I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1002

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:32 AM

Chapter 1002: Start

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In this way, no one spoke to break the situation. The Lin Hang No. 1 Jade Spirit Fairy and Zi Feng in the rear watched the treasure house's actions quietly, without any intention to interfere. After ten minutes passed, The treasure house who kept his eyes tightly closed suddenly opened his eyes, and at this time, the aura of the treasure house directly reached the peak. Although the treasure house did not release his spiritual power field, it did not leak the edge. The momentum of Lin Hang 1 and others also made it clear. The ten minutes passed, and it was also for the treasure house to completely adjust its state to the peak. Next, Lin Hang 1 and Yu Lingxian returned Zifeng's eyes widened, ready to witness the rare spectacle in this thousand years.

Only the place where a large amount of the power of the soul can be born can be born, and the most important thing is that the soul grass cannot be retained for a long time. It is a consumable that must be used immediately after discovery, which makes the soul grass such a treasure. Even among the great forces, there is not much inventory, and only a pervert like Lin Hang, who can always provide the consumption of soulweed, is really inappropriate.

So these casual cultivators who understand the value and some characteristics of the soulweed, saw Lin Hang threw out 34 soulweeds without blinking, and directly gifted them to the casual cultivators who just agreed to join the Lin Hang forces. , They were all shocked in their hearts, shocked by Lin Hang’s great handwork, and this also gave them some understanding in their hearts. Knowing the forces behind Lin Hang, they are definitely not lost in the interior of Ziwei Emperor Star. The four major forces above, and Lin Hang has the ambition to develop in this Ziwei Emperor star, then if they join this force at the beginning of its creation, they will definitely receive good attention. Joining at this time will definitely develop more than the forces. It’s good to join again. They originally chose to join the forces mentioned by Lin Hang because of the suppression of Lin Hang’s powerful strength. At this time, everyone’s heart has changed a lot, and that is provided by Lin Hang. With the support of the resources, they increasingly felt that the forces that Lin Hang said were very promising.

Lin Hang was very satisfied with the effect, but he felt that this was not enough. He was going to add another fire to thoroughly ignite the fire in the hearts of these geniuses. Lin Hang stretched out his hand and pressed it, making him a little restless. The crowd calmed down, and then said, "Everyone, this soul grass is a small gift I give to you. Don’t worry, after joining our forces, we are also a family, so regarding resources, I You will not be stingy with your family. You have just got the soulweed. If you absorb it at this time, there is a great possibility that it can help you break through your current realm, so let me promise you here, 34 of you , Among the ten people who completed the breakthrough first, I will give them some extra rewards, and this reward is definitely much better than this soulweed."

Before these casual cultivators started to get excited, Lin Hang pointed his right hand and continued, “This is the first base island I built, named Fenglei Island. I have arranged a large-scale Spirit Gathering Method on this island. Array, and this Spirit Gathering Array is definitely much stronger than the Array you have used before. Therefore, with the support of this Array, plus refining this soulweed, most of you should They are all able to complete their own breakthroughs, including the promotion of the great realm! This area is left for you, whatever you do, I will give you three months. I hope that after three months, I can see You are different!"

After speaking, Lin Hang's figure slowly disappeared in front of everyone, but in order to be able to watch these casual cultivators at any time, and to understand their progress in cultivation and the character of each person, Lin Hang was still in this area. A "Monitor" with the functions of "Monitor" and "Monitor" was left behind to convey the information of these talented geniuses. Lin Hang believes that with the talent and potential of these geniuses, he got this With good cultivation conditions, three months should be enough for everyone to complete the breakthrough, and then he can choose some more outstanding disciples from them, and then complete his future plans.

Three months passed in this way. In addition to keeping an eye on the situation of Ziwei Emperor, Lin Hang also cooperated with Yao Xing'an and "Western Gate" to search for some news about the transformation of the gods. Time has inevitably sneaked into the current'Western Territory Three Ba It disappeared in general, and this is obviously impossible. Lin Hang did not get any specific information. I don’t know what signal this situation represents, but in Lin Hang’s heart, there is a wave of rain and wind. Sense of.

As soon as the March period came, Lin Hang appeared on the original vacant land very punctually. The vacant land at this time can no longer be called a vacant land. Instead, there are more buildings with different shapes. A place for training and rest built by the casual practitioners. At this time, some of the thirty-four geniuses were communicating on the square, while others were staying in their own rooms. Lin Hang exuded his own aura and inspired With everyone’s attention, it is precisely because today is the last day of the March period that all the geniuses present did not enter the deep level of cultivation, so now that Lin Hang has released his breath a little, everyone feels it. When they arrived, these casual cultivators stopped what they were doing and gathered together, waiting for Lin Hang's speech.

In the senses of the treasure house at this time, there is no longer Linhang No. 1 Yulingxian and Zifeng behind him. At this time, he needs to fuse the fragment continent and the core area of ​​the Ziwei Emperor star. In this place on the "Purple Cold Island" mainland, this kind of work is not so easy for the treasure trove to complete. Therefore, the treasure trove must be fully focused and devote all of his energy to it. There can be no distractions, otherwise, the treasure trove can't guarantee it, and his actions this time will be perfect.

The first step taken by the treasure trove is to move the fragmented continent where the "Purple Cold Island" is located from the previous concealment to the usual starry sky drifting state. Only in this way can the treasure trove be more The subsequent fusion process is carried out smoothly, otherwise, it is very difficult to manipulate in the hidden starry sky.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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