I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1025

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:46 AM

Chapter 1025: Autonomous

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Although these avatars of Zifeng can maintain a certain degree of autonomy because of the existence of spiritual power, and do not need Zifeng's deity to worry about a lot of heart, but in such a situation, to complete such a delicate operation, Zifeng There is no way for the deity not to take care of the situation of his avatar, otherwise his avatar may not be able to support it, and in this case, if you want to let Zi Feng take care of the three avatars alone , Coupled with the share of his deity, and the energy to command all actions, Zi Fengrao has a high level of cultivation, and is also somewhat unsupportable. After all, Zi Feng has not practiced like Lin Hang. The method of separation of spirits and consciousness is absolutely inferior to Lin Hang's manipulation of such a clone.

Faced with so many eyes, Ye Lao didn’t feel the slightest embarrassment. He actually figured it out. Since Lin Hang always remembered some of his kindness to Lin Hang, Ye Lao naturally didn’t mean to reject Lin Hang’s kindness, so Lin Hang now also wants Ye Lao to provide a positive example for these "old people", expressing the fact that as long as he works hard, he can get support and breakthrough. Of course, Ye Lao is willing to set such an example for Lin Hang. I hope this Because of his precedent, he was able to recognize his current situation, practice hard, strive to get Lin Hang's attention, and then take a crucial step on his own path.

Lin Hang naturally noticed the situation on the court. He was very satisfied with the impact of Ye Lao's breakthrough now. Lin Hang waved his hand and said loudly, "Everyone, I believe you already know. , Ye Lao is precisely because of the treasure in the water like a drop of soft and soft water that I have given, so that he can integrate what he has learned in a short period of time and break through to the level of the transformation stage! And many people here are now cultivated. The perception and realm are not inferior to the old Ye Lao. I know that you don’t have any doubts about what you can break through, but you just feel that you are missing some opportunities? And now here, I dare to tell you, Lin Hang will be able to provide you with the opportunity for your breakthrough!"

After Lin Hang's words were spoken, everyone present became enthusiastic. After Lin Hang's mutual help duel, the rewards that Lin Hang gave to the 16 most outstanding disciples were all greedy, not just Because the rewards provided by Lin Hang are very scarce and powerful, what is more important is that Lin Hang uses his own perspective to choose the most suitable treasure for these disciples at the current stage to support them. Others Not to mention, it's like the Thunder Deer Horns awarded by Lin Hang to Lin Chengye and Liu Tianqi's Earth Fire Orbs. They are actually a big type of reward. For monks with suitable attributes, they can all be regarded as big Treasures with increased strength, such as the Lin Family Patriarch, who also has a thunder attribute, and Lin Hang’s grandfather, who is known as the "anger thunder", also need such a thunder deer horn. It is unceremonious to say that as long as the same Thunder Deer horn can be obtained, the Lin Family Patriarch is ninety-nine percent sure that he will be able to break through to the transformation stage. After all, the powerful treasure resources that conform to his own attributes are indeed a realm improvement. This is undoubtedly a great help. Similarly, Liu Tianqi's grandfather, Liu Family Patriarch, is also in the same situation. If he can get the help of an Earth Fire Orb, he can also enter the Deity Transformation Period. And this kind of news is no secret to the people present. It is also full of expectations for Lin Hang's display like a treasure bag. I only hope that Lin Hang can give them the opportunity to break through their own realm.

Regarding the progress of the cultivation base and the choice of the cultivation path of these 26 people, with Lin Hang's cultivation base and vision today, he only needs a light sweep of his divine consciousness to be able to explore clearly, without any mistake. , And before coming here, Lin Hang also had a general understanding of the characteristics of these people's cultivation path and their own attributes, so he was also prepared to respond to everyone's help early.

After Lin Hang waited for the mood of the crowd to ferment, he glanced around, then waved his big hand, and saw twenty kinds of different items suddenly appeared in the air, floating quietly, since he has decided to Let these people take a rest and practice for half a year on this Dengxian Island. Naturally, Lin Hang can’t let them wait here to cultivate slowly. Therefore, they have prepared supplementary items for everyone early in the morning. Hang's idea is that in these six months, he hopes that enough of these people will be able to give birth to enough monks of the transformation stage. It is best that more than half of them can enter the realm of the transformation stage. You must know that this chaos is extremely chaotic. In the Western Antarctic Inner Sea, the cultivators in the Deity Transformation Stage are considered to be relatively advanced. After all, except for some forces secretly cultivated by the three major forces, the rest are all casual cultivators, and those who can enter the Transition Stage are all It’s very impressive, and because casual cultivators don’t have the resources and experience support of the forces behind, it’s difficult to break through the catastrophe period. It’s not easy to overcome the first thunder catastrophe from the late stage of transformation to the early stage of the catastrophe. That’s why, in the entire Western Antarctic Inner Sea, the casual cultivator above the catastrophe period has not appeared on the surface so far. There may be a casual cultivator who has crossed the catastrophe secretly, but it has never appeared in the world. In front of him, so now in the entire Western Antarctic Inner Sea, the strongest prosaic cultivation that can be felt is only in the late stage of the transformation, which is already extremely difficult.

Therefore, various reasons and signs indicate that this time, the arrangement is the most reasonable. Not only are the major forces present to participate in this operation, there are also such things as Zifeng. The command of a monk, coupled with the fact that Zi Feng only needs to control the behavior of a clone, there is not much burden, and it can ensure that this action will be carried out more perfectly.

And at this moment, Zi Feng, Yu Lingxian, and Qianjun’s spirits were connected between the three of them, and they soon practiced the coordination afterwards, and they also temporarily built a spiritual force between the three. This bridge is dominated by the consciousness of the deity of Zifeng. It will control the speed and frequency of other people’s actions in the follow-up, and try to avoid some mistakes that will lead to failure. In this case, in Lin Under the gaze of Hang-1, the four figures also flew onto the mask above an area, arranged at the four corners, and prepared to break the mask afterwards.

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