I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1043

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:24 AM

Chapter 1043: Method

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The words of the treasure house also caused the reaction of everyone present. Lin Hang-1 and Zifeng also glanced at each other, and then Zifeng also opened his mouth and replied, "The treasure house, seniors, let you tell me, it is actually in this section. During the time, I have been sitting and preparing for the next trip. After our last disciple of "Purple Cold Island" returned from a trip a day ago, we are ready to go anytime! So, now Under the circumstances, senior treasurer, if you have no problems, then I will be able to complete the action next. As long as you determine the travel time, our "Purple Cold Island" side can always cooperate with your actions. !"

After hearing Zi Feng’s words, the treasure house envoy also understood what Zifeng meant. According to this situation, Zifeng could start at any time, and then the treasure house envoy was staring at him. Lin Hang 1 and the Zifeng Yulingxian also understood the meaning of the three, knowing that these three came to find themselves, precisely for the things that set out this time and moved quickly to Ziwei with the fusion continent. The method of Emperor Star Continent came.

And seeing Zhao Kangping’s appearance this time made Lin Hang’s heart full of excitement, because according to Zhao Kangping, Lin Hang’s previous strength and abilities were unable to help them, that is to say, Lin Hang’s parents, Lin Hang The two of Shocking Sky are likely to be on top of the Ziwei Emperor Star, and most likely they should belong to the human forces. This makes Lin Hang even more determined to go to Ziwei Emperor Star after the matter is resolved, not only To find the remaining materials for his breakthrough in the fairyland, he also has to check to see if his parents are there. After so many years, Lin Hang no longer has much concern about the safety of his parents. Parents have become more obsessive. After understanding the threat of the Great Tribulation and the strength of Human Huaxia, Lin Hang also understands the behavior and mood of his parents, presumably Lin Jingtian must have obtained more changes before him. The powerful human race, perhaps because of contact with Zhao Kangping, made Lin Jingtian feel a sense of responsibility. He knew that Huaxia's strength was far from the level of fighting against the catastrophe, and he didn't want to say this. The incident caused everyone in China to lose their peace of mind, so they resolutely embarked on the road to save China. It should have been very early to follow Zhao Kangping to Ziwei Emperor Star to carry out the action to save China.

It’s just that Lin Jingtian is not a man of choice like Lin Hang, and he can’t come into contact with the existence of the Witch Clan. Otherwise, there is no need for Lin Jingtian to bear the pressure in silence. Now Lin Hang consciously already has something close to climbing to the fairyland. Strength, and the entire Huaxia has achieved very good development under his arrangement and guidance. He can already find his parents and tell them Huaxia’s development and his progress. He has never helped them share the pressure. Up. The moment Lin Hang saw Zhao Kangping, countless associations popped up in his heart, and he also set another goal for himself to go to Ziwei Emperor Star, which was to contact the human forces there and find his parents. Of the trail.

Seeing that Zhao Kangping had lightly erased the way he knew of their actions, he could not help but cried out the old fox in his heart. He also secretly made up his mind. This time he must rectify and cleanse the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance. Because the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is too loose, it is inevitable that many spies from the other two forces will come in. This is also unavoidable. Their Ten Thousand Races Alliance also inserted their own side in the Human Race and "Purple Palace". The spies of the forces, but the human forces and the "Purple Palace" are much closer to the structure of their forces than their Ten Thousand Races Alliance, so their spies have not obtained any useful intelligence or news in recent years. It’s something innocent. It’s just that although Carlo knew that the spies on his side were not as useful as those of the other two forces, he did not expect that his side would be penetrated to this extent. This time the plan was based on "Kashgar" took the lead, and finally finalized the plan after the General Assembly of the Union of Ten Thousand Races. It was only the heads of the various tribes who participated in the most core event. If it is really leaked, maybe some of them. All the ten thousand races have been infiltrated, which made Carlos vigilant in his heart. He found that they were still too loose about the many ten thousand forces within the alliance of ten thousand races. If it continues to develop like this, it is very likely. When it was breached from the inside by others, at that time, there was some regret.

But Carlo also secretly felt a hint of fortune. Fortunately, was Zhao Kangping led someone to attack this time? He indirectly reminded him to pay attention to such a problem after returning. It seems that the loose management within the organization before gave the enemy The opportunity to infiltrate, but fortunately, no major mistakes were made. After I reached my goal this time and returned to Ziwei Emperor Star, I must sort out the major constituent forces of the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance, and I must find those placements. The factors of instability have been for a long time, and because this time his side has acquired a new cultivator in the fairyland and the legendary treasure, he is still very confident about this kind of thing. I think this can even be regarded as good news from another aspect. I have got the greatest benefit from "Kashgar" and will inevitably usher in a surge in strength, which makes them "Kashgar" in the entire Wanzu League. The right to speak among them has been further improved, and this has also provided them with greater protection for their subsequent idea of ​​rectifying the Ten Thousand Race Alliance. Carlo believes that as long as they return to Ziwei Emperor this time, use this time The soaring strength, if you digest it well, you will definitely be able to have a more in-depth control of the entire Ten Thousand Race Alliance. In this way, the future Ten Thousand Race Alliance will definitely get better and better.

The treasure trove smiled, knowing that everyone is ready and just waiting for their own actions, so there is no meaning to pause. He opened his hands directly, and the guiding stone appeared directly in the palm of his hand. Among them, with the spellcasting of the treasure house, the Guiding Stone also bloomed with a different light. Under such circumstances, Linhang One and others also felt that the fusion continent under their feet seemed a little strange. The reaction, knowing that this is the action of the treasure house has worked.

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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