I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 100

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:52 AM

Chapter 100: Rolling

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When Lin Hang opened his eyes again, he saw that he was already on top of a mountain. When he was puzzled, Wang Lao's voice came, "We are now on the border of northwest China. According to the military, The United States, along with the other three allied countries, sent an advance force in order to find out the reality of China. It is because the northwest is sparsely populated, so they chose to cut in from here. We were in "Emperor World" before. The military There is really no way to keep them. Their squad has only ten people, all of them are innate abilities. They are very mobile and combat effective. In order to avoid losses, the military’s strategy is to ignore them and wait and see. Now We are here, and they won't be able to jump for long!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a military uniform walked towards the three of them, and after a military salute to Wang Laojing, he said in a deep voice, "Wang Lao, you are finally here! I have been sending people to stare at them. , But because they are too strong, they have not been too close. Now their position is probably in a small basin about fifty miles away from this mountain. What are you going to do now?"

Old Wang smiled and said, "What else can I do? Those who offend me Huaxia will be punishable even if they are far away! And I, I can't wait for them to leave the Huaxia gate and come back one by one to settle the accounts. Now, leave them!"

The middle-aged officer looked a little embarrassed and said cautiously, "Old Wang, I know you are confident, but will you be a little risky?" After all, they have ten innate masters, and two of them are yours. The strength should not be underestimated!"

Old Wang waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, although I am confident, I will not lose my judgment. You listen to my arrangements and remove the people who are staring. Let's meet them for a while!"

Without waiting for the officer's response, Mr. Wang waved to the two of them, and then activated the space to send, leaving the officer with a bitter expression in place.

The three men came to the direction of the basin that the officer said, and stood on the high ground to check, but they did not find any figure. Lao Wang closed his eyes, Lin Hang and Ye Lao didn't speak, and they sensed quietly.

Wang Lao has been immersed in the space power for many years, so naturally he will not only have a simple space transmission. He can perceive the fluctuations of the space carefully to search for the enemy's trail.

After a few minutes, Wang Lao said, "Found it!" Then he left the place with the two of them.

Lan is the Supreme Elder of the American Supernatural Powers Association. He usually practices silently, but this time he has to take the team on this trip to China.

The team was slowly advancing, Lan raised his hand to indicate that the team had stopped temporarily, and a person behind said, "Lan, what's wrong?"

Lann said, "There is nothing wrong, but there is always a feeling of anxiety in my heart. Dimo, you know, I am a mental superpower. Every time I feel this way, something will happen. I think Our action this time is over!"

Dimo and Lan are the leaders of the squad. Both of them are innate peak cultivation bases. Dimo ​​and Lan have known each other for a long time, and they are convinced of Lan's ability. They immediately agreed to Lan's suggestion and prepared. Withdraw from China. Both leaders made such a decision. Although the people underneath were very puzzled, they still obeyed the order and the team began to evacuate quickly.

But at this moment, Old Wang's voice came over, "Lann, Dimo, since you have come to my land, why don't you leave without saying hello?"

Lao Wang immediately appeared in front of everyone. With the appearance of Lao Wang, Lan En's feeling of anxiety became more serious. Although I don't know why, the familiar opponent in front of him has given him tremendous pressure this time.

Dimo didn't feel anything, he sneered and said, "Wang Min! You don't scare us, what can you do with us? Although we can't keep you, you can only watch us leave That's it!"

In fact, in Lan En’s heart, Dimo’s words were his thoughts, but today, Mr. Wang seemed to be different from their impressions. Lan En thought of a possibility, shocked his face and couldn’t help but speak. Said, "Could it be that you, Wang Min, broke through?!"

Old Wang didn't answer, he was still smiling in the air. Dimo couldn't bear this kind of atmosphere. With a roar, he rushed directly into the air, Wang Lao's complexion did not change, and he vomited "Ding!", Dimo ​​kept the posture of punching forward. He was directly confined in mid-air by Wang Lao using the space, his whole body could not move, only the eyes that kept turning showed that he was not a dead person yet.

The despair in Lan En's heart deepened. Although Dimo's actions seemed impulsive, Lan also wanted him to try Wang Lao's falsehood, but he never expected that it would end like this. Dimo is also a supernatural power at the peak of innate anyway, and the existence at the top of the world is actually subdued like a child under Wang Lao's hand?

Dimo and Lan had also fought against Wang Lao many times before, and they also knew better about Wang Lao's fighting style, which is why Dimo ​​rushed forward like this. Lao Wang is known internationally as a time-traveler, and he is the most flexible power player, but he is not very strong in attack. Before, if Wang Lao wanted to hold down an opponent of the same level like Dimo, he would need to spend a lot of power and He can't move yet, so Wang Lao always avoids his edge in the battle. This time I can achieve such an effect. And looking at Wang Lao's appearance, there is no difficulty. Lan En's heart is determined, and Wang Lao breaks through. Up!

Lan En knew that there was no hope of escape this time, so he stopped resisting, but asked, "Old friend, I know I'm dead this time. Can you tell me how to reach that state? "

Old Wang smiled and said, "I just answered this question. What's the point? Since you dare to invade China, I will not be merciful!"

Then Wang Lao looked serious, closed his eyes, and saw that the space where the ten members of the team were all shattered one by one, and then turned into fragments to dissipate in the world. Wang Lao was silent for a while before turning around and returning to Lin Hang.

Even though Lan En and others were wiped out so easily, Elder Wang didn't have a trace of excitement in his heart. He thought of the great calamity that the great elder said. When the great calamity comes, will he be like now? Lan En and others are so powerless? Elder Wang didn't know, all he could think of now was to do his best to improve his strength and strive to have the ability to defend China when the catastrophe came.

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