I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1011

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:20 AM

Chapter 1011: Junction

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After finishing all this, the treasure house also recovered his aura and aura, and the appearance of making a full shot just now disappeared. Under such circumstances, the treasure house returned to his previous light and breezy appearance. In the case of more actions, Lin Hang-1, Yu Lingxian, and Zi Feng, etc. also understood. The treasure house should have completed this process. According to this situation, it seems that it is It is over, and the results, Linhang-1 and others dare not make any special judgments, because when they have not yet known the specific process, each of them has not been exposed to such a process, and naturally cannot be Those who make accurate judgments about success or failure.

These methods that Lin Hang came up with for "Western Gate" are obviously not just simple talks. He really went through his own detailed thinking. You must know Lin Hang's thinking and Yao Xing'an, who was restricted before. Unlike Yao Xing’an, he did not dare to challenge the existence of the three major inland forces, but Lin Hang would not worry about this. There are some good strategies and methods. Although what Lin Hang is talking about is actually the best result that can happen, the fact may not be such a smooth development, and there may be unexpected accidents, but this cannot cover up Lin. These methods are excellent and usable, and as long as this is guaranteed, Yao Xing'an cannot refuse.

Although Yao Xing'an was very moved in his heart, there was no way to directly agree to Lin Hang in this way. He knew that if he agreed, it would be equivalent to handing over the future and development of the entire "Western Gate" to Lin Hang. At that time, as long as Lin Hang had a little bit of evil intentions towards them, their "Western Gate" would go to the abyss of death, and they might never rise again.

However, Yao Xing'an laughed at himself after thinking about it in his heart. He could not perceive how powerful Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan were. He only knew that there was a huge power behind them, and this power He will definitely not be weaker than the three inland forces, so Lin Hang’s performance is so confident and confident that he can calmly fight and calculate with the three inland forces. There are follow-up concerns. Under such circumstances, Yao Xing'an really couldn't think of what Lin Hang had coveted in his little "Western Gate". However, although Yao Xing'an already trusted Lin Hang in his heart, it was for the sake of him. "Western Gate", Yao Xing'an still asked his doubts, he must be sure of this, otherwise he would not dare to press the entire "Western Gate" directly to bet on this, this is also Yao Xing'an for so many years To suppress a strange problem that I formed.

"Senior, please forgive me for not knowing what is good or bad. I am very grateful for you to come up with such a development path and method for our "Western Gate". But here I want to ask, I don't know why the senior will help us in this way. "Ji Men"? Seniors and I have only met two sides. I also admire the qualities of seniors, but can you let me know the specific reasons, otherwise, the young man is uneasy and can't be behind me. "Xijimen" everyone explained!"

Lin Hang chuckled, and then said, "Head Yao, in fact, you don't have to doubt that I have any special intentions for this. You also know that I come from a force from outside the sky, but I also want to be able to stay here. With the help of such a local force that can exchange information on Micro Emperor Star, although your "Western Gate" does not seem to be very good now, you can't even have much words in this small West Polar Inland Sea. Quan, but what I fancy is your potential and the will that has been passed down from your school. You and I know very well that with the glory of your "Western Gate", the three major inland forces are absolutely impossible at the beginning The suppression of you is definitely meant to win over and subdue, but I can feel that you rejected the requirements of the three major forces at the time and chose to develop yourself. If you can surrender to one power, maybe It will be what it is now. It’s a good thing to say. The lean camel is bigger than the horse. Although you now seem to be far less than the'Three Western Masters' who have the monks of the tribulation period, but your "Western Gate "The bottom layer of "Xijimen" has not been lost, and there is also a very good business in this West Antarctica inland sea. In this regard, we have the basis for our cooperation, and your "Xijimen" can become stronger and stronger, it is right Our plan is of even greater help! I will tell you more about the specific things. Now, please trust me, Yao Zhangmen. The future of "Xijimen" depends on your choice at this time!"

After that, Lin Hang also stared at Yao Xing’an’s eyes and waited for him to make a decision. After Yao Xing’an heard Lin Hang’s explanation, his expression changed, and there was a fierce ideological struggle in his heart. Finally, Yao Xingan’s expression returned to normal, and he looked directly at Lin Hang’s eyes, and said in a deep voice, “Okay! Senior, if that’s the case, then I won’t be twitching anymore. This time I will take the entire "Western Gate" to bet. This one! I hope that with your help, our "Xijimen" can usher in the climax and peak of development!"

This time he achieved his goal, Lin Hang was also very happy, waved his hand to Yao Xing'an, stopped Yao Xing'an’s words of continued gratitude, and then said seriously, "Nothing depends on the outside world, you Your own efforts are the most important!"

At this time, the continent obtained after the treasure house made the perfect fusion of the one at his feet was already completely new. According to the treasure house’s judgment and the previous plan after discussing with Zifeng and others, this time for the two fragmented continents. Fusion, in fact, was planned long ago, not to mention the other, the most critical place where the two fragmented continents merge together is still very particular. The treasure house is the core area of ​​the Ziwei Emperor Star. It’s very easy to get to the edge of the fragmented continent. You only need the open area above the underground cavern as the edge to contact the area where "Purple Cold Island" is located, and the "Purple Cold Island" side After Zifeng's decision, he drew a marginal area that was not so important as the joint. This was determined before the action, so there was no controversy.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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