I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1040

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:28 AM

Chapter 1040: native land

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Seeing such a scene, the hearts of several people were a little depressed. Originally, relying on the strength of the "Broken Umbrella", they directly broke through the ban of the outer mask, and saw the "Treasure Treasure of Hidden Arms". The majestic aura, but I didn’t expect that after entering, it would be blocked by a light shield. This made Lin Hang No. 1 and Zi Feng Qianjun and others extremely depressed. After all, what may have been missed is Many powerful Lingbao.

However, at this time, Zi Feng’s brain flashed, and his expression suddenly became a little excited. Obviously he thought of something. He said to Lin Hang No.1, "Lin Hang, I forgot, your "Break the Umbrella" It just happens to be an expert in solving the problem of breaking the prohibition and blockade! You have broken all the powerful bans from the outside world. Can you try this mask block and see if you can continue to crack it?"

Only after the Kara voice fell, when Kagan and the others were preparing to act, a burst of strong purple light suddenly burst out behind Zhao Kangping, and then this burst of purple light passed through Zhao Kangping’s body without any other The change and reaction, and then directly came to the front of the monks of the ten thousand races such as Carlo. You then burst out with the light once again. This light instantly occupied a small space under the ground, allowing everyone including Zheng Lin Hang, who was watching the game, lost his vision temporarily. He didn't know what happened in it. After the light slowly dissipated, the situation was revealed. Only Zhao Kangping and the others did not change. The eleven cultivators of Dengxianjing all stopped in place strangely, motionless!

The situation in the field changed in an instant. After using the purple light to control the Kara and the others, Zhao Kangping did not delay the slightest, and directly rushed to the translucent group guarded by the Kara group. A jelly, and the four monks who climbed into the fairyland behind him did not know when they had stood in a regular quadrilateral position. The four of them were working together to support a beautiful small mirror full of purple light, and this small mirror It was still emitting a hazy purple light, and the spiritual power in the four cultivators in the fairyland was constantly pouring into this small mirror. Seeing this scene, Lin Hang also understood. The little mirror of what origin is the reason why it can trap the monks in the fairyland of the ten thousand races such as Karuo. I just don't know what the mystery of this mirror is. It can forcefully restrain the eleven monks who climbed into the fairyland. Lin Hang can perceive that this mirror is definitely not a simple treasure.

And when he reached the group of translucent jelly, Zhao Kangping did not have any surprises or hesitations. A white jade-colored fine knife appeared from the palm of his hand, and then he pointed directly at the group of translucent jelly. It was cut from the middle position with a knife. It was magical. The translucent jelly that Carlo could not control was easily cut into two halves of the same volume under the action of the white jade knife in Zhao Kangping's hand. It was amazing, and when he completed such a step, Zhao Kangping was also relieved, then took out a small box that was also white jade color, and directly filled the general translucent jelly that had just been cut off.

After completing such a move, Zhao Kangping quickly backed up two steps and returned to the camp of the monk who climbed into the fairyland. Then, he waved his hand gently, and turned to face the small mirror held by the four with a powerful spirit. Li, the other four also performed the same actions as Zhao Kangping. They also entered a very powerful spiritual force in the small mirror. At this moment, with the support of a large amount of spiritual power from no one, the small mirror also A strong purple light burst out once, and once again swept through the place where the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Clan ascending to the Fairyland were located. Then Zhao Kangping didn’t see the result. Five people got up and left the depths of the earth and stars for a moment. The time flew away from the earth star, disappearing into Lin Hang's perception.

In this way, about five minutes passed. In the depths of the stars, Carlo and the others resumed their actions one after another. Everyone was not harmed. After the **** of the purple light ended, they were restricted. The action resumed, everyone gathered together, Kagan came to Karo, seeing that half of the translucent jelly was still retained, there was still some luck in my heart, I don’t know why Zhao Kangping could obviously All the treasures were taken away, but half of them were left in the end, but this change did not affect the frustration in their hearts at all. You must know how long their "Kashgar" has been preparing for this action, and It’s how much energy has been devoted, and a lot of promises have been made in the entire ten thousand race alliance. The relationship between these two clans and the "Kashgar Clan" is very good, but Kahlo promised them a lot of benefits before they could finally get the full support of the last kind, let alone other tens of thousands of forces. They also paid tens of thousands of monks from their own tribe, and the consumption of these needs to be compensated by the "Kashgar". Therefore, if "Kashgar" can achieve their plan this time, it will be okay to make up for their losses. Pay, if Zhao Kangping is cruel this time and snatches all the translucent jelly, then it is impossible to say that the current Kahlo will directly return to the Ziwei Emperor to find Zhao Kangping and the human forces to settle the account.

This sentence of Zi Feng also attracted Qianjun’s attention. His expression also brightened. At this time, he heard the very helpless voice of Lin Hang One, "Zi Feng Island Master, as this "Broken Umbrella" "The owner of "is naturally aware of its function. After hitting such a transparent mask, I thought of using this "Break the Umbrella" to break such a restriction, but for This matter, "Broken the Forbidden Umbrella" itself also expressed its clear meaning, it could not complete the cracking of the transparent mask of this place! After thinking about it carefully, I also understood the truth, according to the fundamental meaning From the above point of view, this transparent mask is not actually a ban. It is something that coexists with the entire "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers" and can be counted as a part of the "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers." What about breaking it? Its function should be to check and filter the existence of those who are eligible to enter this "Treasure House of Hidden Soldiers". Others who want to sneak into it will definitely be blocked by it!"

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