I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1039

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:28 AM

Chapter 1039: package

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Following the guidance of Linhang No. 1, Zi Feng and Qianjun both nodded, and then followed Lin Hang No. 1 into the area with Yu Lingxian.

After stepping into the mask, the situation in front of them became clearer. Originally, they looked through the masks that were blocked outside, and they could only see some fuzzy scenes, if not this one. If there is only this huge pavilion in the area, you may not be able to see the vague word "soldier". Now that you really enter, this huge pavilion will truly show the whole picture in front of everyone.

Lin Hang 1 discovered that the situation here is really not much different from what they expected. This huge pavilion indeed occupies almost all of this area. After they stepped into this area through the opening of the mask, It also stood directly on the only remaining open space in front of this pavilion, and everyone was completely attracted by the huge pavilion in front of them.

Speaking of this, Caro turned cold, and then continued, "Hey, "Ziwei Palace", they are still innately close to the human forces! Although we have been on the Ziwei Emperor star for so long, but for They are still outsiders to the two major forces, and their two forces unite to deal with us, there is really no mercy!"

After the Kara voice survived, the faces of the many cultivators who were present at the Fairyland fell. Although they hated the human forces of Zhao Kangping who intercepted the fruits of their victory this time, if the human forces sent so many people, it would be completely Those who cannot pose a threat to them, let alone have the opportunity to intercept the translucent jelly, are all because of the help of the little purple mirror.

Carlo and others have also had a lot of dealings with the human forces and the "Purple Palace". Naturally, they still have some understanding of some of the powerful treasures and heritage of these two parties. This is the first time for this small mirror. When the light bloomed, all of them were given, and this situation was naturally recognized by Carlo and others in the first place. This small purple mirror is the heritage treasure of "Ziwei Palace". It is called "Purple Light Mirror". It is said to be a mirror made by the emperor Ziwei at that time. It is among all the treasures of "Ziwei Palace". , The power of this "Purple Mirror" can also be sent to the top, and the most important thing is that the lethality of this "Purple Mirror" is second. What is more prominent is the powerful restraint ability brought by the purple light it releases. The strength of this restraint ability depends on the spiritual power input by the person who uses it. Just like the situation used by Zhao Kangping just now, four cultivators who have climbed into the fairyland can inject spiritual power with all their strength, and they can bring Ka Luo and other ten A monk who climbs into the fairyland has been restrained for a long time, and if used properly, it can be regarded as a strategic treasure.

It’s just that although this "Purple Light Mirror" can forcefully restrain the target that you want to trap, it has pros and cons. Although this purple light has anchored Carlo and others, it has also provided a layer of protection for Carlo and others. Of course, this layer of protection is not very powerful. Zhao Kangping can break this kind of protection with only one blow, but if the protection is broken, the Carlos and others will also resume their actions in an instant, so a "Purple Mirror" Treasures can only be used at specific times. The general fighting method does not have much effect. On the one hand, it takes too long to activate. This is also the reason why Zhao Kangping will always talk nonsense with Carlo and others. On the one hand, the protection brought by this restraint is the unity of protection, completely unable to attack the enemy, and can only be effective when some other plans can be made.

The news that Zhao Kangping got from the dark line this time is actually not very detailed. He only knows the time and general results of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance’s plan this time. However, as Carlo guessed, Zhao Kangping's comments on their final ascent The arrangement of the fairyland monks was unaware, so this time Zhao Kangping also made two-handed preparations. He assembled a full five of the fairyland monks. In the end, in order to ensure that he could not force the attack, the second-hand preparation was from This piece of "Purple Light Mirror" that could change the situation of the war was borrowed from the "Violet Palace". The reason why "Purple Light Mirror" was so happily loaned out of "Purple Light Mirror" is because the human forces and "Purple Light Mirror" can be regarded as the same After the Ziwei Emperor Star is broken, the original power on this large fragment, and the Ten Thousand Race Alliance is an external force. Naturally, there is no such friendly and intimate relationship between the Human Race and "Ziwei Palace", and for the Ten Thousand Race Alliance, this The two forces are mostly precautions, and most of the plans facing the Ten Thousand Races Alliance are mainly to destroy and disturb. Therefore, this time Zhao Kangping’s plan to attack the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is naturally also in line with the "Ziwei Palace". "", so I was able to borrow "Purple Mirror" happily. Facts have also proved that Zhao Kangping's first-hand preparation is insufficient, and the manpower gap in the fairyland is a bit too large to cause Carlo and others. What threat? Fortunately, there was the existence of "Purple Mirror" at this time. Zhao Kangping's interrogation attracted attention, let the power of "Purple Mirror" burst out, and achieved his desired goal.

The architectural style of this pavilion is similar to that of ancient China. It occupies an octagonal shape. Some pointed eaves can be seen at the highest point. When viewed from the ground up, the pavilion has about nine floors. , From the bottom to the top has a slow shrinking trend, but this trend is not too big, so although there will be some differences in the area of ​​each floor, but it will not be very different, and in the center of the pavilion in the air, On the other hand, there is an exaggerated huge plaque on which four characters are written: "Tibetan Treasure Treasure".

When I saw this plaque, it also made Linhang No.1, Zifeng and others understand the role of this pavilion, and it was similar to their guess. Based on the exposed word "soldier", you can guess it. , The pavilion in this place is likely to be the location of the spiritual baby library of a great power in ancient times. This time I really entered this one. I saw the big four characters of "The Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers", which also made Lin Hangyi. No. 1 and others know it in their hearts. There is indeed a place where Tibetan soldiers are located. Specifically, which force left behind, or what kind of treasures are there. Both Linhang No. 1 and Zifeng etc. I don't know, the specific situation will not be known until after entering.

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