I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1038

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:29 AM

Chapter 1038: Spine

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And when everyone was chatting, the spinning "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" also slowly stopped, and after a while, the light mask in front of the "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" also opened a hole directly. A large hole with a diameter of five meters, through this hole, you can clearly come into contact with the scene. Obviously, what Linhang No. 1 said just now is not a lie. This "Broken Umbrella" really has the ability to break these masks. The ability, and the speed is much faster than the four people working together to destroy, the most important thing is that the consumption of each person is not that big, which is more expensive.

At this time, "Broken the Ban Umbrella" completed its work and returned directly to Lin Hang No. 1. Lin Hang No. 1 stroked the "Broken Umbrella" that had asked him for credit, and put away the two umbrellas. The spiritual stone with a small half-spirituality was directly thrown to Zi Feng and Qianjun.

Carlo settled and opened his mouth and said, "This is the end of the matter. It is useless to say more. Now that we have been robbed of half of the translucent jelly by Zhao Kangping, they are already returning to Ziwei Di quickly under the current situation. It’s on the way to the star, we can’t trouble them now, we can only put this account on them first! Human Race, "Ziwei Palace", I will not let it go! Wait until we return to Ziwei After the Emperor Star, I will first shrink the various plans within the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, and then retreat to study this treasure we have obtained. When we leave the customs, it is when the internal cleanup of the Alliance is proceeding. I believe that by that time we The strength of the clan has skyrocketed. Not only can it complete this dark child cleaning mission, but also complete the revenge action against the human race and the "Ziwei Palace"! So, we don't have to stay here for more stars, now we are back to Ziwei Let's discuss the long-term plan in the general meeting of Weidixing!"

After Caro finished speaking, the rest of Kagan and the others also nodded. Kagan waved his hands, and saw that the huge formation he had arranged for a long time enveloped the entire depths of the planet and began to slowly fade away. , And disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared before.

Carlo nodded, and then said, "Uncle Clan, there is nothing wrong with your idea. If their classics do contain more detailed information than ours, there is indeed a great possibility that they will be completed earlier than us. Research, this is what I am most annoyed about after losing half of my treasures! It’s just that we don’t have any good solutions in the current situation. We can only pray that their experience of classics is not as good as ours! And we are doing it now! There are no other things, so after returning to the Ziwei Emperor Star Alliance Conference, we still have to rely on our own strength. After all, we have prepared for this goal for so long. I don’t believe they are getting the news for a while. Within this period, we will be able to surpass our preparations for so many years! Therefore, after returning to Ziwei Emperor Star, the follow-up research work still has to ask the Clan Uncle for your hard work!"

After saying this, Carlo turned his head to look at Yinchuan and another leader of "Turn Spirits", and continued, "Everyone, thank you very much for your help this time. If it weren't for you here, we would be very happy. More benefits may be lost! And in my heart I very much believe that you and the top of the two races, they will definitely not be the ones who have been infiltrated by the human forces and the "Purple Palace"! But, I hope For the cleansing operation that may be launched in the future, your two major races can completely stand on our side of the "Kashgar" and fully support us in carrying out a cleansing operation that has been covered up. I hereby guarantee that if we go through such a cleansing operation. After a cleansing operation, the unity of our entire alliance of 10,000 races has regained a new level, and after our leading position in "Kashgar" is also stabilized, the two ethnic groups will inevitably receive more resources support. These are all things I want to do in the future. I hope you can support us as you do now. I thank you Carol here in advance!"

As Kahlo’s words were exported, his expression and attitude became extremely serious at the end. Yinchuan and others also saw Kahlo’s sincerity. Perhaps Kahlo has a trace of selfishness for "Kashgar" in his heart, but Fundamentally, Kaluo still wants to strengthen their entire 10,000-zu alliance from the inside out. Yinchuan and their thinking are actually similar to that of Karo. You must know that a loose organization like the 10,000-zu alliance has been for so many years. In the past, there has never been a powerful composition that can unify the opinions of all the major ethnic groups, and in the true sense of accomplishing what a large organization should do, it is precisely because of this reason that it is very easy for them to inside the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. Being infiltrated by the other two forces, they cannot control and determine the thoughts and attitudes of the other ethnic groups. After all, their status is strictly equal to "Kashgar", and they cannot Interfering with the internal affairs and decision-making of other races, some methods and policies cannot be carried out at all, and it is difficult for an organization like the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races to really gather together.

Lin Hang 1 smiled and said, "Island Master Purple Seal, Fellow Dao Jun, these two top-quality spirit stones are regarded as my sincerity! The transaction mentioned by the Island Lord Purple Seal is absolutely feasible. Yes, those elixirs are really precious to me than the top-grade spiritual stones! If the two really want to exchange, I can still give some discounts!"

Originally, Zi Feng was only tentatively speaking and questioning, but he did not expect that Lin Hang 1 had really thought about this question. At this time, Zi Feng's reaction was also very fast, and he smiled and said, "Lin Hang, you It doesn’t have to be the case. If we really use those spirit medicines to exchange the best spirit stones with you, it can really be said to take advantage of you. After all, even if you say that the best spirit stones are nothing to you, but they The value of itself is definitely not negligible! So, if you can take out these top-quality spirit stones to exchange with us, we are actually taking a lot of your advantage. Under such circumstances, why are you embarrassed to let you give us a discount? What? But let’s leave it alone. We can confirm the deal for the time being. As for the details afterwards, we can wait until the end of this fragmented continent exploration, and then discuss it! By the way, through this "Break the Umbrella" How long can the opening of the mask at this place last?"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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