I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1032

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:37 AM

Chapter 1032: powerful

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After Lin Hang 1 said this sentence, Zi Feng waved his hand, and then said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you don't have to be like this! We can't predict this situation, and we don't know this time you Whether the change of this small umbrella is good or bad, so it’s too early to make a decision now! As for the arrangement and distribution of Mithril Essence, although we also want more points, it is impossible because of this. Let’s take a lot of your advantage! In a moment, let’s take a look at how much Mithril Essence can be produced by this Mithril vein. We will calculate a rough amount, and then we will consider the distribution. I believe that Fellow Qianjun should have the same idea, right?"

Lin Hang’s successful breakthrough is equivalent to proving to them that Lin Hang’s talents are very outstanding and worthy of their previous investment, and such investment can also be fed back to China behind Lin Hang, although Lin Hang The success of Hang’s breakthrough only allowed China to add a monk who climbed into the fairyland, but the meaning behind it is also very different. Lin Hang’s entry into the fairyland shows that Lin Hang has the capital to support and protect the entire China’s continued development. This is also the place where these forces value the most. The most important thing for a good and outstanding force is not the size of the ethnic group, but the talent potential of the leader. Lin Hang is now showing that it is the irresistible and powerful momentum, and now it seems Such momentum is far from reaching its limit, and the future is bound to be limitless.

As for Lin Hang’s plan for the Ziwei Emperor’s trip this time, he has had a general idea from a very early time, so this time after the end of the mutual help duel competition among the younger generations of Huaxia, the major disciples will have their affairs arranged properly. In addition, when the Ten Thousand Races Alliance completed their plan and left Earth Star, Lin Hang had no more ties, so at this time, there was no time delay, but the big caves were quickly After the avatar in Zhong was recovered, Lin Hang asked Lao Wang and Lao Ye to summon those who were once the Patriarch of China’s major families, and they were the first batch of candidates that Lin Hang would bring to Ziwei Emperor this time. All of them existed in the late stage of Yuan Ying, and their strength is in the intricate West Antarctic Inland Sea, and they cannot be regarded as weak. If the low-key operation is done properly, it may not be possible to create in the West Antarctic Inland Sea in a short time. If the name comes out, in this case, if the follow-up Chinese disciples continue to come to this Ziwei Emperor Star to experience, they can also get the most basic support, and they will not start from the beginning.

Lin Hang looked at the twenty-something close to thirty-something figure in front of him, and felt the strong spiritual power fluctuations in their bodies. He knew that there were quite a few of them. These days, they have been trapped at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage. , Hardship to make progress, and depending on the situation, it is not a day or two things, this also made Lin Hang's heart a trace of emotion, when the cultivation to the later stage, it is really more difficult, these people in front of it depends on their talents. In fact, they are all very outstanding. They are all characters who broke through to the innate realm under the turbulent situation when the road to cultivation was cut off and difficult. Needless to say, this aspect of talent is completely inexhaustible. In the realm of, I have to say that in the course of cultivation, talent, opportunity, and perception are really indispensable. Originally, Ye Lao was in the same situation as them. Although he has all his talent and perception, he lacks a trace of opportunity. If Lin Hang gifted Ye Lao with the soft and soft water to help him break through the final barrier, Ye Lao said that he would not be able to stand in a stalemate for a long time under such circumstances.

After his thoughts drifted back, Lin Hang cleared his throat and said, "Seniors, I believe you have already known our plan this time before. That's right, this time we are not a simple plan of action, but to leave Earth Star. , To go to the grander Ziwei Emperor Star full of opportunities! During these days, I believe you already have some understanding of the general situation of Ziwei Emperor Star. I won’t go into more details here, just one thing I want I want to emphasize that this trip to Ziwei Emperor Stars is just an experiment. Although I have been there, there is no guarantee that the experience that I have had in these days will not be useful, so I hope you can listen to me. Arrangement, I’m ugly in front. This time if you have no objections and agree to go to Ziwei Emperor Star with me, then if you do not obey the command after arriving at Ziwei Emperor Star, I will directly send you Send it back, and there will be no chance to go to Ziwei Emperor Star again! So, now I ask again, do you have any comments on what I just said?"

In fact, the news that Lin Hang is about to take some people to Ziwei Emperor Star this time, these people have also learned from Ye Lao Wang Lao and others, and they also know that they can go to Ziwei Emperor Star this time. What a great opportunity, maybe their breakthrough opportunity is this time, if they miss it, then I really don't know how long it will take. Therefore, they did not have any opinions on the arrangements and requirements mentioned by Lin Hang. This was related to their own breakthrough, and they would never be sloppy. Rather than being almost equal now, all of this is because Lin Hang himself is very friendly, but they also know that this is just a sign of harmony between the two sides. If their performance does not match Lin Hang’s expectations, then Lin Hang may be another What kind of attitude is facing them.

Qianjun also nodded from the side. Under such circumstances, it is of course impossible for him to ask for the setting of Linhang-1 and Yulingxian because of the special movement of the small umbrella of Linhang-1. What a good thing, this is obviously not in line with Qianjun’s acting style, not to mention that it is also because of the help of Yulingxian and Linhang No. 1 that he is likely to get the relief now. At this time, for Linhang No. If Lingxian was in trouble, Qianjun would definitely not be able to make it.

And at this time, it is only the time for Linhang-1 and others to enter this area for a while. According to the inference of the previous stay time, they can stay here for at least one hour, so it is the next moment. , Everyone moved separately and went to the underground of this area. They had to find out the existing Mithril Essence within this period of time, and only after completing the statistics could they consider the future distribution.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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