I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 109

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:25:25 AM

Chapter 109: Ba Xiaoqiang

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Ye Lao said with a bitter smile, "My spiritual power entering this jade card seems to only stimulate some of the auxiliary functions of the jade card. It can block me from the innate attacks. Besides that, I really can't feel it. What space gate exists."

Lin Hang had never paid attention to the auxiliary function Ye Lao said, and after a closer look, he found that the jade card did have this function. Thinking that Ye Lao couldn't sense the door of space at all, he couldn't help but wondered, "Could it be that only the talent in space can open this door, or is it only me?"

Ye Lao couldn’t answer Lin Hang’s question. He could only say, “On this question, you can find more people to try, including your teacher, if they can’t do it. That means, although we can’t determine all People, most of the people can't open the door of the cave, so we can rest assured."

Lin Hang nodded. What Ye Lao said is indeed the best way now. Lin Hang is going to call Lao Wang, who is now in the capital, to tell him his findings and Ye Lao’s thoughts, and let him take it with him. The Eight Xiaoqiangs in this class of the army tried this conjecture with themselves.

Mr. Wang was originally discussing how to deal with this unexpected incident with the senior management of Huaxia. After receiving the news from Lin Hang, Mr. Wang suspended the meeting and called the Eight Xiaoqiangs headed by Jiang Huacong and Huazhi from them. In front of Lin Hang.

Old Wang looked at Lin Hang, who was hesitant to speak, then glanced at the eight people behind him, and said with a smile, "Hang'er, what's the matter, just say it. Since I brought them here, it means they They are all trustworthy, just say it!"

Now that Mr. Wang spoke, Lin Hang nodded and said, "Teacher, in this second trip to "The Back Realm", the disciples not only helped them obtain the inheritance, but also asked some things."

Wang Lao said, "Well, you told me briefly, it is related to what we are worried about. That's why I rushed over, Hang'er, is it good news or bad news?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Teacher, don't worry, it's good news, and there is more than one. The high priest told me that there are objects related to each other between the twelve caves, and this thing now, The displayed situation indicated that only the "Emperor Realm" and "Back Realm" were opened, and the other ten realms should not have been entered by outsiders. And I was reminded by the high priest that we had been negligent before. , That is, every time we enter the cave, it is the light gate that I open. But the high priest said that this light gate can only be opened by a predestined person, so I let Ye Lao try it, and there is indeed no way to open it. I The reason why you brought them here, apart from training them, is to experiment."

After listening to Lin Hang's words, Lao Wang stretched his brows and said, "Is that so? That's really good news. At least, our lead in the world will always be maintained. So what are you waiting for, now? Try it now!"

Wang Lao is usually very indifferent, only when it comes to issues related to China, he will be so concerned. Lao Wang led everyone to the entrance of "Emperor Realm". Lin Hang handed the jade card to Lao Wang. Wang Lao started to urge the jade card, but as time passed, there was no response. Wang Lao said, " I can sense the anomaly in the space ahead, but I can’t open the door of light through this jade card. It seems that you can open the door without having the space power. Other fate is needed. You all try one by one. !"

As an elite disciple cultivated by the military, Ba Xiaoqiang naturally learned about the Wu Clan and Dongtian. Before coming, they were also prepared, and everything followed Wang Lao's arrangements.

Since the last time Jiang Huacong and Huazhi traveled to the U.S. with Lin Hang, they were gifted by Lin Hang and got two precious "Gathering Pills". They broke through to the day after tomorrow. In the eight small strong, the two naturally became the center. The others Just like Hu Lingfeng’s genius, he couldn’t rely on himself to break through the day after tomorrow, and his cultivation was gradually enlarged by Jiang Huacong. This time he had the opportunity to enter this cave to improve himself. All eight of them were a little eager to try, and six were behind. Thinking of catching up with the two of Jiang Huacong, Jiang Huacong and Huazhi naturally didn't want to be caught up, so everyone's fighting spirit was very high.

The eight people responded and experimented with the jade cards one by one, but the different reactions were only the difference in the light of the jade cards, and the light gate had never been revealed.

Lin Hang took the jade card back and said, "Teacher, the results of the experiment are the same as I predicted. At present, it seems that only I can open the doors of these caves. We don't need to worry about it for the time being. We can analyze it carefully. The approximate locations of other caves, and then we go there and focus on finding them. Moreover, I asked the high priest to find a way to contact other caves, and it should be somewhat effective."

Elder Wang nodded and said, "Well, it seems to be the case now. Let's go to "Emperor Realm" first, find the Great Elder, and discuss with him what happened recently!"

Lin Hang responded and gently waved the jade card. In the shocked eyes of Eight Xiaoqiang, a light gate silently opened. Lin Hang waved at them and entered directly into the light gate. Wang Lao said, "Okay. , You guys go in quickly!"

Eight Xiaoqiang hurriedly entered the light gate one by one, Ye Lao and Wang Lao looked at each other and walked in.

For the convenience of going back and forth, the Great Elder deliberately set up a teleportation formation at the entrance guided by Lin Hang. The opposite direction is the location of the ancestral temple. In fact, the policy of the Great Elder did not advocate the use of such a method by the Wus in "Emperor Realm". The teleportation formation was not conducive for them to exercise their spatial talents, but for Lin Hang and the others, they personally set up this long-distance teleportation formation.

After arriving at the teleportation array at the end of the ancestral temple, I didn't take two steps, just to see Ye Guangyuan was discussing something with Zhou Yu, it seemed that he was waiting for them.

Zhou Yu walked over and said with a smile, "The Great Elder sensed the fluctuations in the teleportation array and called us to pick you up. How long are you going to come back this time?"

Lin Hang and the two were chatting and walking towards the elder's hall. After entering the hall, the elder had been waiting for a long time.

After Lin Hang Wang and the others met with the great elder, Lin Hang directly asked what he was coming from, "The great elder, you have vaguely mentioned that the ancestors of the Wu clan opened up the twelve caves, and there are disciples of the Wu clan living in different branches. The kid would like to ask, can you contact other Wutian peers in Dongtian now?"

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