I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1017

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:57 AM

Chapter 1017: Decisive

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After Lin Hang 1 briefly introduced this small ice blue fan at this time, it continued, "After my careful observation, I discovered that this small fan was placed here by the treasure house. There is also a reason in the ninth floor space! Even the reason why those other innate spirit treasures consciously avoided this small ice blue fan, I also found some! Jade Spirit Fairy, this The function of a small ice-blue fan did not exceed our expectations. It is everyone in the law of ice, but what we all do not understand is the law of ice of this small fan. Among them, it seems to contain the existence of other things, and its basic function itself is not too special. When facing the enemy, it only needs to be a light fan. At that time, it can exert its own ability. , A large amount of the power of the law of ice will emerge directly. At that time, under normal circumstances, if it is blown by the cold wind of this small fan, it is very likely to be directly frozen! If the cultivation level is not enough, one It’s not impossible to turn into ice crystals and dissipate under the blow! After all, the level of this little fan itself is here. At the beginning, its power will not be reduced much because the monks are not strong enough, as long as the monks can If it exerts some of its power a little bit, it can be called an existence that can destroy the world! It's just that there is a little restriction, that is, although this small fan is said to be infinitely powerful, and because of its own rank, It seems that all monks who use it are able to exert powerful power, but the inner truth is not like this!

And such a discovery also made Lin Hang feel a little funny, because the last time he visited the West Polar Inner Sea of ​​Ziwei Emperor Star, the first time he visited the "Western Gate" on West Polar Island, it happened to be The gathering of these high-level forces now seems to have caught up with this situation again.

Without further delay, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan looked like ghosts, seeing all obstacles as nothing, and went directly to a room in the center of West Pole Island. Then they sank and came to a very hidden basement. In the middle, this basement is where the whole "Xijimen" is discussed. It is an extremely important place for them. It is naturally arranged with many barriers. In their ideas, even if the realm is higher than Their people were able to forcibly enter their basement conference room, but they would never fail to notice at all. However, looking at the smiling Lin Hang who appeared in front of him, Yao Xingan felt that he was still too self-confident. Only to realize that they are all the cultivation bases of the transformation stage after all, relying on their realm and vision to imagine the situation of people higher than them is really too funny.

However, what Yao Xing'an didn't know was that their arrangement was not so unbearable. After all, they were a whole collection of sect arrangements, and it was unlikely that they would be useless at all. If ordinary monks broke in, it might be They are not opponents either, but their arrangement can give them time to discover their opponents in advance, so that they can more calmly arrange the countermeasures. This is also the ability that a power of this scale must have at the core position, but this Once the monks they faced during the Tribulation Period were not ordinary people, Lin Hang had countless ways to easily approach them, ignoring some of their arrangements. This time Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan came to this secret basement. Using Lin Hang's supernatural powers of the change of reality and illusion, he directly transformed into illusion, continuously traversed countless barriers, and went straight and unimpeded, until now he entered this basement chamber.

In the last contact, when Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan were leaving, they erased the memories of other people, but kept the memory of Yao Xing'an alone. As an information transaction with Yao Xing'an, they were also given to Yao Xing'an. An outsider looks extremely precious soul flower, so this time when Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan appeared again, the many senior officials of "Western Gate" present were very nervous and surprised. They didn't know Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan at all. Why did Ruyan and Ruyan suddenly appear? Just when they were about to take some measures, Yao Xing'an reacted instantly, and then felt that the people on his side were about to do something, and quickly shouted, "Don't move! Be quiet! Stay, there is no problem!"

Yao Xing'an obviously has a good position in the entire "Western Gate", so although these people are very confused and don't know what happened, when Yao Xing'an spoke, all the "Western Gate" Many high-level officials temporarily stopped their actions, but they all looked directly at Yao Xing'an, hoping to hear Yao Xing'an's explanation.

However, when Yao Xing'an just wanted to explain, Liu Ruyan waved his hand, and while a burst of golden light swept across, all the senior executives of "Western Gate" present, except for Yao Xing'an who was standing in front of him, everyone else He fell to the ground uncontrollably without making a sound.

Yao Xing'an just wanted to say something, but at this moment he heard Lin Hang’s voice, "Head Yao, don’t worry, they just passed out temporarily, there won’t be any serious problems, wait a few minutes. They will naturally wake up in an hour, and the things we are going to talk about next are not so open. Fewer people know that it is actually good for them. You don’t have to worry about them now, or Just listen to my questions!"

The reason why Yao Xing'an would stop other people's actions for the first time was because he had recognized Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan for the first time, the two monks who had impressed him deeply. The unfathomable cultivation base and mysterious origin are undoubtedly the existence that Yao Xing'an will never forget.

After careful observation, I was able to find that this small ice-blue fan has very high requirements for users. If there is no progress in the cultivation of the powerful law of ice, then even swinging this small fan It’s just an extravagant hope. If the practice of the law of ice is not in place, if you forcefully want to urge this small fan, then the power of the law of ice contained in it will first erode its users, I think It is precisely because of this that although this small ice-blue fan is extremely powerful and has a high level, it is still left here. The fundamental reason is that it has some pre-use. It's too harsh. If you are not a practitioner of the Law of Ice, you don't even have the right to touch it. It's just too scary! "

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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