching that night. All of them are members of the Zhou family and Liu family combat team.

Zhou Mo waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, the guests for tonight's performance are not yet complete. Although I am sure that the two people and the Ye family are not involved, even if there is a slight possibility, I am not willing to take risks. Let others help us to test."

There was a cold light in Zhou Mo's eyes, "How can only the two of them satisfy me? With such a good opportunity tonight, if we don't wipe out our opponents, wouldn't it fail my plan for so many days?"

Liu Tianlin tentatively asked, "Uncle, you mean, the person who is coming tonight is also our enemy?"

Zhou Mo replied with a smile, "Last time Li Jiaya dared to attack us. I really thought that they could keep them in the past few years because of their own ability? If it weren't for the Ye Family, dare to fight against us all the time. We are expelled from Huicheng!"

Hearing Zhou Mo's words, Liu Tianlin was shocked. He felt that his uncle was really terrible. Both parties were supposed to deal with their enemies, and they could fight together when Zhou Mo turned his hands!

Liu Tianlin also put away his impatience, patiently preparing to watch the good show directed by Zhou Mo.

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