I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1045

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:06 AM

Chapter 1045: Ultra long distance transmission

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At this time, after putting away the small box containing the guiding stone of the fusion continent after shrinking, the treasure house, the Linhang No. 1 Jade Spirit Immortal and the Zifeng people, all of them kept the volley standing in the starry sky. , Baoku made a smile at the three of them, then touched the sharp corners of his head, and then said, "Look, I have solved the problem you are worried about at this time, then we will Let's start the next action, right?"

Treasury ambassador is already so powerful, Lin Hang 1 and several people have any objections, and they nodded and said, "Well, senior Treasury ambassador, at this time, Fusion Continent has already completed the purpose of being carried, and we do not have to. What are your concerns? Next, let’s go to the place where the Purple Emperor Star Continent is located! But I don’t know if Treasury has any suggestions for this move?"

At this time, Kagan is not only undergoing a transformation of spiritual power and spiritual power, but also his physical body and everything is undergoing a sublimation. If it can be successfully transformed, after reaching the fairyland, at that time all the whole body Abilities, including spiritual power, physical body and spiritual power, will all merge into one, no longer divided into each other, nothing will become the shackles of the monks in the fairyland, which means that the soul of the monks in the fairyland is a physical body and no longer has any shortcomings. Transformation freely, very comfortable, so Deng Xianjing is the realm that every monk yearns for, no one will not think about it, because after this step, not only can enjoy infinite life, but also can get rid of infinite shackles and live freely Between heaven and earth, it can be said to be at ease.

And on the current Qingtian Island, Lin Hang and Wang Lao Liu Ruyan are also staring at the figure of Kagan. They are now at the peak of the Tribulation Period, and the next step is to break into the fairyland. , So I also asked the chief priest and others early in the morning about what they would experience when they were really going to go to the immortal. So although they were not on the scene at this time, they saw the changes and actions in Kagan, and they already understood what it was. The reason is that this unfamiliar monk of the ten thousand tribes is making a breakthrough in the fairyland! Although I was very puzzled, I don’t know why they would suddenly act like this, but Lin Hang and Wang Lao didn’t miss the opportunity to see other monks breaking through to the fairyland. Going through this step, so being able to see the breakthrough process of others in advance is also a very valuable experience for them, especially Lin Hang, he is only one step away from climbing the fairyland, as long as he can make up enough arrangements. With all the materials of that mysterious magic circle, he is extremely sure that he can break through forcibly and enter the dreamland of immortality! Therefore, Lin Hang and Wang Lao did not chat, they were all staring at the movements of Kagan, and then compared this with the breakthrough process that the chief priest and others once said, and they got some very important points. Valuable experience.

Soon, Kagan’s spiritual power and spiritual power turbulence gradually calmed down, and then I could feel the sharp surge of spiritual power between the heavens and the earth, and then all of them seemed to be flooded into the sea explosively. Kagan’s body, and then I saw Kagan’s face showing a painful look. Obviously, in the process of such a breakthrough, it was not completely smooth, and I wanted to enter the fairyland and complete the life level. Transformation and transformation into a new species is definitely not a simple matter. It must involve all-round changes in the entire body. Such changes require a huge amount of spiritual support from heaven and earth before they can proceed.

Seeing this scene, Kahlo also knew that Kagan’s breakthrough had entered the most critical moment. As long as he could carry this step, then Kagan would have a great possibility to step into that step, so Kahlo did not hesitate. Four high-grade spirit stones were thrown directly at the location of Kagan, and then a four-sided formation was formed around Kagan, and then countless pure spiritual powers emerged from these four spirit stones. , And then absorbed into the body like a bottomless pit by Kagan. It seems that although Kagan’s absorption momentum is very strong, looking at the four spiritual stones, there is no sense of spiritual power dissipation. Obviously the huge amount of it. Spiritual power is completely able to support Kagan's breakthrough spiritual support.

Although he is full of confidence in Kagan, the difficulty of climbing to the fairyland still lingers in Karo's heart. His breakthrough at that time was relatively easy, but looking at the entire circle of climbers in the fairyland, there are actually most of them. It is quite difficult for people to break through. Most of them are able to enter such a realm with the blessing of luck. If they are allowed to do it again, there are many people who have not fully succeeded. In addition to the difficulty of satisfying the conditions for the breakthrough in the fairyland, there is another point that is not a simple matter in the process of breakthrough, because it involves the transformation and sublimation of the life level, as well as the full integration of the soul and the physical body. As a whole, the difficulty and risk are very high. In other words, if a person accidentally breaks through and fails, he is likely to become an inhuman monster, possessing strong strength but lacking wisdom, and becoming Unknown monsters that are difficult to control, such a forward route is the ownership of the cultivator at the peak of the tribulation period. Although it is very sad, it is the price of progress and cannot be avoided.

Yinchuan also nodded, standing beside Carlo with a hint of emotion, and then said, "Well, with the support of these four high-grade spirit stones, it is enough for ten cultivators to climb the fairyland to break through. We It’s only at this step that can help. The next thing depends on Senior Kagan himself. Although we are full of confidence in him, there are still many people with the same talents who fall in this step. So Everything depends on the good fortune of Senior Kagan!"

The treasurer meditated for a while, and then said, "Lin Hang, according to what you mean, if it is you, it should be through the continuous use of the "Random Teleportation Stone" in the next time to reach there. The purpose of Ziwei Emperor Star Continent, according to my opinion, if you have enough "Random Teleportation Stones", this method is actually very good. The existence of star maps is indeed more accurate and convenient, but is there Some are too wasteful of that "Random Teleportation Stone"? Even if you have a lot of reserves, Lin Hang is not using it like this! In my opinion, let me take you this time and let you see what is called "Ultra Long Distance Teleportation"!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated fastest.

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