I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1013

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:18 AM

Chapter 1013: ignore

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It’s just that, without the Treasury ambassador’s words, Lin Hang No.1, Yulingxian and Zifeng have not rushed past, but their eyes are all looking at the Treasury ambassador. Hope that at this time, the Treasure ambassador can give them a comparison. A good answer, it won't make them wait here foolishly.

And just after the treasure house was enjoying his own results for a while, he finally noticed the Lin Hang 1 and others who were in a daze in the distance. At this time, the treasure house laughed and said, "Lin Hang, Zi Feng, you guys What are you doing there? Come and take a look. From now on, there are no two independent fragmented continents. The fragmented continent where your "Purple Cold Island" was once has also completely disappeared. The only thing left is this continent after fusion!"

Yao Xing'an knew that Lin Hang's serious expression must not be a simple thing this time, so he straightened his expression and said, "Senior, you said, the little old man listens very well!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Head Yao, you said before that, in order to prevent the inland forces from being vigilant and jealous, you forcibly suppressed your advancement through the tribulation period? In my opinion, this may not be the same. It’s a very correct decision. You have to retreat step by step and push it to the point where it’s impossible to retreat. At that time, even if you want to fight hard, there is no chance! I also know that you feel that even if you break through to the crossing alone, The extent of the catastrophe is definitely unable to contend with the entire inland forces. It’s just that I don’t think Yao Zhangmen can have such a short-sighted vision. You can take a long-term perspective. You must know that behind you is a whole "Western "Ji Men", you can't let the development of the entire "Xi Ji Men" lag behind due to the current pressure. I don't think there is any problem with your forbearance strategy and policy, but the specific methods are still possible to optimize. !"

Yao Xing'an didn't expect Lin Hang to mention such a problem to him. In Yao Xing'an's perception, these things are actually relatively private things. As the saying goes, they talk shallow but not deep. Lin Hang meets him. It is only these two times that the two sides have a lot of money. Although the two sides have some cooperation, they are not very familiar with them. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang talked to him about the development of "Western Gate". When Yao Xingan felt strange, he also gave birth to some intimate feelings.

You know, today's "Western Gate" has fallen one by one after the pillars of the tribulation period, most of all the pillars fell on Yao Xing'an, just like now the entire "Western Gate" except for Yao Those monks in the transformation stage outside Xing'an all grew up under the care and training of Yao Xing’an. Therefore, although these monks in the transformation stage are the same high-level "Western Gate", they are actually the whole The person who made the decision in "Western Gate" has always been Yao Xing'an alone. It can be said that Yao Xing'an determines the development and forward path of the entire "Western Gate". Under such circumstances, Yao Xing'an naturally dares not to be too presumptuous. The development of the land is more to maintain such a steady line. All the three major inland forces and the newly emerging'Three Western Hegemony' are all on the defensive, giving way to the former Western Antarctic Inland Sea. The status has become the fourth largest force today, which can be said to be very difficult.

And the problem that Lin Hang said was of course considered in Yao Xing’an’s mind, but Yao Xing’an’s awe of the three inland forces is too deep, unlike Lin Hang who can easily ignore these three forces for many years. Jiwei easily raised his mind to resist the three major forces.

Although Yao Xing'an was a little strange about Lin Hang's intervention, he nodded and said with a wry smile, "Yes, you are right, predecessors. Over the years, our "Western Gate" seems to be beautiful, but it is a martial art. Strength and other influences are not as good as before. Sometimes I am also sighed. Although the development of these years has allowed our "Western Gate" to retain the foundation of the sect, it will not die out, but since Fundamentally speaking, our school is indeed becoming weaker and weaker. If we continue to develop in this way, the lack of resources and follow-up may make it more and more difficult for our high-ranking monks to be born. Under such circumstances, I am also afraid. In the end "Western Gate" will end in my hands! Senior, what good methods do you have, you can teach me, Yao Xing'an promises that you will never forget the kindness of Senior!"

Lin Hang waved his hand to Yao Xing'an and nodded secretly in his heart. Yao Xing'an also had some considerations for such a situation. He was not so stubborn, so this time his sudden opening would not appear so abrupt. , And now that Yao Xing’an has such an idea in his mind, Lin Hang still doesn’t mind giving him some pointers and help. After all, it seems that "Western Gate" is the most familiar to Lin Hang on the Ziwei Emperor. There is a force, and the strength of "Western Gate" is weak. If the development of "Western Gate" can be guaranteed, it is good news for both parties. "Western Gate" may be able to use this opportunity to renew Rise, and Lin Hang can also use the help of "Western Gate", so that the many disciples who come to experience after the entire China can have a more stable experience environment and the support of local forces. It can be said that if the plan is successful, it will be for both parties. Said it is a very good thing.

Lin Hang said, "Head Yao, I think at present, if you still want to ensure the independent development of "Western Gate" and the future route, then your own breakthrough is also imperative. , And it must be fast!"

After the treasure house ambassador finished speaking, Lin Hang No.1, Yu Lingxian and Zifeng all looked at each other, and then the mood in their hearts became excited, because the meaning in the treasure house ambassador's words can also be seen. After coming out, the actions of the treasure trove this time were obviously also very smooth, so that the meaning of happiness and satisfaction in the words of the treasure trove at this time could not be concealed. Lin Hang No.1, Yulingxian and Zifeng also They all laughed, and then came to the treasure house's side together, and stood in the air above the newly merged mainland fragment.

Lin Hang No.1 and the others had seen this place from a distance before, and now that they have been in close contact with each other, they have felt extremely shocked. This new fusion continent is really too perfect.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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