I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1009

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:23 AM

Chapter 1009: last step

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Seeing such a scene, Lin Hang No. 1, Yulingxian, and Zifeng all showed delighted expressions, because looking at the performance of the treasure house ambassador, such a fusion process is indeed true for the treasure house ambassador. It is not difficult at all. Under such circumstances, the integration is already in the last few steps, and it seems that this time there is no possibility of failure.

And the facts are exactly what Linhang No.1 and others thought. When the junction of the two fragmented continents was completely spliced ​​together, Linhang No.1, Yulingxian and Zifeng felt a strong feeling. Vibration, this kind of vibration does not completely appear in the outer starry sky. What is even more shocking is directly resounding in the depths of their souls. This is really a rare wonder in the ages, Lin Hang 1 and Jade Lingxian and Zifeng all feel that they have really gained knowledge this time.

After saying this, Lin Hang didn’t delay anything. With a wave of his right hand, the power of space mobilized, motivating the teleportation array on Fenglei Island on the edge of the Western Antarctic inland sea, and then in the basement chamber. , Lin Hang, Liu Ruyan, and Yao Xing'an's deity disappeared, leaving only Yao Xing'an, who showed respect and respect, and some coma senior leaders of "Xijimen" who had been in a meeting before.

Before long, in this small chamber, these "Xijimen" executives returned to normal at the same time, and there was nothing unusual at all. There was no memory of what happened during this period of time, as if they were After being frozen, it suddenly returned to normal. Looking at this situation, Yao Xing’an’s clone stood up from his seat, coughed softly, and said what he had prepared for a long time, "Everyone, here I am. Announce something..."

Just when Yao Xing’an’s clone was dealing with the things in "West Gate", Lin Hang already took Yao Xing’an’s deity to familiarize himself with the environment on Fenglei Island. The location of Fenglei Island is very hidden. Generally speaking, it is impossible to be discovered. After all, this location is very far away from the prosperous West Antarctic Inland Sea. This Fenglei Island is also the retreat that Lin Hang chose for Yao Xing'an. Lin Hang helped Yao Xing'an has paid a lot of resources, so Lin Hang decided that Yao Xing'an must reach the level of the late stage of the catastrophe in the shortest time. On the one hand, this is to enable Yao Xing'an to truly trust him and to be able to Let Yao Xing'an do his best for his affairs. After all, after reaching the end of the catastrophe, Yao Xing'an wants to take a step forward. It is not that easy. When that time comes the daily study of the exercises and the future road In addition, Yao Xing'an was able to spare more time to work on Lin Hang's affairs, which was also Lin Hang's best plan.

After Lin Hang took Yao Xing'an to familiarize himself with the environment of this Fenglei Island, he came to the most central position of the previously set "Six-pointed Star Gathering Array", where the spiritual power of the six spiritual stones gathered. Naturally, it is also the place with the strongest spiritual power on the entire island.

After arriving at the location, Lin Hang said to Yao Xing'an, "Master Yao, here is a very long distance from the center of the most prosperous West Antarctic Inland Sea, and even farther away from the inland, so I think it is at this time. At this moment, this is the best time for you to break through to the early stage of the Tribulation! Don’t worry, I’ve seen your detailed situation, and your background is very solid. It was because of the concern for the whole "Western Gate" and the inland in your heart. Some fears of the three major forces have kept you stuck in the peak of the transformation stage. In the current situation, as long as you can break the shackles in your heart, then with the help of the soul flower I prepared for you, break through In the early stage of the Tribulation, it is absolutely certain!"

Yao Xing'an nodded heavily. His family knew about his own affairs. In fact, he still had sentiment in the realm. He was confident that he had reached the absolute condition for breakthrough, but because of some flaws in the field of mind, he knew he would go. There is absolutely no chance of survival in the robbery, but the situation is different now. With Lin Hang's guidance and help, Yao Xing'an can be regarded as breaking through his inner bondage, and he has some feelings similar to Nirvana. Yao Xing'an has great confidence to break through this realm for the promotion and strengthening of the power of the soul.

Under Lin Hang’s encouraging gaze, Yao Xing’an sat down silently, and then began to adjust his state. Although he had a certainty, Yao Xing’an did not want to be hasty at all. He took out what Lin Hang gave. The soul flower that was extremely precious to him, took a deep breath, and then began the process of absorption, and Yao Xing'an's own strength can actually be regarded as the top class in this peak of transformation. Having accumulated for so many years, with the help of this soul flower, Yao Xing'an feels that his soul that was missing because of the suppression of the three major forces has been directly filled in, and then between the blessings and the soul, Yao Xing'an's body gradually moved into the air. As soon as Lin Hang saw this scene, he had the experience of his own breakthrough, how could he not understand that Yao Xing'an had all been completed, and he was about to usher in his first baptism of heaven! If he can pass through it successfully, Lin Hang has also prepared a series of "packages" for Yao Xing'an to practice later, which can definitely ensure that Yao Xingan's water milling time during this catastrophe period will be reduced by more than half, greatly reducing the time to enter the later stage of the catastrophe. , So the first catastrophe at this time can be said to be the most important one. Whether it can be successfully passed through is related to Yao Xing'an's own progress and development and the implementation of Lin Hang's plan.

It’s just that although the edges of the two fragmented continents perfectly fit together due to the previous actions of the treasure house, the true integration has not yet been completed, because although the two fragmented continents are from the same source, they are both from the same source. A fragment of Ziwei Emperor Star, but after so many years of development, each of these fragmented continents has had its own different aura changes, so it is necessary to truly complete this integration and turn into a complete continent. For fragments, these auras need to be assimilated. In this way, the process of fusion is truly completed. Otherwise, it will only fit the two fragmented continents together. They are still two separate fragmented continents, without a sense of the whole. of.

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