I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1000

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:36 AM

Chapter 1000: Feel relieved

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Zi Feng also nodded directly at this time, and then replied, "Well, senior treasure, don't worry! I will definitely be more cautious about this kind of thing. Since yesterday I decided to carry out this integration process, I have The evacuation of the tribesmen has already begun. Now, all the disciples and tribesmen have been evacuated. Now there is no one on the mainland of "Purple Cold Island". A disciple and clansman already exists, and some of the more valuable items have already been transferred. The subsequent transfer and fusion actions will not have any impact. Even if there are any changes in the later integration process, It won’t have any impact on the entire family."

After everyone sat down, Lin Hang said his purpose, "I call you over this time to ask you to do me a favor. You all know the latest West Antarctic Inner Sea Talents Trial to be held next. I am going to participate in such a trial, and then enter the inland, and the last trial I accidentally caused some bad effects, so that the review of this trial has become more stringent, so for insurance For the sake of it, I can't fabricate a monk out of thin air, it would be too easy to cause their inland forces to alert, so this time I want to borrow your identity!"

In the first half of Lin Hang’s words, the six people present thought that Lin Hang wanted them to help Lin Hang participate in this genius trial to get a place inland, but they didn’t expect Lin Hang at the end. Making such a request really made them a little bit ignorant. They didn't know the purpose of Lin Hang's arrangement, and how would Lin Hang borrow their identity?

Lin Hang knew that he would not get a good understanding of what he said, so he smiled and explained, "Everyone, you don’t particularly understand what I said. The reason why I want to borrow your identity is because you were here in the previous days. In the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, as a casual cultivator, he is relatively well-known, so if I go to participate in such a genius trial, there is a great possibility that I will not attract special attention. If I pretend to choose myself, Unfamiliar masters who suddenly appear will definitely be strictly censored. If it is a cultivator in the fairyland, I have a high probability that I will not be able to pass such a review. If this happens, my purpose will be exposed and it will not be conducive to the implementation of my future plans. To sum up, I need your identity to participate in such a competition!"

After Lin Hang explained a little bit, the six geniuses present at the scene could roughly understand what Lin Hang meant, but at this time, Jing Zhi, who was at the Golden Core mid-term cultivation level among the six, boldly asked, " Senior, I have a question, I don’t know if I should ask it?"

Jingzhi is a petite human woman with a cute baby face, which is very lovable. However, according to Lin Hang's observations these days, although Jingzhi has a delicate appearance, her fighting style and training direction are It was a fierce melee path, and the weapon used was a huge golden hammer taller than hers. The wave of it was a horrible wind, which was very strange and unconventional, but it was full of explosive beauty.

Lin Hang heard Jingzhi’s speech and had no other reaction. He knew that Jingzhi’s temperament was the same as her fighting style, and she was indomitable. She would never hide anything. This style and The temperament is also considered to be the type that Lin Hang prefers, so Lin Hang just laughed at Jingzhi's words, then nodded and said, "No problem, Jingzhi, if you have any questions, just say it, and you, what do you have? You can put forward suggestions and suggestions, and I am not a person who can't listen to opinions!"

Jing Zhi smiled after hearing Lin Hang's words, and opened his small mouth and said, "Senior, Jing Zhi doesn't understand, why do you want to borrow our identity, Senior? We can perform such a task for you. Ah, I originally meant to participate in this genius trial, and this time with the help of your predecessors, I am confident that I can get a place in the late Jindan stage. I believe the confidence of the other five Taoists should be It's the same as me. Since we can do it for you, why do you have to do it yourself?"

After Jingzhi said this, Lin Hang paid special attention to the reaction of Jinyan and the other five people, and found that they all had similar meanings. Although these people are not particularly the same in personalities, everyone has no shortage of confidence in themselves. , And now with the help of Lin Hang, each of them can be said to have completed a transformation. Under such circumstances, they naturally want to witness their own changes and also want to serve Lin Hang after joining Lin Hang’s forces. Air provides some help.

This situation was also expected by Lin Hang. Lin Hang laughed and then said, "Everyone, I understand your thoughts, and I also understand your kindness to help me, but this time through this genius Entering the inland in the trials is an extremely important thing for me. Although I am borrowing your identity to enter the inland, my method is not only that, so it’s not that you can’t help me. I’m busy, but to complete my plan more perfectly, it’s safer for me to do it myself, so you don’t need to act for me this time, but don’t worry, I will assign you tasks after a while. Yes, I will never let you idle!"

Zi Feng’s words also caused some ripples in the treasure troupe’s heart, because from Zi Feng’s words, the treasure trove also clearly felt Zi Feng’s determination and desperation, which would bring the entire ethnic group The fate of Zi Feng is the feeling of being weighed on the body of the treasure house, which makes the treasure house have some pressure in his heart at this time. The treasure house has already understood that once Zi Feng has made a decision, he is a desperate and ruthless person. Under such circumstances, Zifeng obviously didn't care about any consequences, and fully supported the actions of the treasure house.

Treasury Envoy also said at this time, "Zifeng, you don’t have to worry about it. Although we have done the fusion process, I still have some certainty. After all, the fragment continent in the core area of ​​the Ziwei Emperor Star is because I can finally take shape. I still have a certain degree of certainty in this regard. Even if there are some accidents, I will do my best to preserve your "Purple Cold Island". In this regard, you don't have to worry so much. !"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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