I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 102

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:50 AM

Chapter 102: New ruins

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Oakley knows what Wang Lao is, and knows what Wang Lao said, he will do it.

Oakley said, "Time-traveler Wang Min, I believe you! Thank you for giving my son a chance. I don't need you to warn, I can do it myself!"

After speaking, Oakley took out his cell phone, dialed a call, turned on the speakerphone, and placed it on the table. After a few seconds, the call was connected and Bruce's respectful voice came out.

Oakley glanced at Wang Lao and said calmly, "Bruce, my good son! Starting today, you will be the leader of Ultron, and the five top leaders of the organization will unconditionally support you. Here, I want to tell With a word of you, afterwards, with the organization silently developing, you can disconnect from the Ability Association. After that, you must not conflict with China's military. I have reached an agreement with them. As long as you take the organization to develop, They will not embarrass you. Starting from today, I will retreat and attack the innate, so you will not be able to contact me for a long time. In the future, you must use your brain and practice hard!"

After saying all this, Oakley hung up the phone, looked directly at Wang Lao, and was silent for a while before he said, "This ruin was discovered by accident twenty years ago. I didn't enter it before. I have been through the ruins, but this ruin gives me a different feeling. It doesn’t have that kind of run-down feeling. I feel that it’s unusual, so I applied from the Ability Association and voluntarily came to this remote Gambia, created The organization of "Ultron". Although on the surface I still depend on the Ability Association, I have been searching for the key to the ruins over the years. I was going to get the results step by step, but you were cut off from it. It's also fate. I still don't seem to have any fate with this ruin. No matter what, I will give you the news of this ruin!"

Oakley began to talk about the location of the ruins in detail, and informed everyone of the protective measures he had arranged nearby. Lin Hang took them down one by one, nodded to Wang Lao, indicating that it was all right.

Lao Wang didn't directly kill Oakley. He planned to bring Oakley back to China, where he was imprisoned in the space cage he set up. Ye Lao’s space cage is a special cell he created with his own ability. Whenever he captures more important people and decides not to obliterate them for the time being, the military generally seals them up and imprisons them. In the cage of Wang Lao. In this way, not only the people in the cage cannot escape, but the people who want to rescue them cannot find the place where they are, so the security and concealment are very high.

Old Wang turned his head and said to Lin Hang, "Hang'er, Old Man Ye and I will take this Oakley back to China first. Just stay here and explore the reality of the ruins! Remember, be careful. , Don't act recklessly!"

Lin Hang smiled and replied, "Teacher, don't worry! I will be careful. Wasn't I alone when I went to "Emperor Realm" before? So, I will take a good measure, and you will wait for my news! "

Old Wang nodded and said, "After I go back to deal with Oakley, I will go to the Ability Association with Old Man Ye, so you can go in without worry, I will show you outside!"

Lin Hang nodded, and Wang Lao took Ye Lao and Oakley and disappeared into the room.

Lin Hang didn't linger either, and hurried towards the position given by Oakley.

Lin Hang headed towards the northwest of Grimbia for about twenty minutes. Lin Hang saw a red wolf head sign and knew that he had reached the place Oakley said. Such a wolf head sign is a common warning sign of the "Ultron" organization, indicating that there is a security cordon set by the organization ahead, which requires attention. Lin Hang looked around and found that there was no "Ultron" organization guarding him. Obviously, in Oakley's mind, these security guard belts were more useful than people.

According to Oakley's description, you only need to follow the safe route given by Oakley step by step to safely reach the location of the final ruins. However, Lin Hang did not fully believe what Oakley said. He still proceeded slowly and cautiously. Lin Hang literally walked for fifteen minutes during this period of about one kilometer. Klee did not lie, and the trap information provided was completely correct. Obviously, after Wang Laotong let go of Bruce and "Ultron", Oakley did not have the thought of being careful, only hope that Wang Lao Tong and others can keep their promise.

Lin Hang took out the jade card that had been cut off at Genlinbia, and as soon as it was taken out, the jade card emitted a dazzling light, slowly drifting forward, and then slowly opened a light door.

Lin Hang didn't enter directly, and carefully looked at the situation of the light gate, and found that the light gate was exactly the same as the light gate leading to the "Emperor Realm". Lin Hang had some guesses in his heart and walked in slowly. After Lin Hang entered, the light door disappeared automatically, as if it had never appeared before.

Lin Hang walked out of the light gate, collected the jade card, and silently observed this brand new space.

This space gave Lin Hang the same feeling as "Emperor Realm", and the spiritual power between heaven and earth was similar, except that the entire space was not as light and ethereal as "Emperor Realm", but it had a heavy feeling.

Lin Hang moved slowly, not as confused as when he first entered "Emperor Realm". He began to consciously search for people and feel the spiritual power changes between heaven and earth. Lin Hang found a place where spiritual power fluctuated sharply.

Lin Hang quickly approached this place, and soon he saw such a scene.

A group of strong men in animal clothing, holding large stone spears, are besieging a huge wild boar. In fact, Lin Hang couldn’t recognize this species just by looking at its shape, because this behemoth was 20 meters tall, but seeing the big cylindrical nose and pointed fangs, Lin Hang knew it was. A wild boar.

The wild boar was very fierce and kept rushing towards everyone. With such an impact, Lin Hang felt that if he was hit, he might turn into a meatloaf. But the man standing in front of the crowd suddenly saw a stone shield in his hand, his feet exerted strength, and he rushed up to meet the wild boar. Just when Lin Hang thought the man was about to be knocked out, the stone shield suddenly became huge, and the height became like a wild boar. The man roared, his muscles tightened, and he abruptly withstood the impact of the wild boar! The people around had obviously agreed, and launched an attack on the wild boar whose old power had gone and the new power had not yet been born.

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