I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1014

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:19:01 AM

Chapter 1014: congratulate

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Although the cultivation bases of Linhang No. 1, Yulingxian and Zifeng are far inferior to the treasure house, they have some basic observation and feelings. Under such circumstances, this piece of When Fusion Continent has not been manipulated by the treasure house, some basic situations are not hidden. They are completely exposed to the perception of Linhang No.1 and others, and they can all feel this. A continent that has successfully merged, no matter from which half it is, the breath that it emits is completely unified. If you close your eyes and feel it, there is no difference, it is a completely whole continent, but if you open your eyes If you can see this fusion continent, the two halves are completely different scenery, the ice blue is generally a mysterious color, giving people a strange, harmonious and agreeable feeling.

Yao Xing'an smiled bitterly when he heard the words, then shook his head and said, "Senior, I don't know what the specific reason is about this, and this information is also my eyeliner from the'Three Western Gods' There is only a simple general information. The specific reason is unknown, but there is no such rumors from the outside world. It seems that the four major forces in the inland have a tacit understanding and do not want to let it. This kind of thing is known to the outside world. But the little old man has also lived for so many years, but he can feel that this time things are not as simple as the surface. In the past few years, except for the most central Ziwei Imperial City in the inland The three major forces have always maintained a very delicate relationship. It gives people the feeling that there are contradictions in harmony. If this is the case, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance will shrink like this this time. Maybe it will take a long time for the three major forces. Very different conflicts broke out, and I can’t guess the specifics!"

Lin Hang nodded after hearing what Yao Xing'an said. Yao Xing'an is in a place where news is blocked in the West Antarctic Inland Sea. It is very difficult for Yao Xing'an to be able to guess so much information with some rumours. Regarding the action plan of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance at this time, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan knew better than Yao Xing’an in their hearts. The last time they got what the Ten Thousand Races Alliance wanted on Earth Star, Lin Hang guessed the ten thousand races. The actions after the alliance will inevitably be much lower-key, just to be able to digest the gains this time more smoothly, it will inevitably make short-term concessions on specific things, and once the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races successfully digests all the results of this plan At that time, there should be even greater conflicts between the three major forces, and this is the opportunity Lin Hang is waiting for.

Lin Hang found "Western Gate" this time, and it can be regarded as confirming his thoughts. The Ten Thousand Races Alliance really reacted and tactics like this, and now Ziwei Emperor Star is inland, because of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance's actions this time. According to the plan, other human forces and "Purple Palace" also intervened in it. This situation also intensified the contradiction between the three forces in some ways, which caused Lin Hang to cause the thing before. The impact gradually faded. Such a situation is also very beneficial for Lin Hang to implement his own plan in the future. Lin Hang already has a specific plan for future actions in his mind.

The "Western Gate" where Yao Xing'an is located is a force established by many casual cultivators, so both vision and knowledge are inferior to those forces with a long heritage, so these two things are placed in front of Yao Xing'an, and Yao Xing'an also Not knowing their value, but being able to feel the preciousness of these two things, Yao Xing'an looked at Lin Hang with a puzzled look.

Lin Hang explained at the right moment, "Master Yao, this stone is called the Kai Lingshi. It is a magical stone born from nature, and it contains a trace of innate aura. If you use this Kai Lingshi, absorb If there is a trace of innate aura in it, in the future, step by step, you will be able to strengthen yourself from acquired to innate. Not only will the subsequent cultivation path be smoother, your own potential will also be enhanced in a subtle way!"

Yao Xing’an was shocked by Lin Hang’s generous use of just introducing a piece of spirit stone. According to his thoughts, such precious things as spirit stone should be reserved for the younger generations of his own power or ethnic group to use. Everyone basically has a need, and it's just that the supply is in short supply. Lin Hang actually took such a precious thing to thank him at this time, which made Yao Xing'an quite flattered.

Before Yao Xing'an could speak, Lin Hang continued to introduce, "And this drop of white liquid is called slender water. You must have heard of it before. It is the supreme result of the compression of the heavy water of the Tianhe River. Water has incredible effects, and it is a rare treasure for the practitioners of the water system. Head Yao, I checked it out roughly. Your "Western Gate" has risen based on the Western Antarctic Inland Sea. Most of the exercises in the door are based on the water system, and your own basic exercises should also be related to the water element. If you absorb such a drop of delicate water well, whether it is the sublimation of the exercises or the cultivation For promotion, there are huge benefits. I don’t know if you are satisfied with my two gifts, head Yao?"

In Yao Xing'an's heart, he was actually very puzzled why Lin Hang would directly gift him such an extremely precious treasure, but for the development of the whole school, Yao Xing'an did not say anything to refuse, but hesitated for a while, and then said with a smile "Senior, you laughed. What is there to dissatisfied with such a precious thing? And this time, I accepted the gift from the predecessor directly. I only have one sentence here. If you also ordered, we will definitely not reject the meaning of "Western Gate"!

Lin Hang 1 also laughed at this time, and then also said, "Haha, congratulations to the master of Zifeng Island and Senior Treasury Envoy. This time the integration process seems to be very smooth. From then on, the owner of Zifeng Island The influence of "Purple Cold Island" and the area it stays in have not changed in any way. It is still such a large place, and the characteristics of some continents have not changed at all. It is still the most suitable "Purple" for your cultivation. The cultivation of "Han Jue" and your disciples have not been affected by this fusion at all, and the most important thing is that in the days that follow, you will have the opportunity to use the other half of the resources. And regional venues, this is also extremely beneficial for your future development!"

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