I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 101

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:51 AM

Chapter 101: See Oakley again

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At this moment, Ye Lao also came back and said, "Wang, as you think, there are more than ten people here. This team just attracted our attention on the surface, and there is a hidden team. , You know the person who led the team, it’s Booming Qiaosen. I have solved it. I didn’t expect these old guys to be so **** their lives!"

Mr. Wang nodded and said, "After today's experiment, I have roughly understood the repressive power of the foundation building period. Therefore, I decided to go to other countries before the catastrophe to come and explain the situation to them without asking them to listen. Our command only asks them not to add chaos to us when the catastrophe is coming. If they agree, it's best. If they don't agree, then we can't use some means!"

Lao Wang is going to unite the power of the whole world before the catastrophe comes, so as to be more conducive to passing the catastrophe. The prerequisite for all of this is to ensure that his own power can fully control the situation. Therefore, at this stage, Wang Lao and Lin Hang will not talk about the popularization of the practice of experience, at least a few realms before they can start doing this one after another.

Mr. Wang said to Lin Hang behind him, “Hang'er, Mr. Ye and I will slowly implement the plan during this period. It will probably take a lot of time. We will go to the United States at the first stop. Do you have another one in your hand? Jade brand, come with us!"

Lin Hang nodded, he was about to go to the ruins to see if there were any other discoveries.

After Wang Lao informed the military, he took Lin Hang and the two directly to the city of Gambia in the United States.

After arriving here, Lin Hang discerned the direction a bit and drew a teleportation formation on the ground. Before the three of them were taken to Oakley’s manor, Mr. Wang raised his hand and said, “Let’s go straight in, the space here Temporarily sealed by me, no one will notice the situation here."

The three of them appeared directly in front of Oakley. After seeing the incoming person, Oakley panicked a bit, and instantly recovered his calm. He smiled and said, "It's a time traveler who is driving here! I don't know if you have any advice?"

Oakley is still relatively calm, because although Wang Lao is well-known internationally, their upper-level superpowers in the United States have always guarded against Wang Lao's existence, so Oakley believes that their top combat power in the United States should be fast Will rush over, and then talk and laugh with Wang Lao.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Oakley, do you think that the two old men Rann and Dimo ​​will be able to come over? To tell you the truth, they have been killed by me, so next you still obediently cooperate with us, Don't play tricks!"

Oakley naturally didn't believe it, and he still said with a smile, "Lao Wang, although you are a top international figure, you can't cover the sky with one hand. When you make a mistake, don't blame China for giving you back what!"

Lao Wang and Lin Hang behind them all laughed. When Oakley looked at them, he finally felt something wrong.

Old Wang said, "Okley, there is nothing wrong with what you said. In essence, whose fist is big, whose voice will sound. Before, I did have scruples, but don't you pay attention to strength? I will follow you now. Play the game according to the rules, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Oakley is also a personal spirit. Ten minutes have passed since Wang Lao and others appeared, but there was no news from the Ability Association. Oakley knew what was going on, and the worst case was that, as Mr. Wang said, the two high-level leaders of Lang and Dimo ​​were beheaded by Mr. Wang, which meant that Mr. Wang’s combat power had far exceeded. Innate peak, this is a very unacceptable thing. Oakley's more inclined answer is that Lan En and Dimo ​​and other high-level leaders were caught by Wang's men and horses, so they couldn't rush over to support him.

Thinking of this, Oakley smiled again, and said, "Several people don't have to be like this. I am a person who knows the current affairs. If you want to know what information, I will know everything! Please! Just ask!"

Old Wang said with a nonchalant smile, "Oh? Oakley, tell me the news about the ruins that your organization holds!"

Hearing this, Oakley could no longer conceal his panic and affection. He couldn't help but ask, "How do you know about the ruins of our organization?" He suddenly thought of Ronaldo's powerful man in the past. Missing without reason, "Could it be that you Huaxia did Ronal's disappearance?!"

Lin Hang on the side suddenly stepped forward, smiling, slowly turning into Ronal's appearance, and then into Bruce's appearance, constantly shifting back and forth between the two.

Seeing this scene, Oakley’s defense was completely defeated. Lenovo was kidnapped by Bruce before, and then Ronal’s disappearance. The search team was wiped out. Oakley knew that he had been played with by the Chinese military. . Today, even if they didn't speak out the location of the ruins, they would not have much trouble getting this information from other places.

Oakley slumped down on the chair and whispered, "I can tell you, but I have a request. No, it is a request. Please let my son Bruce go. Although he is my son, he has no Participating in the affairs of our organization is still a simple child. I hope you can let him go!"

Oakley knew that Mr. Wang couldn't let him go. As a member of the American Supernatural Association, although he slowly faded out and created his own power, he still relied on the existence of the Supernatural Association. Over the years, China has also made some targets, so Wang Lao and others will not be merciful to their subordinates. Oakley only hopes that they can let Bruce go and leave the family heritage and fire behind.

Lao Wang didn’t feel much about Bruce. It didn’t matter if we let it go. Lin Hang stepped forward and whispered a few words in Lao Wang’s ear. Lao Wang nodded and said, “Okay, Oakley, I promise. You, will not embarrass Bruce. But we will warn him that we will bring "Ultron" in the future and don't antagonize our Huaxia, otherwise, I will still do it! Now, you will tell us the information of that ruin!"

Lin Hang only thought of the information provided by the military before. Bruce is just a well-deserved "black second generation". In fact, he has not done anything bad and his strength is relatively low. So Lin Hang and Wang Lao said a few words , Let Wang let go of Bruce.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!