I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1005

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:27 AM

Chapter 1005: Magical change

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As the mind was thinking and turning, the movements in the hands of the treasure ambassador did not stop. The two fragmented continents were slowly approaching in the vast starry sky under the control of the treasure troupe. At this time, although the body of the treasure trove It is still this size, but in the perception of Linhang No. 1 Jade Spirit Immortal and Zifeng, they feel that the body of the treasure house is larger than the two fragmented continents that are slowly approaching. This is not Lin Hang 1. Waiting for people’s illusion, but at this moment, in a certain meaning and level, the treasure troupe is such an image. The two fragmented continents are completely manipulated by the treasure trove, regardless of its momentum or class. Treasury ambassadors are completely able to crush these two fragmented continents.

Just for this method, Lin Hang felt that his actions were not suitable for him. Even if he pretended to be an elite disciple of "Xijimen", he applied to enter the inland through the application, there will be no particularly strict review, but according to Yao Xing'an It is said that this application is very time-consuming, and several major forces in the interior will not easily agree to the application of "Xijimen". This is also a big problem, because Lin Hang does not want to waste so much time. He thinks that the sooner he breaks through, the better. There is another problem. If he enters the interior as a disciple of "Western Gate", he will be subject to stricter supervision and attention. Under such circumstances, In fact, there is not much possibility that Lin Hang can easily implement his plan. After all, when people are under the eaves, of course, they must act in accordance with others' rules. The possibility of being able to be autonomous is still very small, which is particularly unfavorable. Lin Hang's free movement is like being guarded, unable to move freely. In fact, it is the same as not entering the inland. Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, Lin Hang rejected this method proposed by Yao Xing'an from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Hang said, "Master Yao, I have accepted your kindness, but the method you mentioned is not particularly feasible for me. You know I hope to have a relatively free space for action in the interior. , So entering the inland as an elite disciple of "Western Gate" will not help my plan. And as you said just now, this time the genius trials will definitely be stricter than before. It is possible that the monks who climb into the fairyland will be dispatched. Although this will make my actions a little more dangerous, but think about it carefully, if I can pass such a rigorous review, does it mean that after entering the inland, I will be because A good trust is gained by passing the review? So, everything is pros and cons, and it is impossible for everything to be carried out in accordance with the best development we think. This matter is already destined to have some risks. I have There are some methods, and there is a great possibility of being able to escape the exploration of the cultivators of the fairyland. And this time I came to the head of Yao to understand the more famous in the West Antarctica in the past few years. Some news about geniuses in this stage, from the early stage of Jin Dan to the late stage of transforming gods, I want to know!"

When Lin Hang finally said his intentions, Yao Xing'an, a smart person, probably guessed Lin Hang’s plan in an instant. The method Lin Hang said should be to start with these talented casual cultivators, but he didn’t know Lin. What kind of method did Hang have to hide from the exploration of the cultivators of the fairyland? Although Yao Xingan was very curious in his heart, he was also a very measured person. At this time, he did not ask the reason, but directly nodded. , And then said, "Okay! There is no problem with this. In this West Polar Inland Sea, our "Western Gate" still has good intelligence conditions. It can be said that except for those disciples among the "Western Polar Three" Except that we don’t know the information about, the others are not too problematic, especially for the many geniuses with a good reputation. Then there is more detailed information. I will let the following people go about this. Sort out a more specific information for you!"

Lin Hang nodded with satisfaction, but regarding the matter, Lin Hang did not care too much about the results that must be achieved, and said, "Master Yao, I also know that things are not so easy this time, especially in the end. It’s not that easy to get information about the many casual cultivators in the transformation stage of the gods, so you don’t need to be too deliberate. The best information is to have the monks of the stage transformation stage. If not, it doesn’t matter. The cultivation base is barely enough for me to use!"

Yao Xing'an nodded. When he got the news, the clone far above the West Polar Island also got the news simultaneously. At this time, Yao Xing'an's clone had already conveyed this order in "Western Gate". , I began to collect news about some of the more outstanding and powerful geniuses in recent years, and such a process is not particularly difficult for the "Xijimen" who is familiar with the West Antarctic Inland Sea, especially It was the news that Lin Hang said at the end that there was no need to force a break-up of the gods, which made it easier for Yao Xing'an to arrange this, so Lin Hang did not wait long, so he got it from Yao Xing'an. A very detailed information.

What made Lin Hang more surprised and pleasantly surprised was that, based on the information provided by Yao Xing'an, not only were there six stages from the early stage of Jindan to the later stage of Yuanying, each stage had no less than five talents scattered. The candidates for Xiu were for him to choose. Lin Hang asked Yao Xing'an to continue to collect information about the cultivators of the God Transformation Stage, and then began to screen candidates, preparing to prepare the personnel he wanted to determine in this document.

At this time, Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian and the purple seal were already far away from this area, because after the two continents approached, some inexplicable attraction suddenly appeared. I can’t feel that strong from other places, but if you are between two continents, it’s very dangerous. Not only may you be attracted to each other, you may even risk being crushed. So this time for your own sake In order not to disturb the behavior and spell casting of the treasure house, the three of Lin Hang 1 were also very consciously far away from the junction of the two continents, only watching everything that happened quietly from afar.

And as the two continents approached and the power of attraction exploded, something magical appeared. The contact position of the two continents, before they met each other, slowly changed their shape for each other, looking down from a height. If you can see the interface between the two continents, it becomes a shape that can fit each other!

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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