I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1018

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:56 AM

Chapter 1018: thinking

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After Lin Hang-1 carefully looked at the jade flute again and made sure that he did not miss any details, then he put the jade flute back on the pillar, and the jade spirit fairy on the ninth floor. I continued to stroll around in the space.

During this period, Lin Hang 1 also looked at the situation of Zifeng and Qianjun nearby. He found that the two were also separated. In the ninth layer of space, he began to look at the two hundred and thirty. The functions and utility of the few innate spirit treasures, it seems that you want to choose the most suitable one for yourself. Seeing such a scene, Lin Hang 1 couldn't help but laugh. The current situation has shown that Zi Feng and Qianjun had their thoughts dredged by Lin Hang 1. After changing their minds, they also accepted this. The meaning of taking this innate spirit treasure at one time, and in this case, since the mind has changed, the matter of taking a innate spirit treasure away has become an established fact, then Zi Feng and Qianjun At this time, for the consideration of themselves and their respective ethnic groups, it is natural to get the most suitable and powerful innate spirit treasure. Therefore, Zi Feng and Qianjun do not have any meaning at this time. They must be looking for the most It is suitable for one's own innate spirit treasure, otherwise it is really sorry that the treasure house has made this time generous.

The reason for this situation lies in the inheritance gap of the four major forces in the inland. You must know that above the Ziwei Emperor star, whether it is the human force, the "Ziwei Palace" or the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, it is from ancient times. The inherited big race, no matter how it changes within the clan, but when there is no shortage of inheritance, there will always be a steady stream of cultivators in the Tribulation Period. Coupled with the immortality of the immortal cultivators in the fairyland, the strength of the ethnic group is only It’s not against other populations, it’s only possible to grow stronger slowly, and not to decline more and more. Other forces such as "Western Gate" that slowly established and rose up later, even though the founders of the mountain The people of the second time are extremely talented people, but despite their outstanding talents, they have not reached the point of guarding the sky. After all, they are only born in casual cultivation, and it is very lucky to be able to enter the tribulation period. For a new force to develop, it’s not enough to rely on a generation of geniuses. This can only make them prosper for a while. If there are such characters in "Western Gate" from generation to generation, then it may not be impossible. It develops slowly, but looking at the appearance of Yao Xing’an, the current head of "Western Gate", and the performance of his subordinate Yao Long and others, Lin Hang knows that this is almost impossible to develop. Maybe it is Because Yao Xing'an and others do not have any threats, the powerful "Three Western Hegemons" who represent the will of the three major inland forces will always tolerate the existence of "Western Gate" and have not imposed more cruel methods on them. .

Therefore, Lin Hang’s confidence now lies not only in the existence of monks like himself and Wang Lao who are about to break into the fairyland. They can only be regarded as one aspect, and more importantly, Lin Hang has the resources and inheritance of the entire China. To strengthen Sheng Sheng’s confidence, we must know that the fundamental cultivation method of their Huaxia Human Race is a powerful inheritance from ancient times. It is extremely suitable for human race cultivation. "Ren Huang Jue". This method is a peerless method of climbing the fairyland, which is enough to guarantee Following the promotion of many of Huaxia’s disciples, and the most important thing is that these disciples of Huaxia do not need to rely solely on their own groping to advance. In the process of growth and promotion, they have countless experienced elders to teach. It can guide them to a more suitable path. Therefore, as long as many of Huaxia’s disciples are slightly talented, with time and insights accumulated, they must have no difficulty in entering the God-Transforming Stage, and among them, the more outstanding are disciples who can walk their own paths. , There is still hope of assaulting the tribulation period is to climb the fairyland! And because of this, Lin Hang felt that his idea of ​​building a power on the Ziwei Emperor star was not illusory. He had top combat power and suitable territory, and he didn't worry about the development of his power at all.

Lin Hang informed Liu Ruyan of his ideas, and also got Liu Ruyan’s approval, but both of them understood that the foundation of all this is to be built on the extent that Lin Hang and Wang Lao can successfully break through to the fairyland. Only when Lin Hang and Wang Lao have reached the state of follow-up can they be able to support the development of the entire China and the new forces. It is still a bit early to discuss such things at this stage.

Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan’s idea at this time is to first build Fenglei Island, a stronghold that may be used later, and then look for a few suitable islands to use as other bases, and then everything When they are all ready, it's time for them to visit the "Western Gate" on the current West Polar Island.

The bases that Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan choose to stay are usually on remote and uninhabited islands, but if they are all in such places, the experience route of many Chinese disciples will undoubtedly change. It is more cumbersome and complicated, it will invisibly lengthen the route they have experienced, and waste time in vain. Therefore, under this consideration, at the bottom of the sea near several small islands near the prosperous place, Lin Hang and Liu Ru Yan also set up a teleportation array. The reason it is set at the bottom of the sea is that it is relatively hidden and the sea area near the island is not particularly deep, so the teleportation array is still very suitable here.

It was still night on this day. Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan quietly approached the West Polar Island where "Western Gate" is now, looking at the distant West Polar Island, which is still brightly lit at night, Lin Hang and Liu Ru In Yan's heart, it seems that this "Western Gate" has also developed very well during the period of their departure, and it seems that it has not been affected. Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan did not go to the island from the normal landing site, but directly and silently set foot on the site of the West Pole Island. Before entering the West Pole Island, Lin Hang quietly carried the virtual reality. The supernatural power of the change, I have investigated the situation of the entire West Pole Island, and found that there are no monks on the crossing period, so Lin Hang’s pressure at this time is also much less, and then he only needs to find the " Many senior executives of "Xijimen" can get the information they want.

After Lin Hang 1 saw this situation, the big stone in his heart was also let go. He also continued with Yu Lingxian in this ninth layer of space, looking for the innate spiritual treasure he felt suitable.

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