I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1020

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:53 AM

Chapter 1020: disconnect

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The treasure trove again missed Emperor Ziwei again. After a while, the treasure trove recovered his mood, and then said, "There is another good thing about the "Swallowing Pot", that is, it belongs to no class. The restricted innate spirit treasure can display what kind of powerful strength in the hands of a monk at any level. Therefore, it can be used by a monk without being affected by its power. In addition, its offensive and defensive characteristics can even be used. Helping the monks to grow can be said to be a very powerful and very useful innate spirit treasure!"

After the treasure house introduced this "Sky Swallowing Pot", Lin Hang No.1, Yulingxian Zifeng and others nodded, and they confirmed the power of this "Sky Swallowing Pot" because of the powerful devouring. The existence of suction, under the urging of the monks of the same level, is almost invincible among the same level, and because of the characteristics of transforming energy, it is still an innate spirit treasure that is very helpful for the improvement of cultivation level. Really It can be said to be extremely powerful.

Among all the innate spirit treasures, there are two major categories of existence. One type of innate spirit treasures is the same as ordinary acquired spirit treasures, and has a level restriction, although they are also considered as innate spirit treasures. Each has different special effects, but due to class restrictions, this large category of innate spirit treasures are all unpopular existences. It is because the power and ability cannot be changed, even if they have special functions. Very powerful, but the limitations are still too big.

However, Lin Hang also knows that the three major inland forces did not completely give up on the West Antarctic sea. They each supported one force as their eyeliner and foundation in the West Antarctic inner sea, as they set out again later. The Western Antarctic sea pedals, and these years have not been without results. The previous Western Antarctic inland seas were far less extensive than they are now. It is precisely because of the support of the three major inland forces that this Western Antarctic inland seas Able to move slowly towards the outer sea, sort out the severe weather and the rampage of monsters and beasts in the outer area, and slowly incorporate these places into its own range, making the entire Western Antarctic inland sea larger and larger , Gradually developed into the current scale, and the three major forces have already made new plans. They are not ready to take the entire West Antarctic seas in one go, but choose this way of slowly encroaching, so that it will not cause Monster beasts that are too large will bounce back. Under normal circumstances, monsters that can match the cultivator of the fairyland will not move in groups, but only need to solve such monsters in an area, and you can slowly The transformation of this area into the Western Antarctic Inland Sea is undoubtedly a more efficient and powerful method without much damage. The results of these years also prove that the choice of the three forces is very wise.

And Lin Hang, who knew this well, had some special thoughts in his mind at this time. Although the three major inland forces have achieved very good results over the years, they have absorbed a large area of ​​assimilation, but such areas are compared to As far as the entire West Pole is concerned, it can only be called a drop in the bucket. Therefore, the vast West Pole outside is still in a state of no ownership. Lin Hang’s idea is if he can be located in the hinterland of the West After opening up an area and clearing the core guarded monsters, leaving other monsters with lower strengths. In this way, the central area can once again become a place suitable for Chinese disciples to practice. The teleportation array is set up, so although this area is in a complex and dangerous place like the West Antarctica, if there is an array, it can quickly connect to the outside world without feeling too isolated. It’s just that this kind of thought can only exist in Lin Hang’s mind, and cannot be implemented immediately, not because they can’t find a suitable area, but because of their current cultivation base, they can’t fight against those who can compete with them. The powerful monster beast of the fairy cultivator, so it is impossible for Lin Hang to commit such a risk if safety is not guaranteed. In the current situation, the bases that will be settled in the future can only choose to be slightly stable for the time being. In the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, when Lin Hang and Wang Lao succeeded in breaking through to the fairyland, it was time for them to implement such an idea.

After determining the place where Wang Lao and Lin Hang contacted, Lin Hang asked Wang Lao to personally carve an extremely large and cumbersome teleportation formation on the newly named Fenglei Island. Lao came to portray it personally because not only Wang Lao’s spatial formation skills are higher, but also Wang Lao feels more locked in the location of the Fenglei Island. After all, after Wang Lao leaves here, Lin Hang will use virtual reality The magical power of the change directly hides the entire Fenglei Island. If Wang Lao personally portrays the teleportation array, it will be convenient for Wang Lao to quickly find Lin Hang and the others after breaking through.

Take this "Sky-Swallowing Pot" as an example. If it is an innate spirit treasure with a grade, its value will drop a lot in an instant. Even if it is of high grade, it will definitely follow suit. As the user's strength is improved step by step, it will face the fate of being eliminated. After all, if the grade cannot keep up with the user's improvement, then its very powerful function will definitely lose its effect step by step. "Sky-Swallowing Pot" itself has the characteristics of swallowing, absorbing and transforming. It is a powerful innate spirit treasure that integrates offensive and defensive upgrades, but if its grade has always been limited, then it is dealing with higher-level enemies At the time, both the offensive ability and the defensive ability will be greatly weakened, or even completely unable to play a role. It can only be used as a tool for abuse of food, otherwise the effect will be completely lost. This is also a major weakness of this type of innate spirit treasure with grade division. Of course, what I’m talking about here is most common situations. If an innate spirit treasure is at the top level when it is born, or later, an innate spirit treasure will use mithril essence or other means to transform itself The rank has been elevated to a very high level. At that time, there were not so many things, and it was still able to exert a powerful effect, just like many powerful spirit treasures in ancient times were restricted by rank. However, these innate spirit treasures were very different when they were born, reaching the limit of their own power, so there is no need to worry about the fate of being eliminated.

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