I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1030

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:39 AM

Chapter 1030: Fitch

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And just when the time reached more than thirty minutes, Lin Hang 1 clearly saw a hint of joy that could not be hidden on the faces of Zifeng and Yulingxian. At this time, Lin Hang 1’s His expression was also lifted up, he knew that the cracking operation this time was also extremely smooth, and Zi Feng and Yu Lingxian were about to succeed.

At this moment, as the last traces of spiritual power from Zifeng and Yulingxian were injected into the mask on the right hand, a familiar scene appeared in the next moment, and the mask was slowly on the four sides. At a diagonal position, a circular hole opened in the hole. Zifeng, Yulingxian, Qianjun, and the long-awaited Linhang No. 1 all entered this area through these holes.

Lin Hang heard the meaning of Wang Lao’s words, and then Wang Lao said with emotion, “Teacher, what do you mean is that such a formation cost a lot of resources and resources from their "Kashgar" and even the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. The energy was finally deployed, so it is absolutely impossible to damage it easily. Maybe there is still the idea of ​​coming to our planet again later, and the formation after that should be like this. , We can relax more."

Mr. Wang nodded and said, "Hang'er, although your previous worry said that there was nothing wrong with it, you still thought too much. You seem to have forgotten one thing. We can use this "Long Distance" Jumping Talisman is supported by your copying ability. As far as I know, "Long-distance Jumping Talisman" is not an ordinary commodity in mainland China. I guess there are not many in the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance. The inventory of this complete "Long-distance Jumping Talisman" can only be used a few times and it can't be supported. Who knows how many "Long-distance Jumping Talisman" was scrapped when the Ten Thousand Races Alliance arranged such a teleportation array So, with the support of such huge resources, the establishment of a route connecting Earth and Ziwei Emperor Star was completed. How could the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races easily destroy it? We know that such a route does not exist in theirs. Within the information, and I think that Zhao Kangping and the others should have their own unique way to come to Earth Star, not a common route with the Ten Thousand Race Alliance, so I guess this route will be preserved for a long time. After the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, we will enter the route of Earth Star. We can use this route to go to Ziwei Emperor Star, but we need to plan ahead and prepare a special route exclusively for China, otherwise the future will be subject to others! "

Lin Hang nodded, thinking that Wang Lao’s analysis was very reasonable, and the last suggestion that he put forward was also very much room for adoption. Lin Hang said, "Yes, teacher, you just watched the layout of their Wanzu League This route, can you arrange such a long-distance teleportation array? If it is possible, I think our master and apprentice can enter Ziwei Emperor Star and arrange the first batch of candidates, then we can come over and proceed. With such a formation, what you said is very reasonable. After all, we are going to create a stable and safe road linking Earth Star and Ziwei Emperor Star, and this road must be completely controlled in our hands. That’s right! So, we have the ability to arrange the best, teacher, are you sure?"

Wang Lao said with a smile, "Smelly boy, I dare not say anything else as a teacher, but such a spatial formation really can't bother me! Didn't I tell you just now, this one? The formation was just not arranged by Kagan before ascending to immortality, and now as a teacher is at the peak of the tribulation period, coupled with the study of space as a teacher, it is not a problem to arrange such a formation, but for the entire Huaxia Development. Regarding such a major event, we need to go to Ziwei Emperor Star to do a good job of summing up, and strive to open up a hidden and safe route that only allows our many disciples to pass through!"

Lin Hang was next to Wang Lao. He wanted to continue the discussion with Wang Lao, but he also keenly noticed the change in Wang Lao's expression. It was a moment of excitement, and slowly became a little bit astonished. There was a meaningful smile and weird look.

Hearing this, Wang waved his hand, and then said with a smile, "Hang'er, no, but just now when I decided to arrange so many teleportation formations and prepare a safe and hidden route for our many disciples after Huaxia, I seem to have sensed how to break through the door of my fairyland..."

Hearing what Wang Lao said, Lin Hang was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a look of surprise. You must know that Wang Lao also reached the level of the late stage of the tribulation early, but he has not experienced the level of improvement afterwards. The conditions and methods of the Fairyland Gate gave both Lao Wang and Lin Hang a headache. Originally thought it was because Wang Lao did not have enough accumulation and did not meet some trigger conditions, but now I suddenly felt it. I was surprised and felt that the decision to leave Earthstar this time was really correct.

After entering this area, everyone did not have any intention to discuss it. They were directly scattered within this area. They must try to quickly determine where they are within this short entry time. In the area of, is there any mithril veins? After all, they only observed the situation inside from the outside through the mask, and they could vaguely see some of the mithril veins in this area. A small part of the information, but this is only a preliminary observation, and only because of some observation characteristics, I feel that these exposed features have some mithril characteristics, but the specific things are still not determined, and the most important thing is to determine this There is indeed a large amount of minerals, not just this part of the surface.

Naturally, Linhang No. 1 is also acting in this area on its own. When he came to the surface of an exposed mineral vein, when his spiritual force just touched the vein of this place, according to The feedback information made Linhang No. 1 directly determine that the vein in this place is indeed a mythril vein, and not just this one on the surface, but also a large part of the inside. , Judging from this volume, it should be that the underground of this area is full of such mithril mine, but it is not clear whether there is any mithril essence in it.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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