I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 105

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:48 AM

Chapter 105: help

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After listening to the high priest’s words, Lin Hang also understood that the inheritance of "Hou Jie" is the same as "Emperor World". I don’t know if the twelve ancestors passed through the ditch. He guessed that, I dare not say anything else, the situation in the land of inheritance should be the same.

Thinking of this, Lin Hang said, "High Priest, I tell you, before I went, the situation in the inheritance of "Emperor Realm" is basically the same as the situation in "Hear Realm" you are talking about. It's just that the kid has participated in the recent In a battle for inheritance, I saw the situation inside."

The high priest hurriedly asked, "What is going on in the fifth level of the land of inheritance? The children who were able to enter the fifth level before and come back have forgotten what they experienced in the fifth level, and only a few pieces of inheritance remain. Because of the rules, I can’t get in. This problem has really bothered me for so many years.”

Lin Hang said at this time, "I only understood after I came out. The scene of the fifth level is very simple. There is only a huge light curtain on which the fifth level is clearly written. The inheritance left by the ancestors is carved in the light. On the scene, but only three days to learn, but the inheritance is indeed very complicated. For a long time, no matter how talented people are, there is no way to completely inherit the inheritance in such a short period of time. So those who enter this inheritance, They all desperately want to learn more, and after they come out, they will be cleared of the memory of the fifth level, which results in only a tiny bit of inheritance fragments left in people's minds.

After listening to Lin Hang's words, the high priest couldn't help but nodded, thinking about it carefully, what Lin Hang said was indeed very reasonable. The high priest asked, "If this is the case, then how do you keep such memories, Lin Hang?"

This is also the point that the high priest would be puzzled. He also wanted to know how Lin Hang not only managed to retain his memory, but also helped "Emperor Realm" bring out the inheritance?

Lin Hang smiled and said, "High priest, didn't the kid say that before? I have a special talent, so the moment I saw the light curtain, I thought about it and wanted to recreate the light curtain. In this case, although I will lose my memory after I come out, as long as I engrave the situation inside and what happened on the light curtain and re-engrave it together, after coming out, will it mean that I have brought out the heritage and can understand what happened? I was fortunate to have the help of a big-minded senior brother who helped me to improve my strength. Only then did I successfully reproduce the light curtain and bring out the inheritance while also solving the mystery of many years."

Having said that, the high priest no longer had any doubts in his heart, nodded, and said, "It seems that Lin Hang, you are not only excellent in physique, but also brought great blessing to our Wu people! I don't know, What kind of inheritance did the ancestors of "Emperor Realm" arrange in the place of inheritance?"

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "The high priest said and laughed! The inheritance of "Emperor Realm" is divided into two aspects, one is "Dijiang Jue" which is inherited from Emperor Jiang Zuwu, and the other is "Dijiang Jue" which I practiced. "Human Witch"."

The high priest nodded, no longer hesitating, and said earnestly, "Lin Hang, I want to ask you a favor. I don't know if you can help us in "The Back Realm" to get our inheritance!"

Lin Hang did not hesitate, and said, "I am naturally a hundred willing, but I am just guessing the situation of the inheritance. I am not sure whether the fifth level of "The Back World" has changed or not. I only I can say that I will do my best, but if I fail to succeed, please don't lose the high priest!"

The high priest said, "That's natural. In fact, I have basically lost hope for this heritage over the years. The news you brought has been very exciting! So, no matter what the outcome is, we will thank you!"

Lin Hang nodded, thought for a while, and asked a little strangely, "The opening of the Land of Inheritance is a foreboding, right? The recent opening of the Inheritance of the Back Realm should not be so coincidental now! "

The high priest replied, "Indeed, the previous inheritance was opened, only three years have passed. According to practice, it is impossible to open the inheritance in recent years. But as the high priest of "Back Realm", I can actually Forcibly opened the place of inheritance and sent a person in. It was not only expensive and meaningless, so I have never used it. Now you are here, I am going to open the inheritance in two days and send you in, you see May I?"

Lin Hang thought for a while and replied, "Let's do it, High Priest, we all prepare. Three days later, when I come here, you open the inheritance and send me in, do you think it is okay?"

Lin Hang thought of Mr. Wang, who was still waiting for his news, so he set the time three days later.

The high priest nodded and said, "Okay, then we will see or leave in three days!"

Lin Hang talked with the high priest for a while, and then returned to his village with the desperate Hou Ming. Hou Ming had accepted too many unknown things in a while, so he hadn't recovered for a while.

Lin Hang smiled and said to Hou Ming, "Brother Hou, thank you for taking care of you along the way! I am going to leave "Hou Jie" first and go out to do something. In three days, I will be back here!"

Although Hou Ming was a little confused, he still knew the importance of Lin Hang to their "Back World", and hurriedly replied, "Okay, Brother Lin, I'll be waiting for you here, you must come back on time!"

Lin Hang responded with a smile, took out the jade card and opened a light door, turned and left "Back Realm".

As soon as he came out, Lin Hang felt the breath of Wang Lao and Ye Lao. Both of them sat cross-legged, obviously waiting for him to come out.

Seeing that both Wang Lao and Ye Lao opened their eyes, Lin Hang said with a smile, "Teacher, Ye Lao, I have been waiting for a long time! I am also afraid that you two will be anxious, and you will come out without staying longer. How about? Is the trip to the Ability Association going well?"

Ye Lao smiled and returned, "Lin Hang, do you look down on our two old guys too much? Don’t say that we are already cultivators in the base-building phase. Their ability association has lost its top combat power. Isn't that too shameful if you don't come down?"

Old Wang smiled, and then said, "The U.S. Ability Association has agreed to our arrangement, and will not and dare to stumble upon us in the future. It's you Hanger, what else have you discovered about this ruin? "

Lin Hang also just joked, and replied with a smile, "As I guessed, this is a cave sky similar to "Emperor Realm". It is called "Houjie". It is inherited from one of the twelve ancestral witches. Mother Earth. I explored for a while, met their high priest, and exchanged some information with each other."

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