I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 1046

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:18:02 AM

Chapter 1046: Guide the way

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After the treasure trove had finished speaking, Lin Hang No.1 and others did not show any unexpected expressions, because according to the general situation, the treasure trove has such deep use and familiarity with the law of space, so in general In terms of space movement and teleportation, there must be very deep attainments. Therefore, Lin Hang-1, Zifeng and others’ inquiries about the treasure house are actually not just simple questions, but to let the treasure house take good care of To show them the way, it is best to point out the most convenient way as it is now.

It’s just that the mentality of these two forces is contrary to the fact that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races is also extremely disappointed. He originally thought that the group would soon usher in a genius who will never produce one in ten thousand years, but the reality has poured a lot of water on them , So they had to face the facts. They did not give up Kagan at the beginning, but after observing for a long time before finally confirming the situation in Kagan, it is indeed like exhausting the potential on the road of cultivation. , This will make progress by leaps and bounds and finally stop at the peak of the Tribulation Period, so it can be regarded as indirectly giving up the training of Kagan.

Fortunately, Kagan himself is an absolute genius and master of formations. Such performance is naturally irrelevant to potential. With this ability, Kagan will become another part of "Kashgar" even if it fails to ascend to immortality. The big background, by virtue of the strength of the formation, can be regarded as a very good position in the ethnic group directly, and it has become the second only to the four "Kashgar" in the "Kashgar" under the cultivation of the fairyland. Man, until the rise of Kahlo, became the fifth living monk of Dengxianland in "Kashgar". Kagan did not break through to Dengxianland, but his position in "Kashgar" still has the right to speak. It is second only to the five monks who climbed into the fairyland, and because in the previous ascension process, Kahlo was unintentionally favored by Kagan, which made Kahlo respect Kagan very much. After Kahlo has now become the person with the highest level of cultivation in the "Kashgar", Kagan has also received greater attention. Otherwise, if Kahlo had not been the master in "Kashgar", even if Kagan had discovered the clan The combination of the three inherited formations can potentially obtain the legendary treasure, but it won’t get so much attention as it is now, so even though the action this time was initiated by Kagan, But in the end, it was Kahlo's arrangement that led to such a firm implementation of this matter.

To say that in the entire "Kashgar", the person who can break through to the fairyland in Kagan is not Kagan himself, but Karo. Karo has never believed that Kagan's potential will really be exhausted. Gan must have unspeakable difficulties, absolutely not as simple as what the outside world said, and when Kagan took the initiative to find him, he said the three closely connected formations and formations left by the powerful ancestor. What you may get after completion, and the most important thing is that Kagan and Kahlo have shown that this time the three major formations have been arranged. The completion of the will of the mighty ancestor has a great possibility of giving Kagan. Dry breakthrough! In the face of Kagan’s claims and requests, Kharo did not even hesitate for long, and directly agreed to Kagan’s suggestions and plans, and immediately let the entire "Kashgar" respond to their actions and use their own influence. The Federation of Ten Thousand Races also strongly supported their "Kashgar" action this time, so it seems that Kagan proposed the plan this time, but in the end all the decisions were made by Kahlo, and the plan is now complete. At this step, Kahlo’s heart cannot be distinguished, whether it is because he wants to get the legendary treasure more intense, or he wants to make Kagan’s breakthrough mood more excited, in general, Carlo is very satisfied with the current situation, and the two desired results have been achieved, which also makes him feel good at this time.

However, for Yinchuan's cryptic statement that Kagan might hit that impossible realm, Kahlo was not too sure in his heart. Although Kahlo could be sure that Kagan's potential was not exhausted, it was still so strong, but who There is no guarantee that at the last moment, they will be able to break through the shackles and enter the realm that even they are very yearning for, because from the ancient times to the present, after those ancient powers have been exhausted, there has been no such thing for many years. The strong man was born, and Carlo didn’t know what it was because of him. He only knew that now he and Yinchuan’s cultivation base can basically be regarded as the highest cultivation level of Ziwei Emperor Star and even the entire heavens and ten thousand realms. Step forward, as if the road ahead was cut off, very strange.

Ka Luo chuckled lightly, and then replied, "Brother Yinchuan, it's too early to say anything about this. Uncle Kagan hasn't broken through the fairyland at this time. When he reaches our current state, he must be It takes a lot of time. Only at that time, we can see whether the Kagan uncle’s own state and combine his own feelings and thoughts can we know whether he can make further progress, so we don’t need to To think about such a remote thing now, and the current situation, we only need to know the plan this time. Not only does the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races have an extra monk who climbs into the fairyland, but also everyone who is good at formation, plus us The treasure obtained is already very rewarding, so don’t be too greedy! I believe that as long as we digest the harvest this time, rely on this treasure to develop and plan for a few years. Development will inevitably step onto a new realm. I am very confident in such a future!"

Lin Hang 1 smiled and said at this time, "Haha, Senior Treasury Envoy, this is the rough star map of our "Desolate Star Territory". If you follow the instructions of this star map, you should be able to find the purple spot easily. The location of the Weidi Star Continent, after all, the Purple Weidi Star Continent in that place is not like the continent where "Purple Cold Island" was once, and the core area fragment continent where the treasure house trapped you. Floating all the time, the Ziwei Emperor Star Continent in that place has always stayed in one place and has no meaning to move, so according to the star chart, it is not difficult to find the location of that continent. I also want to see what you said is special about "Ultra-long-distance Teleportation"!"

Like I can copy everything, please collect it: ( I can copy everything and the literature is updated the fastest.

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