I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 103

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:49 AM

Chapter 103: "Back World"

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The wild boar stabbed by multiple stone spears uttered a miserable cry and began to struggle fiercely, but the man in front of him was still as motionless as a mountain, holding on to the wild boar's rolling motion without moving a bit.

After about ten minutes, the wild boar finally stopped struggling and fell to the ground. Only a loud falling sound was heard. Everyone shouted excitedly. Obviously, after the successful hunt, they were in a very good mood. .

The man who had been holding the wild boar also sat down. Obviously, the previous wild boar's offensive also caused him considerable consumption.

Just when everyone started to deal with the wild boar, Lin Hang walked out of the shadow.

The sitting man discovered Lin Hang's existence immediately, but because the team was working together to deal with the wild boar just now, he didn't say anything, just beware of Lin Hang and wanted to wait for the wild boar to be dealt with.

Lin Hang gave everyone a fist and said, "Don’t be nervous, you guys are just passing by here. Seeing everyone so brave, I can’t help but stop and watch. If there is anything offended, please ask some elder brothers. Forgive me!"

Because they have always lived in such a space, the residents inside are relatively friendly to people of their own ethnic group. Although they didn't know Lin Hang, they didn't do anything as soon as they came up. Hearing Lin Hang's words, everyone also put down their guard and began to deal with the wild boar.

Lin Hang slowly walked to the sitting man and asked, "Under Lin Hang, how dare you call the eldest brother?"

After hearing Lin Hang's name, the man was obviously surprised, and replied, "My name is Houming, why don't you give me the last name, little brother?"

Lin Hang deliberately named his own name. He found that this group of people had no malicious intent towards him, so he planned to name his identity from the beginning.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Brother Empress, it's true that I am not from this cave, I come from the land of Shenzhou outside!"

Hou Ming didn't pay attention at all. After careful observation, he exclaimed, "Brother Lin, you are not a witch! Wait, you are not a human, you are half a witch! How could it be, how could it be half a man and a half witch! witch!"

Hou Ming was a little unacceptable for a while. In fact, after thousands of years, there was no half-man and half-witch in the clan, so everyone agreed that half-man and half-witch simply did not exist. Suddenly seeing Lin Hang now, I couldn't believe it for a while.

Lin Hang smiled. He already had a foreboding that such a situation would happen, and he said, "Yes, the eldest brother, I am half human and half witch, let alone this question, how did we form this cave?"

Hou Ming also recovered from the initial surprise, and asked suspiciously, "Brother Lin, since you are from the outside world, how do you know that we are in a cave?"

Lin Hang did not answer. Although Hou Ming was strange, he did not ask further, and began to introduce the origin of this cave.

It turned out that in the era of Qin Shihuang's rise, the Wu clan also prospered briefly for a while, but with Qin Shihuang's defeat in the fight against the sky, the Wu clan was also looking for a way out. So at that time, the leaders of the various branches of the Witch Clan exhausted their life's cultivation base and opened up the Twelve Caves, corresponding to the inheritance of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. With the passage of time, except for some high-level Dongtians, ordinary Wu people did not know the existence of other Dongtians.

Hou Ming only talked about their cave, and didn't mention other realms. This cave is called "Hou Jie" by them, because the ancestor who opened this cave inherited the will of Hou Tu, one of the twelve ancestor witches, so they are also the last names. The Houtu ancestor witch mastered the rules of soil, so this space was very stable and heavy.

Hou Ming said emotionally, "Our waiting is not meaningless! The long-awaited half-man and half-witch finally appeared! Brother Lin, go. Come with me to see the high priest, his old man will be very happy!"

Lin Hang said, "The High Priest? Is he a character who has always existed since the beginning of "The Back World"?"

Hou Ming asked suspiciously, "Yes, Brother Lin, how did you know? Didn't you just enter our "Back Realm"? Why do I feel that you know a lot?"

Lin Hang didn't mean to conceal it. He knew that the great elder of "Emperor Realm" and the high priest of "Hear Realm" must know the existence of other caves.

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "Brother Hou, before I came to "Back Realm", I had visited a similar cave. It was called "Emperor Realm". The witches in it inherited the will of the ancestor Wu Dijiang. I I learned a lot from them, so I still have a lot of understanding of the history of the Wu Clan in that era."

Hou Ming hadn't heard of other things about Dongtian. When he heard Lin Hang's words, he couldn't help but fell into contemplation. After a while, Hou Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Lin, what you said is beyond my cognition. I don’t know what to do. Let’s go to see the high priest. His elder can definitely give you a better answer!"

Lin Hang agreed with Hou Ming, and he also wanted to meet the high priest of "The Back Realm" to see how the two caves were different.

After waiting for a while, the rest of the people finished processing the wild boar, and Hou Ming led the team on their return journey.

Before Lin Hang met them, they had already hunted for several waves. After this wild boar, they had planned to hunt again. But because of the appearance of Lin Hang, Hou Ming decided to return to the city directly, and the importance of Lin Hang was self-evident.

After three days of travel, Lin Hang saw the village where Hou Ming was located under the sign of Hou Ming.

After taking a look, Lin Hang found that this village was much larger than Zhou Sheng's before, and its prosperity was not the same. Lin Hang understood that this was all caused by the approach of Hou Ming's village to the high priest, and the development would be better.

Hou Ming asked the people behind him to bring the prey back to the village, and then said to Lin Hang, "Brother Lin, I now ask the high priest to see him. When there is news, I will take you to see him. Don't worry, our village is away from the high priest. The Houtu Hall where you are located is only 20 miles away. This process will be very fast. Don't worry!"

Lin Hang nodded, and followed Houming around the village.

After feeling the situation of the witch people in the village, Lin Hang couldn’t help asking, “Brother Hou, our "Back Realm" represents the inheritance of the Hou Tu ancestor witch family, so you must be in the control of the earth element It’s so amazing that the houses in the village are not very consistent in size and shape, and some of them seem a little weird!"

In Lin Hang's eyes, some houses really seemed very strange. Lin Hang didn't understand how the Wu Clan who mastered the earth element could allow such a situation.

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