I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 108

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:25 AM

Chapter 108: test

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The high priest thought for a while, and then nodded. Lin Hang's statement is still very reasonable. He had tried this shell many times before, but it was always a dull light pattern, and the dots on it had no luster. Now it happened to be the representatives of "Emperor Realm" and "Houjie" lit up, and Lin Hang's statement was very tenable.

The high priest said, "Lin Hang, if the guess is correct, then it can be considered good news for you. I will study it in these two days to see if this shell has other uses."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "High priest, let's start now! I just scanned the light curtain and really realized it, which would cost a lot of spiritual power. The kid can't afford it, so I still have to trouble you the high priest."

The high priest waved his hand and said, "What's the trouble with this? You are inheriting for our "Back Realm". Of course this is what I should do. I still have to thank you!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Well, high priest, you only need to provide me with spiritual support later. I believe that with your strength, there should be no problem at all."

The high priest said, "Okay, Lin Hang, don't worry about spiritual power."

Lin Hang responded and started to touch the progress bar of the light curtain in his mind, and began the process of manifestation.

As the manifestation progressed, Lin Hang felt that the spiritual power in his body was rapidly consuming. Before he could speak, Lin Hang felt a vigorous and gentle spiritual power poured into his dantian, supplying his manifestation. Consumption.

Because of the support of the high priest, Lin Hang began to speed up the speed of manifestation unscrupulously. Within 20 minutes, Lin Hang shouted, and a huge light curtain appeared in front of the two.

Lin Hang took a sigh of relief. Although he had the support of the high priest, it was still a harder task for him.

The high priest on the side didn't look tired at all. He looked at the light curtain that appeared, and asked with a smile, "Is it over? Lin Hang, thanks for your hard work!"

Lin Hang waved his hand and looked at the inheritance on the light curtain with the high priest.

After watching for a while, the high priest asked, "Lin Hang, how about it? Is there any difference between the above and the "Emperor Realm"?"

Lin Hang replied, "I also roughly compared it. The inheritance on this light curtain is also divided into two parts. One part is the same as the one in "Emperor Realm", which records the practice of half man and half witch. Fa. The other part is very different. I think it should correspond to your different twelve branches."

The high priest smiled and nodded, and said, "Indeed, you are right. Except for the exercise that you said is suitable for you. The inheritance of each cave is different, and they represent our twelve branches. The highest heritage."

The high priest sighed and continued, "But at the same time in this inheritance, only one witch can practice, so our ancestors created another twelve top exercises based on this inheritance. It's such a technique. For example, their "King Shu Jue" in "Emperor Realm", and our "Hou Jie" "Song Xing Jue". And the supreme heritage on this light curtain is named after the 12th Ancestral Witch The names are like "Dijiang Jue" from "Dijie" and "Hou Tu Jue" before our eyes."

When Lin Hang heard this, he didn't quite understand, and asked in confusion, "High Priest, I probably heard the great elder of "Emperor Realm" say about this. At that time, after I brought out the inheritance, the great elder did not practice by himself. Rather, it was handed over to the younger generation in the clan. Logically speaking, if the great elder cultivated this "Dijiang Jue" by himself, wouldn't his strength be improved?"

The high priest shook his head and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, you don't know anything! Our twelve old guys just live longer. In fact, our talent and strength can only be regarded as medium, so This technique will only cover the pearl in our hands, or it is the best choice to hand it over to younger generations with great potential."

During Qin Shihuang's reign, the Wu clan was rejuvenated for a period of time, and the twelve branches have developed relatively large developments. However, as the contradiction between Qin Shihuang’s aspirations and the sky grew, all branches fully supported Qin Shihuang and united with the unyielding human race at the time. Heaven is fighting. In the end, reluctantly failing, the twelve ancestors, including the other senior members of the Witch tribe, all followed Qin Shihuang and dedicated their lives for the great cause. But the twelve people including the high priest and the great elder were left behind by their ancestors, asking them to keep the fire of the witch race, continue to forbear, and wait for the final day of counterattack.

The high priest said again, "The expectations of our ancestors were not in vain, we still waited for you! Lin Hang, you may not know how heavy you are on your back, but don't be afraid and shrink back. We witches will definitely stand behind you. Be your pillar!"

In fact, Lin Hang has gradually accepted his half-man and half-witch status, so he vaguely understands what he will face in the future, so Lin Hang smiled and replied, "High priest, don't worry! I, Lin Hang, are now My strength is low, but I'm like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten. I can definitely survive any difficulty!"

The high priest smiled and nodded, and said, "Lin Hang, next, I will find a descendant for this crucial "Hou Tu Jue", and at the same time, I will also study whether the shells have other reactions. What are your plans now? ?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, and said, "I need to bring back some of the news that Shell just showed back to China. Then, I'm going to experiment to see if others can open the door of light. If this is the case, we will Will be more certain."

The high priest nodded, said a few words to Lin Hang, and went to work on his own affairs.

After leaving "Back Realm", Lin Hang went straight back to the teleportation point that Wang Lao set up in Huicheng, and saw Ye Lao who was resting at home temporarily.

Lin Hang didn't talk too much nonsense, and said directly, "Lao Ye, I need you to help me determine one thing. I asked the high priest inside in "The Back Realm". He said that the ancestors had preached, and only those with destiny can open these caves. , So I want to know if you can open it."

Ye Lao looked at the serious Lin Hang, and did not refuse, the two went straight to the entrance of "Emperor Realm". Lin Hang handed the jade card to Ye Lao. Ye Lao poured his spiritual power. After half the payment, he saw the jade card glowing brightly, but no light gate appeared.

After another ten minutes, Ye Lao stopped the input of spiritual power and handed the jade card back to Lin Hang.

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