I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1027

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:44 AM

Chapter 1027: Front

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In this way, after an hour of time, everyone in this spiritual field area keenly felt that the mask in the midair was also vibrating. There was no nonsense at random. It was through four cave openings that left one of the Lingtian areas. After a few people came out, the four square openings that were originally opened were also restored to their original appearance during a period of tremors. A perfect mask looks like.

At this time, Zi Feng was standing above the mask, gently touching the mask at the position he had just broken, and there were some discoveries in his heart. At this time, Lin Hang 1 and others were also looking at him. The direction of the, Zi Feng also opened his mouth and said, "Based on the experience you cracked the last time, the opening of the mask has a certain relationship with the area of ​​the area, which means that the larger the area is If it is, then these holes will last longer! And I don’t know if you have felt that after our cracking, the four special mask areas seem to become softer In other words, the next time our cracking should be easier than the first time, this first time we spent almost an hour to complete this process, and the next time I guess it’s a full 40 It can be completed in minutes. Under such circumstances, if there are enough entries in the future, the mask may be directly cracked and no longer exist!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, we still have a lot of time to experience the magic of this Ziwei Emperor. It's just a matter of urgency that we must quickly find a place to stay, as our trip to the Ziwei Emperor. One general point, otherwise, if you keep wandering here, you will easily risk exposure!"

Lao Wang nodded, and Lin Hang stopped talking, but closed his eyes and felt it carefully. After a while, Lin Hang's expression became pleasantly surprised and said to Liu Ruyan and Wang Lao, "Teacher , Yan'er, the last stronghold I left behind, that is Dengxiandao, appeared in my induction again, and it depends on the situation and it is not very far from our current position. Should we go directly? Check it out there. If it hasn't been discovered in the days we left, it can be used as our stronghold now. What do you think?"

Regarding Lin Hang’s arrangement, Liu Ruyan and Wang Lao had no opinion, and they nodded their heads and agreed to Lin Hang’s suggestion. Lin Hang stopped talking, and used a power to hide the three people's figures, changing the reality and reality When activated, the three figures instantly turned into illusions, and in a remote sea area 50 kilometers away, there was a place full of dense fog. This is what Lin Hang once arranged for "Fog Formation" At this time, a space not far away from Dengxian Island was strangely distorted for a while, and then three figures appeared directly on the spot, without any spatial transmission fluctuations, just turning the emptiness into reality, appearing out of nothing That's all, this is the power and incomprehensibility of the change of virtuality and reality.

Lin Hang didn’t simply show up. He had checked the surroundings and then transformed from illusion. He brought Liu Ruyan and Wang Lao Ning to form a figure. After a careful scan, it was found that they were back then. The island of Dengxian, which they chose as their place of stay, is indeed very remote, so after they have left for so many days and come back, no one has set foot in this area. The situation on the island is invisible in Lin Hang’s perception. , So no matter it’s the outer "Fog Array" or the teleportation array in the center of the island, there is no change. Because Lin Hang used the help of spirit stones extravagantly when setting up the array. , So these two formations are still working like this, and they have been maintained until Lin Hang's second visit.

Mr. Wang, who had just turned from illusion to entity, once again felt his own existence. Although it was not the first time to experience Lin Hang’s supernatural powers, he still couldn’t help but feel a little amazed when he experienced it again. , The magical power of this change of virtuality and reality is very huge. It is not only in the fighting method, but also can play a very huge role in all aspects of daily practice life. And this magical power is in the hands of the mirage family. It's a pity that because the mirages are peaceful by nature, they hardly fight with people, just like holding a large piece of gold in their hands, but don't know how to spend them. Now that Lin Hang takes them, the meaning is completely different. , Lin Hang’s versatility, coupled with his imaginative imagination, is enough to play such a magical power of virtual reality, but Wang Lao still feels a bit pity, such a magical power is very difficult to learn , Otherwise, if Huaxia disciples are matched with such a powerful supernatural power, then Huaxia disciples' combat effectiveness will rise another step.

Lin Hang reconfirmed the situation of Dengxian Island not far away, and then said, "Teacher, no one should have been here. We can still choose Dengxian Island as our base for the time being, but this is also temporary. After all, since we have come out to experience, the headquarters can't be limited to one place. After we have determined the general situation today, the situation in the West Antarctic Inland Sea has not changed much from the situation in my memory. Then we can formulate the future experience plan. I will also separate some clones and distribute them throughout the West Antarctic Inland Sea, and establish some other hidden strongholds to facilitate our manpower for supply and rest scheduling. In this way, we The safety of the personnel involved in the training can be better guaranteed!"

Zi Feng’s spiritual power is so keen that he can naturally notice some details that Yu Lingxian and others can’t notice. At this time, after Zi Feng’s reminder, both Yu Lingxian and Qianjun also felt it carefully. Fan, at this time, I also found some differences. There was no change in the other positions of the mask, but in the four special places they cracked and entered, there was indeed a certain weakness. Although this weakness is very rare, But just this small point is enough to make their second cracking time much shorter, and as the number of cracks increases in the later period, it is absolutely possible that the mask in the purple seal is directly invalid. .

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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