I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 106

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:45 AM

Chapter 106: ready

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After listening, Mr. Wang said, "Hang'er, do you have any other guesses, for example, there are ten other caves in the sky, corresponding to the other ancestral witches of the Wu clan, and we haven't found it?"

Ye Lao said strangely, "Our Chinese military, including the family, have discovered a lot of relics for so many years. How can we not find such a cave?"

Lin Hang replied, "According to my estimation, it may be that the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is coming. These ruins will loosen one by one, so they can be discovered one by one. Just like Oakley and Zhou Mo before, the keys to find the ruins are all spent. It’s been so many years. According to their efficiency, this shouldn’t be right. That area shouldn’t take so much time. It’s only possible that the key won’t appear before, and they’ll find it for so long. Then follow If this law is to be inferred, the other ten caves and heavens should also appear one by one."

Ye Lao said with some worry, "In this case, I am a little worried. If other caves are controlled by other forces, then we may not be able to control the situation in the entire world, and our advantage will no longer exist!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "This is indeed a problem. We don't know exactly which keys and relics were discovered. Such strict information will not be displayed by the major forces. I will go again this time. After "Back Realm" helps them get the inheritance, I will ask the high priest of "Back Realm" and the great elder of "Emperor Realm" to see if they can do anything."

Elder Wang nodded and said, "Now this is the best way. I hope they two can do it. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. After all, Old Man Ye and I are one step ahead, and even if they enter the caves, they should not They will get great attention, after all, they don’t have a different physique like Hang'er. We only need to strengthen ourselves, and we still have the hope of controlling the situation!"

Lin Hang nodded and followed Wang Lao back to Huaxia Capital. Mr. Wang needs to find the senior management of Huaxia to discuss the next action, because according to their inference, if the whole world cannot control the news of the ruins, it will soon become messy. Since the Huaxia side has known this situation in advance Development, it is natural to be prepared in advance.

Lin Hang did not follow Mr. Wang, but visited Liu Ruyan again.

Liu Ruyan quietly listened to Lin Hang's experience during this period, and couldn't help but sigh Lin Hang's wonderful life during this period.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Sister Yan, I specially asked for "Ren Huang Jue" from the elder. My teacher and Ye Lao have already practiced, which is very suitable for our human cultivation. I think you have already After breaking through to the day after tomorrow, in these three days, I will help you get started with this set of "Human Huangjue"! After transforming all the psychic energy in the dantian into spiritual power, the future cultivation will not be so difficult. The next step is not only The innate realm that was difficult to reach before, the realm after that is not a dream either."

Like the entire cultivation world before, because of the limitations of the exercises, and even after the breakthrough, it needs the help of "Spirit Gathering Pill". It was originally a stage in the Qi refining period, but it would not be so difficult. This is the decline of the cultivation world. Fortunately, the world is loose now, so that the big caves and heavens appear, so it seems that the cultivation prosperity of the human race will come again.

Liu Ruyan smiled and said, "My sister is not polite with you, but my sister now feels more and more that Xiaohang, you are more and more sensible! I don't know when my sister-in-law and uncle can come back. It will be very happy to look like you!"

Lin Hang also smiled and replied, "Sister Yan, this has always been the goal of my hard work! Don't worry, no matter what, I will not give up now. I believe that the day when my parents return is not far away. Up!"

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Hang began to instruct Liu Ruyan to transform the psychic abilities in the body according to the method in "Ren Huang Jue".

Three days quickly passed in the cultivation, and Liu Ruyan basically mastered the new cultivation system.

Lin Hang said to Liu Ruyan, “Sister Yan, if you continue to cultivate like this, you can complete the transformation of your spiritual power within a month at most, and then your cultivation will be even faster. I will leave for World, I can only say goodbye to you here!"

Obviously Liu Ruyan was also reluctant to bear Lin Hang, but still smiled and replied, "Well, Xiaohang, you can go with peace of mind! I have been in Beijing for a long time and will take care of myself!"

Lin Hang replied, snapped his fingers, and returned to the entrance of Gelimbia’s "Back Realm". Because Wang had left the door of space here, Lin Hang, who can also use space abilities, only needs to connect this. You can come back here instantly if you sit at the door of space.

Taking out the jade card and opening the light gate, Lin Hang entered this cave again.

After distinguishing the directions, Lin Hang did not stop at the entrance, but teleported towards the priest's hall. Originally, it took several days to walk with Hou Ming, but Lin Hang only took ten minutes to arrive this time.

The high priest obviously also sensed the arrival of Lin Hang, and arranged for Hou Ming to wait at the gate of the priest's hall early in the morning.

Lin Hang and Hou Ming greeted them and went into the hall to meet the high priest.

The high priest looked at Lin Hang's return on time, and smiled, and said, "Lin Hang is here, it shouldn't be too late. Let's get ready to enter the land of inheritance!"

Lin Hang said, "The high priest wait a moment, the kid has a question for you!"

The high priest nodded in response, "Okay, you say."

Lin Hang went on to say, "High Priest, at the time of "Emperor Realm", the Great Elder said that because of the loosening of the heaven and the earth, the catastrophe is approaching, which led to the emergence of "Emperor Realm"."

The high priest nodded, and Lin Hang continued, "Then I want to know, will the other ten witches' caves appear one by one? Then someone can enter these caves with a key?"

The high priest thought for a while and said, "I vaguely remember the ancestors' instructions to me when he opened up this "Back Realm." He said that ordinary people can't open a cave like this, only those who are predestined can pass the jade card. In order to rely on it, open the door to our cave. But I don’t know what the ancestors said about the predestined person, Lin Hang, you opened the doors of these two caves, so I can’t be sure. Up."

Lin Hang nodded, thought a little, and said, "Then I can let others try to see if they can open this light gate. One more thing, high priest, since you know the "Emperor Realm" Grand Elder, is there any way to contact the Wu Clan in the other ten caves and send a message?"

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